TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Another day almost over. Going over the house...........again. One room at a time.

It was a whole 5 Deg. cooler today. Makes want to break out the long johns. :rolleyes:
Yes, cooler here as well..only 100° or so, so 9f course I had overheating issues.

The older I get the harder time I have remembering exactly how long it's been since I've done this or that. If feels like I just changed the radiator cap recently but on a whim I changed it again today and I think that solved the problem. Maybe.

I remember doing that recently bought I think I did that before I change the radiator and I think I'm still using the pre changed radiator radiator cap and it wasn't a very good quality one. The one I replace it with wasn't either it's exact same one which should be under warranty for a year but it's such a minor part I didn't bother to register it.

The nice thing about an overheating Prius is if you baby it and trick it into battery only mode you can get down the Autozone to buy some coolant.
Home with the little cat. Grazed in. It was decent.

Jabba s000per is taking a few days off, thanks be to Allah. He'll be back on Tuesday next, which is plenty fuckingdamn soon enough. Jabba Junior pulled a useless cunt stunt today. He called me to fix what he found. I expressed my displeasure. Frankly, Dear, he didn't give a damn. Now I remember in full why I had opined his goose was cooked damn near four years ago.

Wat needs a transfer. It's not coming. Piffle.

Off of here very soon . . . .



Over in rea's thread, at the very beginning of the thread,
I expressed the fear that this issue was going to give the
reins of power to government that they were never going
to be able to let loose of and that is bearing true. If you've
ever been a member of an HOA, then you have seen this
phenomenon writ small when some bored housewife gets
her biddy-bodies to vote her the gavel and then, in the rush
of power, she sets about to getting the minds of the neigh-
borhood "right." The only thing you can do is vote her out,
in this case, vote them out, all of them, because they gave
into the fear and decided it was better to destroy the lives
of their constituents rather than pay the political price for
have having appeared to do nothing because they didn't
care about "saving lives..."
Happy payday Wednesday!!! Among the reasons for doing it . . . .

I wonder if that's gonna trash my trip south at the end of this month. :mad:

Looks like rain today. T-storms. Lovely. Down one Jabba. Maybe a Huttavirus will come along and slay the remaining ones.

Coffee is good . . . .



Yesterday was waves of thunderstorms...

That has to be my favorite meme, the cat, not the room of nude women.
You don't want to be there when their cycles (get it?) all line up...

... like dominoes in a Clint Eastwood orangutan movie.

Or when Jerry Reed drives his big rig through the parking lot.

Something about a long way to go and a short time to get there.

Gonna hit the showers.

I gotta go bask in One Less Jabba . . . .



The thing about a Monday, is that nothing ever gets done. Therefore; I think I'll go play golf and stop the pretense!

I'm not a drain, I'm frugal.
Monday is productive for me, so Tuesday is my new Saturday morning. Today is my Sunday. Slept in, making a nice breakfast. Going to get some laundry done.
Home/scrotel13. Got the goods to graze in.

Got monkeys to come to try to fuck my football today. Had three bad units and they got two of them running. Not sure what was really wrong and not sure I'm trusting either their diagnoses or repairs, but we'll see. I was wrong about two others, so we'll see. The third was an electrical problem. There was a forth and a fifth, but Wat fixed them.

There could be better fifths to be had.

Grazing looks good . . . .



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I like the whole bandolier with a bullet thing...

It's just Smashing 2020.
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Happy Thursday masquerading as Friday. It'll be nice to have a three-day weekend, and even those are not enough.

Hot today and hotter-n-fuck tomorrow. By local standards.

And got this bum a/c circuit to sort out this morning.

Meanwhile, it's just this coffee to sort . . . .


