TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Silly fucking rodent.

I did go back to check on the gerbil the other day. Apparently, his people moved out/skipped. I left a slice of bread on the floor where I saw him, but it was unmolested. I guess he either got out and likely is hiding from the feral cats, or he died for lack of water. Poor small fucker.

I think that I reported that J's neighbor pinched a rim on their groundhog. No more vegibble garden forays for him.

Serves the fat bastard right . . . .


It's a hot one today, and that looks to be the forecast for the next week. :rolleyes:

All these years the rolleyes thingy has come up as misspelled. I added to the dictionary, YW.
Home. Saw the Friday folks. Went out to eat.

Covid has saved Wat some money on out-eating bills. Lower tips, too.

There were some eyerollers who'd kinda make a body wanna gouge them rolling bitches out. Many are gone.

Wonder who's next . . . .


It was very hot and muggy yesterday and I worked on the driveway gravel.
Then I went to chill in the pool and the nasty biting flies were out and about
giving me no peace. I killed three of them before I simply just gave up.
I don't know why, but this year is especially bad for the oaks dropping
little acorns in the pool that are just the right size to clog the auto-vac...


... I got a new and improved skimmer net to pick them up with,
but after several attempts, I just went back to picking them up
with my toes.

In other news, I got a set of wheelchair ramps and set up half
the set to give the dogs easier access and egress but they
avoid the thing like a plague, so I'll have to try to teach
crippled old dogs new tricks. I wonder how that will fly...
I think they want a litter box;
the older they get, the less interest they have in the great outdoors.

I left an Independence Day gift for the board just now.


Give 'em something to hate on...
Happy Independence Day!!! Death to infidel scum!!!

Just up and moving - waiting for coffee.

Woke up with the little one sitting on my neck. I guess that was for the apnea, kinda like taking up smoking is for your cancer . . . . :rolleyes:

The josh is alight.

Good morning.

I’ve decided I’m not going into town until the weekend madness dies down, seems like everyone is in town driving in circles looking for bagged ice or other such necessities.

Life in a northern town...
Yes, they started closing everything again. It’s all a mess, I’m displeased.

It’s hard to be an entitled bitch these days! :p
Yeah, the really old ones had pedals.

Most jump-starters look like a lonely pedal.

Did I mention going to look at the base model yesterday?

Trying to justify the decadence . . . .

Justify it?


Simply say to yourself “this is why I get up and go to work” and enjoy it.

It has always worked for me.
Bill and Arthur (Harley and Davidson) would ride their bikes to go fishing, and they would chat about how nice some engines would be.

(Supposedly) A true story . . . .


Justify it?


Simply say to yourself “this is why I get up and go to work” and enjoy it.

It has always worked for me.

That cat signed off on it.

I'll ask J, just so I can say that I did.

I guess I'll go sign up tomorrow . . . .
