TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Good morning folks.

Our weather has fallen into a pattern. Hot with a slight chance of hotter.
That is a verra fierce-looking owl.

J has a new grounghog. The next door neighbor capped the last one. Probably rimmed, as in rimfire.

She saw it yesterday morning from her bathroom window as it strolled through her back yard headed for a snack in the garden. She dropped everything, raced downstairs and out the back door (dressed somewhat, I presume), grabbed the shovel and chased it down, almost getting it as it dragged itself under the fence. Of the guy who shot the last one.

I would love to have seen that.

Allah only knows and he ain't tellin'.

I remember how I'd see them along the interstate in the mountains, oblivious to traffic. Fucking rodent brains.



We haven't been around long enough to teach them evolution...


;) ;)

... eventually they will come to like zoo livin'!
I think they like getting shot.

Lotsa rednecks seem to like shooting them, so there must be correlation.


It's a rodent thing.

Just axe your squirrels.

I mean, before you shoot them . . . .

I prefer the answers I get after I shoot them.

'How freaking stupid can you get?'

"Stupid is as stupid does."

I just have to say this, but when I see a picture of a hot young thing
with thighs that wide, all I see is "Don't worry,
I'll fill that out..."

;) ;)
Yes she will, as long as Tater Tots stay on the menu.

There's a name, and how st000pid would it sound as "potato(e) tots"???

I suspect that some part are actually made of potato, but the presence of enough adulterants render them into . . . taters.

Perhaps I overthought this . . . . :rolleyes:


My inferior men around here attempt to impose themselves on others, and they are thwarted by Wat, which is just so damned sad.

Breaking for lunch. Taco Bell. Remind me not to. Had a lovely morning following around after fuck-ups from the fucking monkeys. One of the units they "fixed" yesterday unfixed itself overnight The one with the electrical problem, between them and maintenance, I have no idea whose testicles to compress, but someone needs their nuts crushed like on a sundae.

Wat sorted out the wiring clusterfuck and will be leaving for the orange box store here shortly to score two upright portable a/c units for temporary use. One goes to the unfixed unit for the weekend.

Jabba plans to invoice the monkeys for them . . . .



Home with one squawking cat. He'll chill shortly. Grazing in on carry-out. Numbah Wun Fuckee. I was past due.

Caught a ration from our psycho tenant this afternoon. Ove some fancicul bullshit. Bitch is a fucking looney.

Jeff is on call this weekend. Hot as fuck. Expect to hear from him. Can hardly wait. :rolleyes:

My a/c is working just fine.



It's salad o'clock here. Got this new salad dressing I'm trying out, Raspberry Vinaigrette. Haven't decided on whether I'd buy it again or not.

Whittling away at small stuff here and there in the house. The heat comes on strong long about 9AM.
Woke up to a loud thump and found that Big Stupid
had crashed through to dog gate again and in her
jumping out of her fur mode, so I turned her loose
outside to avoid another carpet cleaning...

I feel a little tired yet.

Good morning folks.

The cats had their noses in the crack of the door this AM. Something going on with the animals?
It's salad o'clock here. Got this new salad dressing I'm trying out, Raspberry Vinaigrette. Haven't decided on whether I'd buy it again or not.

Whittling away at small stuff here and there in the house. The heat comes on strong long about 9AM.

Add apples, dried cranberries and caramelized pecans to the salad.
Good morning, I have nothing interesting to report.

Me either really. I'm skipping breakfast with the Feds this AM, need to get other stuff done. Besides, they're in surveillance mode right now and can't offer up much of interest.

Vat's driving over this coming Wed. to do some gunsmithing work with my tools and has decided to run in the 3 gun comp. next Sat. so I'm going to have to do a bunch of reloading to cover his ammo burn.
I’ve been considering reloading for the 338 LM, so far I’ve only done 9mm, .380 and 5.56.

Of course everything seems to be out of stock right now.