TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It was noisy here last night,
but I don't think that it was more than in years past.

I'm going to regale the late-night partiers with early morning power tools...


Because I can.
Good morning.

Quiet here last night, town is 15 miles away and my neighbors are all deer, bears, chipmunks, etc...
All night long I've been admonished to, "Go west, young man"

I'm coming back from East LA. .
My tomatoes are really coming in.
It's BLT time, but I didn't plant any L this year.

Too many bugs last year, so I let that plot go fallow.
When I finish the one raised garden today, maybe I'll put in some L;

it grows pretty dagonned fast.
My tomatoes are really coming in.
It's BLT time, but I didn't plant any L this year.

Too many bugs last year, so I let that plot go fallow.
When I finish the one raised garden today, maybe I'll put in some L;

it grows pretty dagonned fast.

Too damn hot for L this time of year.
Happy Sunday!!!

We had a nice to-do yesterday. I got to visit with several folks for whom it's been too damned long. The cat lost his temper and tried to run off, so I grabbed him by his handle - his tail. He almost took my hand off at the wrist. It's was impressive, funny, and bloody. He feels all better now.

Took Zelda to the H-D dealer and came home with Morticia. Zelda stayed for her 5K miles check-up and switch to synthetic lubricants. I'll get her next weekend. Morticia is one quick little bitch in need of a few things to make her dang nigh perfect. Like forward controls, because she's short as-is.

It's always something . . . .


Good hot afternoon.

Got my mowing done yesterday so I watered today. There's something wrong with that cycle of events.

You a two scooter family now?

My thought exactly.

Unless the cat decides that he wants a car.

Then he can get a job and pay for one himself.



It has been a good weekend here. We sat out on the porch last night and watched the lightning bugs put on a show for the 4th.
Good morning.
Busy day planned.
Hired a guy to power wash the house;
he's supposed to be here at the crack of dawn.
I thought about doing it, getting out the ladders and all that,
and then I thought, it's worth it to have someone else do the grunt work.

I'm going to start on rebuilding another square-foot garden instead.
The only thing surviving in it is the mint, so the work, is well,

;) ;) minty fresh. A little invigorating even...
Early good-morning news ads:

Nothing but offers to sue who/what is killing you...

Where were they before the killing began?

The living are still asleep.

Happy Monday!!!

So it's back to the grind this morning on yet another hot-n-humid day. Worse so near the coast.

The question is, how many no a/c calls did maintenance get over the weekend? If so, how many float switches did they disable? And do they remember, and will they tell Wat so's they can get sorted out? Because they become leaks if they're not corrected, and that's almost worse. No, it is worse. Still, no calls from the on-call staff this weekend, which is truly a blessing from Allah.

As is this morning's coffee.



Don't they have to make some sort of reports w/photos regarding claimed repairs?
If it were my properties it would be so trust, but verify.
Everyone has a phone and email now...

On call stuff is still rather casual.

Think: slack.

We had a guy who made up calls and erased the messages so he could get o/t. Wat fucked that up with his weekends of minimal call response. Typical Wat. :rolleyes:

Off to herd weasels . . . .
