TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Weasels galore. I herd them with the toe of my jackboot. Swift kicks in the ass help.

There was one whopping a/c issue, and maintenance got it to run until today, when Wat can get is straightened out. That's pretty damn good for these shitty systems.

And the one from last week that refused to fix is fucked worse(r) than ever. The othe portable a/c is now in their apartment. Kitteh seemed pleased.

Not too insane a day out here today.

Except for the plumber and the kitteh's wimminz. Not sure what went down, but "they're all cunts" and "he's a dick" were part of the fireworks.

So Wat played traffic cop, or referee or whateverthefuck you wanna call it. Got it done, I know that.

Don't have to know . . . .



Allegedly, we'll get the whole damned top management crew tomorrow. Jabba senior, the prez, all dem mutthuhfuckuhs. We'll see, hence the "allegedly" word.

Maybe so, and it wouldn't break my heart if Wat was asked if he'd like to transfer somewhere else.

That would be manna from Islamic heaven, the finest blessings from Allah. et cetera.

Of course, maybe a hint wouldn't hurt . . . .



Seems to me I read that book.

Grazed in at scrotel13. Patel West this week.

No blue room. This one is off-white.

Is that racist, or is it The Thing to be off white????

It's a good book. Bill Jordan's is a good read as well.

I met Jordan several times when I lived in El Paso. Of course I had no clue who he was until long after we moved away.
What a day.
Worked until about 1PM when it just got too damned hot.
The raised bed I am working on now is going to be a bit easier
it is on a more gentle slope than the last one.
Where all other herbs die out, lemongrass and mint will thrive.
The lemongrass is even taking over the pathetic excuse
calling itself grass that grows beneath the towering oak trees.

People are fucking shit.
Seen the news story of the man walking with his daughter,
hand-in-hand, when someone pulls up and shoots him?
Maybe he deserved to get shot, I don't know, but
that child has done nothing to have to live with
that memory for the rest of her life.

:( :mad:

Normally, I am a staunch opponent of the death penalty,
but in this case, if I were on the jury, I would most
certainly vote to pull the switch -
give 'em the juice...
Good morning, still no rain here. The front yard is beginning to adopt a post-apocalyptic appearance.

For some reason there are no sprinklers in stores, they’re probably all made in China and sitting in ports, so I bought PVC pipe, fittings, and sprinkler heads and I’m going to make something myself. Should be a fiasco.

It’s going to be a glue sniffing day!
Happy Tuesday!!!

Hot again today, too. And with wheels. Maybe. To be determined.

I think I read that book, too. That was a while back.

This coffee has oomph this morning . . . .



Wat hates piece-of-shit "humans". Ol' Sparky is too good for some of 'em. Then again . . . .

It just gets complex.

Good luck with the plumbing project. The wet-dry glue doesn't smell too strongly, and it doesn't require primer, which really reeks.

Actually slept to within five minutes of the alarm, which is a score.

Good morning, still no rain here. The front yard is beginning to adopt a post-apocalyptic appearance.

For some reason there are no sprinklers in stores, they’re probably all made in China and sitting in ports, so I bought PVC pipe, fittings, and sprinkler heads and I’m going to make something myself. Should be a fiasco.

It’s going to be a glue sniffing day!

Order on-line...

Retail only stocks as much seasonal as they know they can sell
(or at least they shoot for that) so hopefully, they sell out because,
right now, in back of house, they are unloading fall goods off the trucks.

;) ;)

And as brick and mortar faces more and more pressure,
it's going to get worse because their sales are declining.
I still feel a little dehydrated from yesterday.
I'm still sucking down water trying to get
ready for today...
Order on-line...

Retail only stocks as much seasonal as they know they can sell
(or at least they shoot for that) so hopefully, they sell out because,
right now, in back of house, they are unloading fall goods off the trucks.

;) ;)

And as brick and mortar faces more and more pressure,
it's going to get worse because their sales are declining.

According to the owner of the hardware store there are “supply chain issues”.

There were a lot of empty shelves. I try to buy that sort of thing locally, support local business and all that.

Since I couldn’t, I’m going to make a mess! :D
Actually, there are supply chain issues, or that's the litany.

Allegedly, the Motor Company took two and a half months off from making bikes-n-parts, and that was part of Wat's engine kit upgrade issue on the big bike.

That guy in the pic riding is pretty damned short. Wat folds his legs like a pretzel with the mid-controls, so forward (foot) controls are a must. The factory lists them as unavailable, and try finding a set on a dealer's shelves somewhere. They're out of all kinds of silly things.

Online, stix-n-brix, it's all chingao . . . .

I have three battery-powered tools I am using
on my current project, but I only have two batteries and chargers.
I had four. I'm still trying to figure out where they got to
but at least, I have my first cup of coffee now.

I’m not exactly what you’d call a skilled do-it-yourself type.

I figure the worst thing that can happen is it doesn’t work.