TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Update: I got it working! 6 sprinkler heads, a bunch of pipe and countless fittings. I hooked to the old pump/well. Lays on top of the grass, can do about 1800 square feet at a time. I even used threaded fittings on it in places so I can take it apart and shove it in the barn loft.

And I still have all my fingers!

Congratulations. I should think about building a mini version for my herb garden and putting it on a timer.
Passing thought. As long as we're changing names so as not to offend, shouldn't something be done about Spic & Span?
Home with cat. Grazed in. Wat still answers to "gringo" or Don Viejo" or whatever they want to come up with. They haven't offended me yet.

Jabba senior was through, and he got Jabba super and the APM's knickers all knotted up. Perhaps they'll all have a coronary and create some vacancies. I did discover that Jabba super is very shit-scared for his job. Losing mine would be inconvenient, but hardly scare-some. Ain't skeert.

Been shopping for bike bits, and the market is dry like a seasonal river in drought. Word is, they didn't work during the "outbreak". Some shit is looking at a October availability. Got a fairing - the last one. Except . . . the warehouse doesn't have it. Prolly got trashed-n-pitched and not cleared from the inventory. October. FML!!!

But the hotrod air system is in stock. They weren't sure it would fit the new stripped model, but it fits the old one. Same engine, same style, same stripped look - why the fuck not? That's a no-brainer in Watland, so . . . .



Well it's comforting to know that the firearms industry wasn't the only on affected.

Vat's driving over from Scottsdale tomorrow so he can build his new rifle. And then he's going to participate in a 3 gun match on Sat. That being the case I suppose I best crank up the presses again because I expect he's going to make a dent in my stash.
Well it's comforting to know that the firearms industry wasn't the only on affected.

Looked at the gun counter yesterday to see if anything caught my interest, it was pretty barren. Mostly .22 semi-autos and a few 9’s.

Handgun ammo was non-existent, but the old man who owns the place still had some cases of brass-cased 5.56 at a fair price.
Cool, there's still some laying around out there.

5.56 is something I don't worry about, not the brass anyway. The military and law enforcement use our range and leave their brass behind. The military, being neatness freaks, even police it up for us. I've probably got close to 10K once fired casings stashed away. Same with 9mm, maybe I should buy a 9 some day.
My MP5 is 9mm, other than that all I have in it now is a P365 SAS.

Practicing with that as a new EDC, I love the sights.
I've shot the MP5, actually I've shot most of the sub-guns out there. Just not interested in them enough to spring for one and the BS that goes along with them. I had a MAC-10 at one time, Jesus, what a piece of work that thing was.
I've shot the MP5, actually I've shot most of the sub-guns out there. Just not interested in them enough to spring for one and the BS that goes along with them. I had a MAC-10 at one time, Jesus, what a piece of work that thing was.

It’s a novelty thing, drives them crazy at the range.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

Slept okay, just not enough. The cat seems to have slept fine, and he may be eyeballing a place for his post breakfast nap.

"They" say it won't be quite as hot today, but I doubt the difference will be noted. It must be July again, so there's that. The a/c calls - got my fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, coffee . . . .


Oh so close on that one over there.

Must be . . . Preferential Treatment . . . .

Naw, not possible, right??!?

Whatthefuckever . . . . :rolleyes:



Good morning everyone. It's Range Day Wednesday!!!! It'll be a short morning at the range at that, HOT!!! And it's irrigation day too so another reason to cut the mornings festivities short.

I have a 9mm, that SCCY that I got for free. Operative word being "free" and an accurate reflection of its value. I keep looking about for an old Browning Hi-Power. The problem with that is that if it's in really good shape I probably wouldn't shoot it that much and if it was ragged out I'd be unhappy with it. <shrug>
Well there’s just no pleasing you, is there?

I might get out back with a few this afternoon, make a little noise.

Still need work with the new Sig, I keep pulling left.
Of course there is, it just isn't easy. To quote a friend, "a rifle that won't shoot to minute of angle accuracy just ain't worth having around."

Work on your trigger control.
That’s the plan, just have to train a bit with it to get it right.

Once I do it’ll be the new daily. :)
I made a waterer for my garden once, I just bought a cheap garden hose at a dollar store, capped one end and put holes along the length. Just hook it up to your good hose, spread it where you want water and turn it on.

I once wasted money on soaker hoses.
They work great, but fall apart on the second season.
I have a pair of nines.
They're okay.

I can hit the broad side of a barn with them and that's about it.
This is why nobody likes you...

[to my dachshund]

You crawled out of a blanket that you got yourself into.
Then you sat and whined and whined and whined
until I lifted up the same damned blanket
for you to crawl into...

I stay out of those things. I still managed to have a good quarter, most likely because I stay out of them!
I'm living off the market.
Most everything is held in conservative investments at this point.

I don't play the ponies or the market, but if they were to open up a dog track... :D
We have a zoo about 45 minutes from my fortress. Larry (my dog (a Catahoula)) and I were out for a drive the other day and decided to stop and look at the animals. Larry wasn't impressed until with got to the deer... or whatever those things were that looked like deer. Larry does love to chase the deer. We were asked to leave.