TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I used to have big dogs, outdoor dogs,
but when the last two just 'disappeared' one night,
I somehow ended up with two little dogs...

Like my ivy railings, tragic.

I've always tended towards labs,
but I have been 'gifted' with some crazy mutts...

Worst one ever was a Dalmatian-Australian Shepard mix.
It got the worst traits and inclinations of both breeds.
Got copperhead bit at least three times
that I knew of...
Dummys papers say he is a Belgian Malinois, which to me looks like a plain old German Shepherd.

Pretty sure I was hustled.

Eh, he hasn’t eaten my shoes so we’re okay.
LOL he’s not allowed in my room and I don’t leave them laying around the house.

Also, he’s not left alone bored much, which I’d imagine helps.
As long as I don’t find chewed shoes or fur on the bed he can continue to live the lifestyle he’s become accustomed to. LOL
From 8 am till 8 pm, every four hours the bells on the Catholic church play music. I'm not biblical, but I do like the sound. I wonder if it's a computer program or what.... And then I wonder, where do you buy a computer program for your bells?

I'd stop in and ask, but I fear bursting into flames if I set foot on hallowed ground.