TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Unfortunately, there’s no guy to do it, nobody wants the job.

I have air tools and a giant compressor (came with the place) so hopefully I’ll be able to use the impact gun thing and break things loose.
I checked the shop I normally use, they said a month. Two body shops said no.

Apparently they don’t like money.
See, there is a guy.

You just lack patience.

You won't find a redneck without a lot of patience...

;) ;)

... some folks call it lazy, but we call it working smarter.
It looks like the monsoons have finally hit their stride. T'Storms forecast for every afternoon and evening going forward. While it cools things down it also really brings out the bugs. Insect orgies from now through Sept.

Hmmm, I think I'll get me one of those Salt gun fly eliminators. :D
Patience has never been my strong suit. It’s one of the things I’m terrible at!

And get a Mosquito Magnet, they’re awesome!
Three, four? years ago, spooked by the predictions about Japanese Beetles,
I purchased Japanese Beetle traps and placed them all over the property.
True to their advertising, they drew a lot of Japanese Beetles,
my pool skimmer basket was always full of the little shits.
Since then, I have not put up the traps and haven't seen
very many of the damned things.

It's like deer whistles on your truck...
Instant gratification type huh? :)

Mosquito's are low on the list here. We have them but they're overwhelmed by flies and gnats.

Seems the Dems have introduced a bill in congress making it illegal to own any jigs and/or tools used to make firearms. :rolleyes:
I had one of the damn things up at the pole barn just yesterday.
I was on my way up to get the truck to exchange the paint
and the fucker acted like it owned the yard and would
not budge until I was about ten feet away...

It must be about time to mow.
Instant gratification type huh? :)

Mosquito's are low on the list here. We have them but they're overwhelmed by flies and gnats.

Seems the Dems have introduced a bill in congress making it illegal to own any jigs and/or tools used to make firearms. :rolleyes:

If they were going to be consistent...

They would only outlaw the ones used to make scary-looking guns.

Does this include 3D printers?
Instant gratification type huh?

What’s your point?

Seems the Dems have introduced a bill in congress making it illegal to own any jigs and/or tools used to make firearms. :rolleyes:

What jigs? I have no jigs. Can you prove I’ve ever had any jigs?

Certain things you just don’t mail order, you pay cash at shops or shows instead and avoid paper trails in case some nitwit goes after them later on...

Thus, there are no jigs. :)
All of the tools are common tools, nothing special about them. Further, CNC mills are reaching very affordable prices, going to outlaw those too?

"What are you in prison for?"

"I'm up on a 5/32 drill bit beef."
Here. Some Weasels on site. One Jabba here and the other one . . . stopping for a Wendy's Breffess.

It's payday, so he can stock up - if Momma lets him.

Just one thing after another, so I don't think this is worth worrying about.

Besides, Worry is Counterproductive . . . .


