TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

The local news anchor is a midget struggling to overcome a speech defect...

I'd fuck her in a heartbeat.

She's in the category of, "She's so fucking ugly that she's cute."

A wackapoodle...
I don’t either, often.

The extent of my drinking is a glass of wine or two on the occasional evening when I want to wind down, and crowded places set me on edge anymore.

Around here it’s usually dinner, then maybe a movie, etc...
I'm not from 'here' so I have no idea as to what the local customs are
other than BBQ, fireworks and gunfire...
A lot of country music here too...


... and that detestable Blue Grass crap.

I hate banjos like I'm Ned Beaty rollin' on da riber
It’s done! Everything works! The winch, the cruise control, the supercharger, the side lights work on the stock switch, the light bar even works!

I even got the bumper level (after about an hour).

I’m pretty much a professional at this point.
Happy Saturday!!! Home with cat. Caught up with the Friday night crowd and went out to eat. Rode the small bike - there were no leftovers.

Congratulations on getting the whole bumper/winch (wench?) thingie installed. Sounds correct, which is a nice touch. Wat will get after some more bike bits here today. This may roll over into tomorrow, depending on when the tuner chip gizmo arrives. Amazon can deliver late of a Satiddy.

Assuming that it doesn't interrupt Wat's nap, of course.

Coffee is gettin' 'er done as Wat plots mufflers first thing . . . .



she looks 20 barely 21.
I know it was an accident - all the other ones looked overwhelmingly over 26, which was cool
but please be careful.
Wat lives to serve.

These slip-on mufflers should be a blast.

Wonder what's gonna go wrong . . . .




I actually had nothing go wrong. I’m pretty amazed!

The back bumper should be much simpler, if it ever gets here!