TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

That reminds me of the old joke.

"That's nice."

What the Southern girl learned in finishing school to say instead of 'fuck you.'
I was raised to understand German.

When the grandparents died, they took their language with them...
Wat's new exhaust bits - loud mufflers - were installed successfully over my 2nd cuppa.

I'm not sure that they adequately express my hatred for the neighbors (Neighbor Haters), but they're damned sure louder than the stock pipes. JUst the windscreen and tuner left, and the tuner isn't here yet.

Didn't even break a sweat, either.

We'll take it out here for a bit and get a feel for the new vibes.



I don’t have any neighbors to annoy, the corn fields are pretty tolerant and nothing in the forest has ever complained.
Prince of Turbojets!!!

The loud pipes are satisfactory.

It'll be nicer when the engine is fully broken in and I can really romp on it.

Getting hot . . . .



Busy morning was had. No mechanic work was done,however. We've cooled from the low 90s to 78. Oh and I have little maters coming on, if the deer will just stay away from them.
Busy morning was had. No mechanic work was done,however. We've cooled from the low 90s to 78. Oh and I have little maters coming on, if the deer will just stay away from them.

People build fences around their gardens, here.
Flipping burgers and rolling burritos must pay a lot better than it did in my youth. I've been noticing really nice cars in the parking lots of various fast food establishment in the middle of the night. I just saw a Seven Series BMW in a Jack in the Box parking lot. Since it's the only car in the lot and there is no one else around, one has to assume somebody working in Jack in the Box is driving that car. Granted, it may be daddy's car but that's an awful nice car to go to your burger flipping job in.
What the hell, a 7 series? All I had as a teen was a 3 series convertible.

Kids are spoiled these days.
Just poor is all...

That and the mindset that if you wanted something other
than food, clothing and shelter, then you got a job
and worked/saved for it.
There seems to be a skunk that has taken up residence nearby. Time to add a serious air rifle to my shopping list.