TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

We made a little trip to Wal Mart. In the checkout line was a fella, obviously not from around here, talking about how nice the area was and how people would be coming in from "the cities" to escape the crazy. I kept my thoughts to myself.
I know a lady who, when I met her many years ago, had lived in town over 30 yrs. She told me once that she and her family were still know as "that new family from ______county."
Exactly, that's how small towns work.

Idaho is having a problem with Californians moving there, Utah as well. They are actively reminding them of why they left California and to not bring their politics with them.
People here are pretty welcoming as long as it's a trickle, but if it turns into a flood, they'll turn on you quicker than a junkyard dog.
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I recommend the Gamo Urban PCP with the onboard reservoir.

Most of the single shot break action ones (other than the Browning, which has a magazine and has a separate lever for cocking), the scope is mounted to the receiver while the chamber/barrel is hinged, creates a variance every time you cock it.

They don’t hold zero worth a damn.

My ancient Feinwerkbau 300S with the Daisy stamp on it has no problem holding zero with every cock.

It's a fun toy to shoot.
Happy Monday!!!

Yeah, it's too damned early, and it'll be a busy week, and a hot week. It'll also be a short week since Wat has Friday off for vacation. Next week, too. Going to the Southland again.

Did get the tuner late Saturday, and got is installed yesterday. There was an issue with its connectivity, so it couldn't get synced until I parked it last night. So, no repert in its effectiveness. But I'll have plenty of time to run it on auto-tune next weekend at a variety of settings so it should be dialed in by Saturday, I reckon.

This coffee is auto-tuning me, it seems . . . .



Hey, the little jobs keep adding up.
I have a kitchen ceiling fan to install.
I finally got all the ivy off the front porch and I'm glad I did it
because I found a rotten railing and an ant colony to be dealt with.
The pool I still filling with acorns at. steady pace - we should have fat tree rats this year.
I still haven't managed to teach little stupid to go up the ramp.
Oh well, what are you going to do?
Just keep plugging away...
I wonder if Jabbas can be taught to tell the truth.

Nah, that'd be too much like Integrity Matters . . . .

And we cunt be havin' any of that foolishness, now can we?



They'll both cause trouble.

You have a snowball's chance in Hell of fixing the car.

Do both come with repair manuals?

Kinda doubt it . . . . :rolleyes:

Barbie seems exceptional.

So do both of our other Regular Wimminz Posters.

Allah damn, we have heat today, desert god that he is.

Off shortly to check to see what kind of Jabbaesque Madness Wat has in store today . . . .



I think I'll be indoors most of the day.

I have a ton of tomatoes to be processed as well as a ceiling fan install...
The Golf Course Nazis hollared at me yesterday. We had six in our group instead of the proper four. Two holes in front and two holes behind were open. But technically, the Golf Course Nazi was right. Two of us should have held back 200 yards.

Because I'm butthurt about the strict enforcement of a rule, I'm withholding my financial support of the annual tournament that raises money for course equipment next weekend.

It's about bedtime here. I had to unclog a couple of drains, so a trip to the store was in order before bed.
I started the night about a day and a half down from my weekly goal and managed to hit it by 2 a.m. Smug and pleased with myself I found myself out of gas at 4 a.m.

In a Prius.

With a range of 430-550 miles.


On a ramp.

In the dark.

Even if so battery pack is full a Prius will not drive one foot if it is out of gas. It will however drive 5 or six ft if you trick it into thinking that it has gas for just long enough to get it into gear. I reset the car about 30 times to get it to the top of the ramp then I shouldered on the plateau till I had gravity working with me.

I managed to coast across the street from a gas station. Found a high grade water bottle and a McDonald's cup and managed to get two quarts at a time across the street. The car would not recognize it had gas unill it had a full gallon in it. I did know that because whenever this is happened before and you wouldn't think this would be the sort of thing you would do twice I always just buy a gallon of water dump the water out and use that. Unfortunately the convenience store attached the gas station was closed cuz this is old people town in there's nobody out in about it four a.m., even before the KungFlu

Naturally I got gas on my hands gas on the ham of my jeans and gas on my genuine cowboy boots. Wash the clothes out in the sink when I got home, lotioned up the boots and all is well again.

That's the 5th time in about a half an million miles that I've run out of gas in a Prius. Which is embarrassing..

Hasn't happened in a couple of years because I have developed a good habit of fueling up the car every single day before I go to work, unless I filled up on the way home from work. Lately I've been working a lot closer to home and much more efficiently and I haven't had to fill up but once every other day. That was a mistake.
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