TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

We buy beef by the half straight off the farm...


It's why one of Gawd's minions invented the deep freeze. :D
J P Morgan essentially owns the company now and I think that any sale issue revolves around indemnification from the Sandy Hook law suits.
I have been processing 'maters for two straight weeks.

Yesterday was chili...

Today it's raining, so I am spared harvesting for one day.
Too many plants were put out.
I've tried corn here, but the squirrels strip it to the cob
while it is still green. I keep shooting them and they keep
replenishing their ranks. I blame the acorns of the oak forest.
It is resplendent with cheap, easy squirrel food giving them the energy to raid...

It is not a forest. It is an acorn.

If you look at it, you can see that it is an acorn . . .
Home, with cat. Passing through.

You lot are entertaining. We got the good ones. If you build it, they will come.

Slept okay, but today is Resting Day from the 6-day workweek, even if yesterday was rather lazy. I did get (most of) my HfD parts, in exchange for missing my nap. :(

A bit of nappage, an errand, and some chores are the afternoon adventures . . . .



Got the errand run and the chores have a large dent in them.

Taking a break for a snack, which might very well end up being supper.

Perhaps it's time to start shopping for a good 2021 calendar.

Because the calendar has been the best part of this year . . . .



Good late afternoon everyone!

Hotter than hell but the Sun is waning. Probably going to go sit out back as it cools down and have an adult beverage with the neighbors. Sorta a Sunday evening ritual except during the winter.
Speaking of calendars. My 2020 calendar will take me through Jan. 2021. By then the 2021 calendars will be marked down...............a lot.
Quiet evening here.

Even the cat doesn't have much to say.

He ate a lot today. Kibble. He likes the good stuff. I'm happy if he's happy.

Off to hit the rack . . . .

. . . prison . . . .


Well, the weekly convocation of the neighborhood is over. I wonder if the governors spy satellite noticed the we weren't the prescribed distance apart?
Happy Monday!!!

There be heat returning for a bit this week. Looks like they still can't figure out the t-strom patterns. They called for rain all day Saturday as of Friday, and then it rained about suck-all where I was. And I could have ridden to work . . . .

Got a thing in the mail from The Center for Voter Information. Seems to be some 501(c)(4) - non-governmental, of course. Seems my "voter participation" score is "below average." I know why - I don't vote in the local Dem primaries, which is half our "elections." But how do they know this? They shouldn't. They want me to use an absentee ballot this year. Fuck them bloody, and fuck what they want.

At least the morning coffee isn't trying to hustle me . . . .


