TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Slur or not, they make a great coffee

But I was discussing the movie Blazing Saddles last night and we
came to the conclusion the only politically correct were the credits
Realistically if you want to find something wrong with something
you will, and if you can't then you will make something up
Gossips have been doing it since the beginning of time
That is a good way to frame the PC culture.


Gossiping over the wash line.

Oh, my, is that one of those negative stereotypes?
Reminds me of Hee Haw; you'd better listen up closely the first time...
I haven't thought of Hee Haw in a long time, people have forgotten how to
make fun of themselves and just accept that we are all human. Humans that
need danish or someone else to make my breakfast. The little one is up and
I think I shall disappear for a bit and take her our for the morning. TTYL
At one phase of my life I was hitting the Cuban coffee quite regularly. It took a while but it finally dawned on me that that was the reason it was taking a half a bottle of Scotch to get to sleep.
At one phase of my life I was hitting the Cuban coffee quite regularly. It took a while but it finally dawned on me that that was the reason it was taking a half a bottle of Scotch to get to sleep.

Versailles on Calle Ocho has the best Cuban coffee...

Love that restaurant, try the fried plantains!
Little Havana has a few good hole-in-the-wall restaurants that are about as good if you look around. I always enjoy going to that part of the city.

Hialeah as well along the 29th St. (Hialeah numbering) corridor. I do miss well prepared Cuban food. Tasty and reasonably priced.
Hialeah as well along the 29th St. (Hialeah numbering) corridor. I do miss well prepared Cuban food. Tasty and reasonably priced.

The restaurants are one of the main things I miss when I’m up here in the boonies, not much for choice here. There’s ZERO fresh seafood, of course.