TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Because I'm getting chunky and old; I've decided to get a few Kaftans to wear around the house. No more pants!
I can't bend over to get my feet in em.

Besides, I see a few kaftans on the line that will make me look like Jesus. (the Jewish one, not the Mexican one(s))
I'd look more like the Mexican one.

Hell, I might even be able to start a cult since I have long hair...

Cult women put out. :cool:
Iran blocks its own Navy with dummy ship:



Maybe we should have sunk it for them...

All surface ships are targets. They have numbers painted on them so submariners can keep score.

MMC (ss/dv/sw) Johnny.
It's a wet morning here. It should dry up over the course of the day. It won't get above 60°F unless there's a huge change in the weather pattern.
Yeah, and cult wimminz are hawt, too. Sometimes . . . .

A/c calls are kicking today. Got 2 fixed and have already picked up 3 more. Plus two leaks.

Jabba Junior seems to be having a wank. He's rarely on leaks any more. He's never on a/c's.

More job security . . . .



Home/scrotel13. Grazing in on my two part take-out lunch.

These a/c condensate lines continue to baffle. I know, low bidder. I get all that. Where did this cardboard get into the systems is what I wanna know,

I overheard Jabba s000per making mention of moving his camper because the second phase wasn't going to start soon. Going somewhere else will suit me just fine. Even if it's to Hell. We already did one of those and Wat survived it.

This also means that it'll be bonus time soon, so . . . .



Happy Tuesday!!!

Still waiting for something definitive about the next job assignment, since it seems like we're not going to be able to go straight to phase 2. As long as there will be no Jabbas. Meanwhile, do what's under my nose that needs to be done, and that will be the will of Allah for me at this moment. But this is later.

A friend online adopted an adorable little black kitten. He matches the already adopted big black cat, and they like each other. So, I'm wondering if there be any tuxie cats needing housing.

Kinda. This coffee needs to be drunk . . . .



Earlier tonight, two black cats sat on their haunches and watch dme pass rather than dart across my path.

Just now, a third reversed course.

Perhaps they sense raacoon entrails.

Interesting. I posted this^ blind before I read Wat.

Of all the cats I accidently acquired a black one was my favorite.
The wrench is out of place, not to mention the wench...

Good morning
Good coffee
Good dogs

They all are doing what they are supposed to do.
This is true.

At first light, I need to go do the pool,
there is evidence on the sidewalk of storms last night...
This is true.

At first light, I need to go do the pool,
there is evidence on the sidewalk of storms last night...

I haven’t looked outside yet, still dark, but I heard a few noises last night that sounded suspiciously like gravity and wind combining forces against trees and winning.

Hope the driveway isn’t blocked.
More cult pussy talk.

Were black cats being kept by witches the original cult pussy?

So many questions and so little time.

At least I don't have to go to the box store this morning, but I do need to score some fuel for the truck at the Cheap Place.


