TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Covens are not cults.

Just gatherings of individuals.
I could say something about the political party parallels... ;)

We have nothing in our forecast that would indicate wind or rain until next Monday. <shrug>

One cat is out, the other in. Apparently they've decided to practice "social distancing."

Two phrases are beginning to piss me off. "The New Normal" is the first. That is nothing but mental conditioning. PsyOps as it were. Anyone that read Orwell would recognize the tactic.

The second is "We're all in this together." Bullshit! Yet another PsyOps operation in action.

I can certainly see why the monolithic media has picked it up but the number of advertisers that have fallen in line with that horseshit is astounding. Many that have picked up those mantras have lost my business............forever. Interestingly enough not a single local gun store has picked up on any of that crap.
I turned on the lights when I turned the dogs out.

One down in the back, an old white pine. Uprooted, not broken, but it’s across the trail I use to get to the back of the property.

Nothing down out front other than a few branches.

I’ll survive.
Now that it's light, it's still raining
and there are rumbles in the air
and it's not Phil Collins on drum.
Time to fire up the chainsaw, right?

I can run a small chainsaw, but this one is a little bit past my ability. I called the handyman, he will be over later to cut it in the 8 foot sections while I cut the limbs off, then I’ll just move and stack out of the way with the bobcat.
I think I can no longer call myself a devout Luddite now that I have successfully began my first Amazon return.

Amazon is put a lot of thought effort and Technology in trying to suggest to me things that they think I want to buy. Very little into helping me find the thing that I want as opposed to the thing they think I want.

I'm starting to figure out how to trick it into showing me return items. I just picked up a rotor for the Prius for $13 because the packaging is damaged.

Until recently the last time I bought anything from Amazon the only thing you could buy was books. It was almost entirely used books. No I can't find used books. It could be the sort of books that I want are the sort that people don't turn loose of. There is a metal working book that I've got my eye on, but I don't want to spend $26 on it.

Ogg gave me some pointers on finding used books elsewhere than Amazon, so I'll go do that. It's funny that Amazon begin with books and it seems to me that it's a poor place to buy books now.
I think I can no longer call myself a devout Luddite now that I have successfully began my first Amazon return.

Amazon is put a lot of thought effort and Technology in trying to suggest to me things that they think I want to buy. Very little into helping me find the thing that I want as opposed to the thing they think I want.

I'm starting to figure out how to trick it into showing me return items. I just picked up a rotor for the Prius for $13 because the packaging is damaged.

Until recently the last time I bought anything from Amazon the only thing you could buy was books. It was almost entirely used books. No I can't find used books. It could be the sort of books that I want are the sort that people don't turn loose of. There is a metal working book that I've got my eye on, but I don't want to spend $26 on it.

Ogg gave me some pointers on finding used books elsewhere than Amazon, so I'll go do that. It's funny that Amazon begin with books and it seems to me that it's a poor place to buy books now.

People who posted about this also posted about: Monkeys and their pet cats...

;) :D
Pudding (Jabba junior) is wandering the site. Hard to believe he isn't driving. Walking burns calories, so WTF is he thinking????

Someone has just cranked up the Polaris Ranger thingie. I call it the Indian since Polaris owns them. Or is the pwnd? Oh wait, he got banned. :D

I don't even know how to drive the thing, but I will ask when its oil was last changed. Maybe "checked" would be a better word.

More dumb shit for today. It is the will of Allah . . . .



I don't have to "go" anywhere to harvest.
It keeps encroaching...


Like in the Hobbit books where the Forest can move.
Somebody ought make a sawmill attachment. Motor out to the forest (or Forest's back forty) chop down a tree, come back with lumber.

They do make portable mills. Getting the tree down and cut into 8' lengths is the trick though.
We have nothing in our forecast that would indicate wind or rain until next Monday. <shrug>

One cat is out, the other in. Apparently they've decided to practice "social distancing."

Two phrases are beginning to piss me off. "The New Normal" is the first. That is nothing but mental conditioning. PsyOps as it were. Anyone that read Orwell would recognize the tactic.

The second is "We're all in this together." Bullshit! Yet another PsyOps operation in action.

I can certainly see why the monolithic media has picked it up but the number of advertisers that have fallen in line with that horseshit is astounding. Many that have picked up those mantras have lost my business............forever. Interestingly enough not a single local gun store has picked up on any of that crap.

HATE that crap.

I think I only belong to two Facebook groups. One had something to do with antiques in a small town the other is their lost dog / lanyone know why the sirens down yonder? / local bitchfest. Some conspiracy nut posted some conspiracy nut stuff. You know Walmart's gonna be turned into a FEMA concentration camp kind of nonsense?

Except, in this case, none of it was actually nonsense. It was pointing out how in four short months the things that we have conditioned the American public to accept. Astonishing
I live in redneckia...

Just give the local Utes a $20 and they'll have that sucker cut up
and turned into toothpicks in the wink of any eye,
don't let them pass you by,
Glory Days!
HATE that crap.

I think I only belong to two Facebook groups. One had something to do with antiques in a small town the other is their lost dog / lanyone know why the sirens down yonder? / local bitchfest. Some conspiracy nut posted some conspiracy nut stuff. You know Walmart's gonna be turned into a FEMA concentration camp kind of nonsense?

Except, in this case, none of it was actually nonsense. It was pointing out how in four short months the things that we have conditioned the American public to accept. Astonishing

That last point,
you got that right,
Sho! got that right...

Let's dance and drink all night.
You don't feel a sense of shared responsibility in making America great?

Nobody saying that believes in American exceptionalism, nor has any desire to strive to make that an actual thing, rather than present-day jingoism. They don't acknowledge that anything about America was ever great and would be horrified if America veered towards greatness.

Also, I am of gratitude to be of welcoming you to the thread on behalf of our beneficent host, my friend. Be of attendance much to the future I would hope you will be!