TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

There was that crank that had had enough of local tyrannyand decided that you actually can fight City Hall and built himself a tank with a dumpster and some concrete. I don't remember the platform he had under it.
Back in the 90's there was this California commuter that had had 3 cars totaled in 7 months on I-5, none of the accidents were his fault. Needless to say he was pissed. So he bought himself a WWII British armored scout car and brought it to "street legal" specs and started commuting in it. No more accident problems, the mileage sucked though.
Oh, Amazon had Wat's 'stache wax. I got that, a comb and some Amish oil delivered yesterday. I'll review in the thread when I get around to it. Thumbs up.
I like licorice. Just the original though.
The cherry and other flavors just taste like plastic.
Darrell Lea's is the very best brand of licorice bar none...

Dee . . . niiiiiiine . . . .

Dream big or go home.


Big family. I was the only kid that liked fig newtons and black jellybeans.

Johnny's got me looking outside the box at sartorial options. I didn't know you could get pockets on 'em. As I consider it, I've got the calves for it:


Seems Hay-Zeus sandals might be an option versus Crocs.


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Dee . . . niiiiiiine . . . .

Dream big or go home.



Looks like it's headed to my old hole-in-the-ground.


For scale. That looks like maybe a triple 7 Hall truck which is about a fifth of the size that a proper haul truck oughta should be sitting next to a D-11R

This, by the way, is not a "massive rock." We would call that a Volkswagen. https://youtu.be/k6f03u2xqYM
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Well, I don't like to brag, but I am a Prime member. Jeff (we're on a monosyllabic basis) shows me only the finest picks available.

I'll be honest: I haven't got a lot of neck and collar-bone hair so that deep "v" to show off my manly chest hair is appealing.
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Well...play a couple of rounds of golf, play a little fetch with Larry, then decide about the nether ticklin'.
Con got that, not Wat. Wat isn't scummy enough to take (much) credit for what he did not do.

I think those would go great with really nice (and really expensive) cowboy boots.

Spent half of the morning chasing a fucking leak. But I figured out how to duplicate it/make it leak on command. So we'll get the plumbers down here tomorrow to unfuck yet another watery clusterfuck tomorrow.

Oh Wat, is there no end to your wondemousness . . . ?



There was that crank that had had enough of local tyrannyand decided that you actually can fight City Hall and built himself a tank with a dumpster and some concrete. I don't remember the platform he had under it.

Google Killdozer...
Good afternoon all. Well, maybe Wat isn't having the best of afternoons.

Yet another scorcher. They say there's a chance of rain starting Sunday. I think the weather person is trying to play at being Lucy.
Home with cat. Grazing in.

Got a big-ass stack o' mail, one item of which is a cheque, thanks be to Allah. Some of the rest might have some importance - or not. My new pants arrived, too. The delivery person actually followed the instructions on the shipping label. I admire when they do that.

Looks like no rain until tomorrow afternoon. Hope it isn't like last Thursday. We'll look at it again in the morning for shits-n-giggles. Maybe I'll print a radar map and then toss a throwing knife at it. I have no darts,

Gonna be a peaceful evening.



So, D11, steel plates, and concrete. It ain't chubbum armor, but it's got the right idea.

I always find that sort of thing amusing.

Perhaps we should mark the date each year.



