TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

So, D11, steel plates, and concrete. It ain't chubbum armor, but it's got the right idea.

I always find that sort of thing amusing.

Perhaps we should mark the date each year.

There’s actually a movie on Netflix about it. “Tread”
The tree has been chopped up, moved out of the way, and the trunk pieces were picked up by a local guy that has a small mill.

Amazing how quickly someone will take them when you put “can load on your trailer” in the ad.
Fine, I wanted a siesta!

Now I have to get someone to bring a chipper in and get rid of all the limbs and brush.

I’m not doing that part!
Happy payday Wednesday!!! Chunks of money sent out for various things. Luxuries and necessities. The cat will be pleased that his electric bill is paid so he'll have uninterrupted lighting to read by, and a/c to cool his furry cat body.

Siestas are medicine, so they are taken. Frank Gifford used to say that about tackles made on MNF. Sounded kinda homoerotic to us, but we were busy drinking PBR and smoking sinsemilla, so what did we care.

Good job on the old white pine. We don't have any of that around here, and it's a damned shame. I have run into it on occasion on my northern forays, and it's a joy to work with. I trimmed a baseboard made of it once with a sharp wood chisel, and it looked as good when I was done as anything I could have done with a power tool. Soft yet sturdy. Good trim wood.

Good coffee today, which will assist with this getting up too early bullshit . . . .



It's probably about time to get my property logged.
I should contact the neighbors and make it happen.
The more acres available, the quicker loggers show.

But, whatever will you do for squirrels then???


Mass homelessness on a scale to rival n000k-you-lur devastation.

Oh, the rodentery!!!



Good morning everyone. It's Range Day Wednesday again. :)

Enough acreage and enough hardwoods and they should be paying you to thin it out and I don't remember seeing an overabundance of Pine in that four cornerish region.
There will be plenty of trees with trunks less than 18" in diameter,
just like 15 years ago and now those trees are hitting 30+".
The forest grows really fast here. It has to
to stay ahead of the poison ivy...
A former BIL of mine and I almost went in on a 40 acre land deal. The BIL was a shift supervisor at a GP paper mill. We walked the property and figured out that there was close to $70K of lumber to be taken out without getting anywhere near clear cutting. Mostly Pine and Black Jack Oak.
No pine here.

Oak, some ash and hickory...
Everything seems to need some sort of nut here.
I think nature relies on the squirrels to do its annual plantings.
I’ve got a lot of oak and maple, a decent stand of cedar back in the swamp, and white pines thrown in here and there.

The cedar is where the bucks hide in the fall...