TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

We also get hornets. Every year there's a nest or two. Generally, they like the tree limbs or eaves of the house or barn. I tend to leave them alone unless the get hateful. Then, all bets are off.
A few years ago I upgraded to a synthetic stucco. Looks a lot better than the traditional cow shit and straw coating. Lasts longer too.
Yellow jackets are no match - pun intended - for Wat.

I mean, ffs, when you light the wooden match, toss the fucker and be a-movin' away from the nest. I've never been close to burned. And the "whooomph" is so satisfying, almost as much fun as watching the ones returning circle the fireball. I envision them wondering about their families.


Finished breakfast, Lox and Bagels. Does anyone else realize that Lox and Bagels are essentially Jewish Sushi? :)
Haven't had lox-n-bagels in years. Made some noodles for lunch. Had some eggs earlier.

Dug my surplus toilet out of the stash. Replaced the one which wouldn't fix.

This one has an elongated bowl, so it's way nicer.

I have to find a solution for a sprayer for the roof stuff. The one that they suggested weighs 480 pounds. :rolleyes:



Went to the Mercado for some cheap-ass spices for my jerky attempt. They did not have onion powder. Minced and onion salt only. YUUUUGE bottles of garlic powder. Hispanics use a lot of it. I rarely do, I use fresh garlic a lot. Got the onion powder at Walmart. Bonus there 2as fresh corn caught my eye. 2.5 mins in the microwave.

I went with Doc's recipe. Figured I'd play it straight down the middle this time and adjust and play with it later. Soy Sauce, Worcestershire, Applewood Liquid Smoke, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Meat Tenderizer, Brown Sugar, Salt.

Cut the marinade in half, I'm only doing a pound. Going to use a forced air dehydrator and it's not really safe for longer term storage unless you get it up temperature-wise a bit. Thirty years ago I had a friend who would bring this amazing, thick, air-dried beef jerky to work to sell for a friend of his who made it by stringing it in front of the air conditioning register. I never met the friend so when my friend passed away I lost my connection. This was just a heady, meaty flavor that was chewy as hell.
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Going to use an error dryer in it's not really safe for longer term storage unless you get it up temperature-wize a bit.

If you're going to invest in an "error dryer" I suggest you purchase the biggest commercially available unit, based on your interactions with Dr. Dribble.
Dad built his last home using a huge rubber. Built a massive ring of galvanized steel two stories tall. Bolted the condom to the top edge. Placed huge fans at the bottom and blew it up. Spray foam, then rear, then a million pounds or concrete with a higher grade by far than the architect called for. Dad was an industrial engineer but decided to play civil engineer in retirement. That concrete was still pretty wet when he passed over a decade later. Dehumidifiers running constantly. Didn't help that it was on the coast. The place will be there forever.

The plan was to coat the condom with elastomeric (latex) every now and again. He 2as a big fan of that. He apparently got up there at 75 years old or so (probably 45 feet above grade at the front of the house, the rear was built into the mountainside.) With the wind whipping past from the ocean. The peak was about 300' above the ocean. They had two levels of words decks, no deck chairs. Too windyr. The trees grow bending away from the ocean, but apparently that's a salt spray thing.

I took a look when I flew up to make some repairs. No thanks.

Dad at about 75 went up a ladder from the backside and rolled the elastomeric coating on, tethered with a rope he jury-rigged across the roof for "safety."

The previous home had two-part urethane foam. we rolled elastomeric on the roof every five years or so. We never had a problem except once when we had some kind of hiccup with the evaporative cooler. That house I spent lots of time on the roof. If you got a running start you could clear the 10 feet of cool decking and make it into the deep end.

One or two stories I'm fine with. 40 50 feet in high winds? Hard pass. I did hang out some third-story windows to re-stain some cedar trim, but I was not thrilled with the experience. I started at the back, and by the time I got to the front I was committed. It would have looked bad to have part of done.
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Dad built his last home using a huge rubber. Built a massive ring of galvanized steel two stories tall. Bolted the condom to the top edge. Placed huge fans at the bottom and blew it up. Spray foam, then rear, then a million pounds or concrete with a higher grade by far than the architect called for. Dad was an industrial engineer but decided to play civil engineer in retirement. That concrete was still pretty wet when he passed over a decade later. Dehumidifiers running constantly. Didn't help that it was on the coast. The place will be there forever.


Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, was one of the last true castles to be built in England in the 14th Century. The rubble core of the outer walls was covered in lime mortar. The idea was that if the outer shell was breached, the lime mortar would flow to heal the hole and would solidify after exposure to the air. That lime mortar hasn't set yet...
Moat needs sharks.
. . .with "lazers."​

Even we complain about August humidity here, it's pretty dry.

104° F at 11:00 am. Only going to get to 113° today, down from 118° Clothes dry about as fast as you can hang them up on the line.
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The forces arrayed against it are waiting for the mortar to set.

Hey! This little dehydrator does have a resistance heater built into the fan unit. This might work even better than I had anticipated. I wish I had gotten around to the marinade yesterday. Anxious to try this out.
We also get hornets. Every year there's a nest or two. Generally, they like the tree limbs or eaves of the house or barn. I tend to leave them alone unless the get hateful. Then, all bets are off.

The yellowjackets were pests last afternoon while I was taking the stems off the sprays of currants. Not aggressive, but just in the way.
Put in a couple of strips of jerky, because I don't wanna wait, added blueberries, lime-coated bananas, and a tomato with Himalayan salt and onion powder for a snack after my nap.

The sweet and savory aromas coming out of that are delightful.
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Kept looking at some of the sealants. I'm doing a bit of research on this one-piece silicone stuff. That would be easier to spray. Says you can roll it, but why would one do that? Besides, I can likely borrow a sprayer, or buy one if the little one will git-'er-done.

Maybe. Moar reading is required.

I think that I'd like crocodiles in my moat as well as sharks. And pikes. And piranhas, too. I like glutenous mud, too.

Death to all who stray off the beaten path here . . . .



The silicone stuff works pretty well but has one drawback. You know what silicone caulk looks like after 5 years or so? I always rolled it on because of the required thickness. As I recall 10+ mils per coat is recommended.

The weather dude is threatening T'Storms this evening. I think he's full of crap.
Yes, I saw that. Frankly, I don't give a fuck what it looks like in five years. The plan is not to be living here then.

Maybe. Ugly can be touched up.

And I have some prep work to do. Some of the metal needs attention and improving.

But it's much easier than a reroof.



That's a fact as long as you don't have any HOA dweebs to deal with. And yes, it can be over coated at a later date.
Curious results. Five hours and the jerky sample is just about perfect. Tasty, chewy goodness.

The tomatoes are pretty pliable still, but less so than the bananas. The blueberries are not very dry at all. Tray placement might be a factor. The jerky was on the bottom.
Nary HOA dweeb (or cunt) to be found here up in dis 'hood.

I think I'll order the material online, if possible. It should insure newer product.

It did stop raining, or rather, spread out a bit. I squeezed in a bit of biking, getting wet in the process. No matter.

I think that I finally found some wet food that His Majesty likes, thanks be to Allah.



Grats on your food experiment Con. I should probably try something like that.

HOA's sucketh royally. Yeah, I know what their goal is supposed to be but all too often some wannabe dictator gets their hands on the levers of power and it goes to their heads.