TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Just basic shingles here but they are only 3 years old so I should be good for a while
For the record, I make great coffee
I've torn off a few, and I have a few scars to prove it. It's a nasty job, and disposal is bad, too.

When this rubber stuff wears down in 15 years, just shoot it again.

And it's available in white, which is s'posed to be the more appropriate color around here to keep from building up heat in the attic during summer.

It's a win.


Yeah, this is basically a roof condom. Except that it's not like using a latex condom once and tossing it out. This is a heavy duty condom that you can wash out, hang up to dry, and use repeatedly.

It'll keep the wee bastards away.

Roofs are only an issue if it rains . . . .



Now that we've had a minute to think about it, the next time we need roofing done, will we call and say " Hi, I'm looking for someone to install a new house condom!"?
I hate vinyl siding.

Except when it comes time to paint.

High wind damage is easily repaired, too.

Before this house, I had a (white) brick house.
I painted it once and then I went with siding.
The north side of the house is over two stories
and the slope is steep. Painting it was a
terrifying experience that I was not going
to do twice, even if it meant hiring a guy.
Eventually, I did hire a guy, to throw up
the vinyl siding.
Here, the Yellow Jackets nest in the ground; usually in a place you don't realize until you run the mower over the nest. Gasoline and a match work pretty well if there's a need to forego the 'live and let live' mantra.
That's how I got stung last year.
Suckers were nesting in the remains of an old stump.

I hosed it down with wasp killer...