TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


What the hell are you doing wrong?

In season, I've had a buck come up for a challenge
when we were practicing with our Arnis sticks...

In broad day light...

Oh, they regularly show up in the back yard here looking around, drives dummy dog nuts that I won’t let him go play with them.
Happy Sunday!!!

Gathered with the Saturday night crowd. Hung and went to supper. Italian. A good time was had by most.

I've been watching guns-n-ammo prices and availability recently, and it's a tad disconcerting. Noticed a bit of price gouging on some handguns because of dwindling stock. Ammo seems to be trending upward too. Cockesuckers!!! Makes me glad for the cases-n-cans I have full now.

Vote for Barbie!!! She'll sort this lame shit out. And have another cuppa while you're at it . . . .



Oh, they regularly show up in the back yard here looking around, drives dummy dog nuts that I won’t let him go play with them.

There is nothing funnier than watching a big buck
looking down at yapping dachshunds with distain...

Drives them crazy.
Good exercise...

And a vote against Wanton TurdBurglary.

I hope you haven't raped anyone and it comes to light a couple of weeks before Hallowe'en.

I'll have to print up some moar mail-in ballots. Good thing I live near several cemeteries so that I can poll some "voters."

This damned downstairs toilet at J's house has started running. I cunt seem to escape crapper repairs . . . .



Squirrels bark too.

Could be near the mark...

Roscoe the liberal chipmunk chirps. Begging for peanuts!

I got yelled at for giving him salted ones, she said they’ll give him high blood pressure or something, then she actually went and bought unsalted.

She’s kind of a hippie...
Roscoe the liberal chipmunk chirps. Begging for peanuts!

I got yelled at for giving him salted ones, she said they’ll give him high blood pressure or something, then she actually went and bought unsalted.

She’s kind of a hippie...

If she really cared, she'd get sunflower seeds for the tiny dear.

He gets those from the feeders. Eats the peanuts from my hand, though.

There was that Intruder O'Possum that one time.

And then his last move was to sniff the business end of the rifle barrel.

And that was the last move that he made.

There was that Intruder O'Possum that one time.

And then his last move was to sniff the business end of the rifle barrel.

And that was the last move that he made.

I get the occasional field mouse, mainly during the winter, and Roscoe got in through the dog door one time.

Everything else stays outside.
No squirrels at this elevation. The squirrels start showing up at about 7,000 ft. At 8,000 the squirrels dwindle and the chipmunks start taking over. Altitude territorialism.
No squirrels at this elevation. The squirrels start showing up at about 7,000 ft. At 8,000 the squirrels dwindle and the chipmunks start taking over. Altitude territorialism.

I’m at around 850’ above sea level, and have all kinds of creatures running around!

Saw a big old porcupine cruising across the yard last week, and I see a lot of skunks.

Don’t even get me started on the damned coyotes!
The hurricane people have blown an enormous opportunity...

Marco & Laura?

Should have been Marco and Polo. :mad:
Eastern coyote pelts in prime sell for enough ($40-$50) to make it worth while skinning them.

Quick store run here. Be back in a bit.
Back a casa, con gato.

Just passin' through.

Gonna take a few minutes of quiet time and them it's off to see the Sunday afternoon folks.

The sun is trying to stay out. It's quite the oddity this week.


