TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Good afternoon folks.

Didn't get quite as hot as forecast. Probably due to the pall of smoke hanging over the joint from the fires up north. Whatever the reason, I'll take it.

Meeting with the neighbors Sunday. Maybe we'll socially distant, maybe not.
Good morning.

Little stupid is already whining, probably a food issue.

She's got one of those "puzzle" bowls now that is supposed
to make dogs work for their food and keeping them eating less,
but with her long, skinny muzzle, she just eats it out of the
grooves like a fat, furry hummingbird working a day lily...

That first cup of coffee went down way too easily
and way too quickly.

I'm thinking pancakes and bacon for breakfast.

I cheat on weekday mornings and use the precooked.

Bacon, not pancakes, I know they have the frozen kind,
but ~~~* BLEAH!!! *~~~

Happy Monday!!!

Well, that wasn't much weekend. No surprise there. It looks to be a dry week here, and back to warmer. Not as hot as it was, but 90-something is warmer than last week.

While I was wanking about on the job front, I went ahead and sent out three applications. No word yet, but we'll see. Think my stuff looks good, and this is up to Allah anyway.

The coffee was up to me and I killed it . . . .



Heat and humidity make their return today
the local weather hottie assures me...

It looks like the storm remnants are projected
to pass right over us.
I guess I better get some more painting done today.

It is very frustrating because as I paint,
I am inundated with a pink snow from the crepe myrtle.
I will have to go back, scrape off the fallen blossoms
and then do little patches of touch-up.

It's like the tree is half dachshund.

I also have some chickens with gray feet and feathers...
Lunchtime. Late.

Work is kind of slow today, not that I care. Had two loose toilets to deal with, and I dealt. Got a leaking kitchen sink to do next. There's some other silly small shit out there which hasn't surfaced. Yet.

Give it time . . . .



Home/scrotel13. Grazing in, as a typical Monday. Found a discount I hadn't been taking, so I am now. Five bucks is $5.00

Ha dot go pick up a set of plans for this clusterfuck late-stage kitchen adjustment. I was told a name it would be under, and that it was in the pick-up bin. It wasn't. Different name, too. Good thing that we've done this dance before, and that Wat remembered the steps.

Did I mention? The lender thinks we should go back to the original idea for handi-daptable kitchens. So the design we scrapped to do it simply is now getting scrapped in order to do it a third way. More time, more money, more delay, more weasels.Thanks be to Allah that it's just ground floor units.

And all of our most dramatic tenants are on the first floors . . . . :rolleyes:



Home/scrotel13. Grazing in, as a typical Monday. Found a discount I hadn't been taking, so I am now. Five bucks is $5.00

Ha dot go pick up a set of plans for this clusterfuck late-stage kitchen adjustment. I was told a name it would be under, and that it was in the pick-up bin. It wasn't. Different name, too. Good thing that we've done this dance before, and that Wat remembered the steps.

Did I mention? The lender thinks we should go back to the original idea for handi-daptable kitchens. So the design we scrapped to do it simply is now getting scrapped in order to do it a third way. More time, more money, more delay, more weasels.Thanks be to Allah that it's just ground floor units.

And all of our most dramatic tenants are on the first floors . . . . :rolleyes:

I keep running into handi-capable folks with walkers and even wheelchairs on second and third floor walk-up (and slide down) apartments. Probably because someone knows that, It's rare I have to transport from upstairs, but at least gravity is working with me. I asked a severely disabled woman about it and she said her son helps her. Better his back than mine
Happy Tuesday!!!

Looks like we have good weather this week, until we get whatever hurricane bits wander this way. Looks like a rainy day in MS.

I think that handi-capability is largely a case of mind over matter. It's hard to mind if it don't matter. We have one tenant who struggles to walk but it doesn't seem to slow her down, so to speak. She says she can't be arsed to move into an ADA unit.She's cheerful and active. And then there are the fully "capable" whiners who do little to nothing . . . . :rolleyes:

The coffee is capable this morning.



More painting today.
If I were getting paid, I'd be done by now,
but since I am not, I am proceeding at a gentleman's pace...
ADA compliance is yet another obstacle to "affordable" housing in some jurisdictions. It's a 100% cash outlay to accommodate a small percentage of the population. While I understand, and in small part agree, with the sentiments of those pushing these regulations it's a case of a few people being generous with other peoples money. I know of some jurisdictions where no commercial interior/exterior remodeling will be permitted with out 100% ADA compliance. In it's extreme I can see those policies migrating to residential as well.
A man's home is the government's regulated castle...

... marshmallow moats...

Bikeways instead of driveways.
That's okay, because when Chaos hits after Barbie loses in November, she'll call for open rebellion and then we just shoot the bastards and hang their bodies from the streetlight poles as a feast for the carrion eaters.

I wonder if there was Something Extra in the coffee this morning . . . .



ADA compliance is why I got out of doing mixed use C/I projects.

Pushed the costs up with little to no benefit, especially when you get into finishing the extra square footage. The tile costs alone triple!