TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I grew up with a big, furry collie.

Of course, she had been named Lassie.

She was a good dog. She knew the boundaries of the yard
and she would not cross them and she would not let me cross them.
(The only boundary that she would let me cross was the invisible one
between our property and my grandparent's property. She wouldn't though.
For whatever reason, she always growled at my grandfather when he crossed the line.

This became a bit of a problem when I got old enough to go to school
and she would not let me get on the school bus.
It took a while to retrain her...
Next thread name should be Allah loves pets, some should be with him now


We'll be needing one soon at the rate you lot are chatting up the space in this one.

No matter, Her Majasty allows this, so . . . .

Why am I not surprised? :)

Malinois' are damn smart and take to training well. On the other hand it's hard to break them of bad behavior once learned and if they get bored they can be destructive.

He’s never destroyed anything, he’s very well behaved in that regard.

He’s extremely athletic as well, when you can get him off the couch.
Loading up and then off to the box store, and then to torment weasels.

And Jabba junior . . . .

All has been quiet here, work, coffee and house stuff.
My pets are spoiled and I like them that way.
It's already almost 80.

I should do some painting, but I probably won't.
I do need to get out into the garden.
I see lots of red...
Thank you, I shall do my best.

Just slayed this-hyah bus' up toilet flange. Dem jonts shit yo.

We have a Polaris for the fat boys to ride around in. What a waste. I call it the Injun, since they own Injun. Then it gets to be the Fawkin Injun, as it were.

Wat always keeps himself entertained.



Had to run over to the ocean side of this area to pick up a couple of printer cartridges.

Seems that Jabba s000per couldn't quite git 'er done. Cunt say I'm surprised.

It's hotter today, but I've gotten used to the heat. I would have been roasting in May when it was like this.

Still no rain until the 'cane . . . .


