TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Merry Thursday, or whatever.

As predicted, the weatherman lied. He keeps dangling the possibility out there though.
I doubt that the design is of Chinese origin. It has an idle stop adjustment and that's it. The main jet is built into the nut that holds the float bowl on the carb. If the pickup tube gets plugged, throw it away.

It appears that everyone is catching on to the perils of using the Chinese for their manufacturing base. I think this Wuhan Flu is going to cost the Chinese more than they ever reckoned on.

Unless it gets them Hunter's Daddy to "negotiate" with.
Good morning!

The dogs let me sleep in until four!
They are so considerate.
They went out and did their business
and then went right back to sleep.
I'm not so lucky. Once I'm up, I'm up...

Last night's wildlife survivors: one bunny that I managed to straddle, one quick cat that appeared to be black, but at the last minute I was relieved to see mittens. Both in areas where I was likely the only car that hour.

Avoiding one car per hour should be an easy task for the dumbest of bunnies.
If dogs can go in and out,
then we have a lot of undesirables
that can also come in unwelcomed.

Besides, they're old, very old.
They can't hold out much longer.
I should call them Joe and Biden...
Happy Thursday. The window was open. Apparently, I was going to say something last night and then couldn't be arsed. You lived.

We get heat today, a spike in temperature. Got plenty of dumb shit to work on. I dunno, we'll see.

No word back on the job responses yet. No matter. I have a job.

I also have coffee, and it rocks. The cat is at home.



We have rabbits in the yard.
You can get within a couple
of feet from them before they bolt.

The dogs used to chase them.
Now they act like they can't see them.
If dogs can go in and out,
then we have a lot of undesirables
that can also come in unwelcomed.

Besides, they're old, very old.
They can't hold out much longer.
I should call them Joe and Biden...

I haven’t really had much issue with anything trying to come in, dummy is pretty possessive of his space.
I've had everything from raccoons to armadillos
trying to make dens under the front porch.

I'm not about to give them a "window"
of opportunity...
According to rumor, the guy who's starting his own apartment-based puppy mill - the SPCA is onto him.

Swear to Allah, that house smelled like kennel and they'd been back in it - fully renovated - 12 hours.

Sweet Babeh Jeebus was disgusted, even.



I've had everything from raccoons to armadillos
trying to make dens under the front porch.

I'm not about to give them a "window"
of opportunity...

You should be friendlier to the raccoons and armadillos. Joe and Biden might not make it much longer and you'll be looking for new pets.
No more pets.

I keep hoping my platys will die off
but they just keep breeding on.
I should try to give them away,
tank and all...

We even have a snake.
It's pretty damned old too.
It still eats every mouse given to it.
All of the people who wanted pets

leave the maintenance to me...
No more pets.

I keep hoping my platys will die off
but they just keep breeding on.
I should try to give them away,
tank and all...

We even have a snake.
It's pretty damned old too.
It still eats every mouse given to it.
All of the people who wanted pets

leave the maintenance to me...

That last part I can relate to!
Pet chores are like the dishes. The person with the least tolerance for filth does them. Everyone else was always "just about to get to them."
She begged, pleaded, and well, let’s just say went “above and beyond“ in convincing me to get dummy dog.

Now he follows me everywhere, tries to jump in the truck when I leave the house, etc...

Someone forgot to tell him he’s her dog!
I well recall promised favors in exchange for acquiescence to entreaties for pets. Even the actually collected favors were never worth any portion of the hassle involved with pets. If a person is less than enthusiastic about cleaning up after themselves, they will never clean up after a pet.

In defense of pets, most animals are cleaner than some humans.
I think one of the dogs is batshit crazy...

Never get a mini-<insert breed here>.
They are hyper for no reason what-so-ever...

She even growls and barks in her sleep.