TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Good morning. :)

On my second cup too. Need to run out a little later to pick up some masa. This years Hatch is in and I'm going to make a batch of Green Chile Stew. Let it simmer in the slow cooker all day. I should be plenty hungry come supper time after smelling it cook all day.
I'm gonna have to make a run to the feed store today.

The creatures get rowdy when their grain buckets are lacking.
I have a new bag of chicken feed...

... but if they don't start laying soon,
one or two of them are ending up in the pot.

With, or without, chilis.
The only reason I know where the pots and pans are is that they are hanging from a big rack over the island in the kitchen. If they weren’t there, I wouldn’t have a clue.
Made chicken soup last night.

I'll feed the leftover to the chickens.

They should consider it a warning...
Home from the first round of errands.

The gun show was mobbed. The parking lot was full, as was the side street. Too many cops panting too close for comfort. I'll try again this afternoon. They usually thin out after the sun comes out. I reckon the little missuses call and remind them of the honey dos.

Scored some steaks for the grill tonight. They're marinating. I know, not long enough, but for a late decision, they're going to be better than straight outta the styrofoam-n-cellophane.

The last laundry load is drying, the cat is napping on the dryer, and this-here bacon-n-eggs is some damn fine eatin' . . . .


Good evening!

I see we're about to hit another landmark. I'm too lazy to go back and look, do we have the next thread name?

And if not, since it's just me and Barbie here, do we get to pick the title?
You have to scroll back a few pages but I think Wat has the new title in mind already. Jes' sayin'.
maybe I'll just post and post and post so He'll have to start a new thread sooner.

or not

we'll see