TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Until today, I had never heard of a critter called a fisher. I looked it up and found they come from farther North than I am welcome, or have ever ranged. Cute lil thangs.
Until today, I had never heard of a critter called a fisher. I looked it up and found they come from farther North than I am welcome, or have ever ranged. Cute lil thangs.

The NH folk are proud of them.

They are like martens (sable) but a bit larger. Cousin to the wolverine.
Up early, this time not because of the dogs,
but, I think because it's become a habit...

Speaking of dachshunds, there was one on the deck yesterday,
but not one that lives here. I've heard a lot of little dog yapping
from the place to the east of us, so I guessing that's where the
little shit came from - just one more critter to harass the chickens.

Oh well, the coffee is good,
busybody has created yet
another alt, I think he's
attempting to become
ban-hammer proof...

More violence overnight,
more cops shot, but, of course,
it has nothing to do with #BLM, you Kant
blame any deaths on them, it's all right-wingers...


As far as a thread name, it's Wat's thread,
but I'm thinking that One Direction's time
is over and we are in need of a new direction.
But maybe that's just me. It could be. Maybe.
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Good morning folks.

The Green Chile Stew came out GREAT!!!!! A certified contest winning culinary concoction. :) Might make some rellenos tonight depending on how long the Sunday evening group get together lasts.

Going to start on some WinMag reloading today. Might as well use what I have until my powder order comes in. <shrug>
I have too many tomatoes, so today, it is another boring old pasta sauce,
some for eating, some for freezing. I wish I had some ground pork on
hand, but I'm not making a special trip just for that when I have beef.
I don't think they like the forest
or maybe the local rednecks have them on the menu...
I'm pretty sure it's the new neighbors to the east.
They spend every weekend on some sort of woodworking.
I can hear them all the day long, maybe some sort of side business.
I may go up there some time today and ask them about it and to curb their dog.

Then again, this is redneckia and attitude, guns and fuck-off are in plentiful supply...
I'm pretty sure it's the new neighbors to the east.
They spend every weekend on some sort of woodworking,
I can hear them all the day long, maybe some sort of side business,
but I may go up there some time today and ask them about it and to curb their dog.

Then again, this is redneckia and attitude, guns and fuck-off are in plentiful supply...

That should be fun. This is why I like having no neighbors!
If you're going to have neighbors, then they should all be in shotgun range. And their little dogs, too . . . .

Oh, Happy Sunday.

I'm thinking: Confucius say, "I hate a pussy!" Either that, or Allah loves pets, but that is awfully positive, and hate keeps it flowing in today's land of negativity.

Actually, I don't think that management has closed the last thread yet . . . .



Actually, early on, the idea of The Buddha hates a pussy came up, too.

So, pick one if you give a fuck, or not.

It's just a fucking thread tittle, after all.

Tittle, because there will be tits in it . . . .

I don't shoot pets, I wouldn't want mine shot,
but I am not shy about placing a .22 round in their direction.

Rain today.
I need to do some garden weeding...
I was having a Wicked Witch of the West moment.

I will shoot the neighbors. I figure that their critters couldn't he'p themselves.

Hell, I'll feed their cats.

Those might turn up "stolen" . . . .


No self-respecting cat would ever turn up at my house.

Maybe I need to get a couple of barn cats for outside to teach Roscoe the Democrat chipmunk some humility.