TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

All but done today - I think for real this day.

Cut snot outta my finger. Think I'll live, in spite of.

My new office fridge - salvaged from the rental office, seems to work fine and is all sweet-n-clean now. It's a 7 CF'er. This one goes with me when I'm outta here.

Gotta see about gettin' mah arse outta here . . . .

Hate finger cuts. There's a sharp bit of nail barely protruding from the kick plate under the kitchen sink. I have cut myself on that 3 times cleaning the floor forgetting each time that it's there. I should go countersink that, while I'm thinking about it.
Yes, you should.

Home, with cat. Stopped ansd got some Numbah Wun Fuckee. This is the light version.

My new drum mag showqed up. I need to try it out. If'n I like it, I might have to get another.

This damn taped finger is making typing an editing pain in the ass.

Figured out why that nail keeps managing to find my finger- it was not "a" nail it's a nail every 12 in at random, varying heights.

Managed to squash my finger between the hammer head and the floor as I sunk down to look at it.

There's a Habitat for Humanity resale place down the way that I assume they got the cabinets out of. It looks like when they reinstalled a piece of trim they put it on backwards with the existing nails sticking outboard.

All fixed.

Except my finger.
What is this, "Fuck up your finger Wednesday?" I'm not touching anything but the keyboard, the remote, and a fork today. :)
Mine was fine till Wat jinxed it.

It's my good, middle, lit-typin' finger, too!
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Yeah, probably. Wat haz dem mad skillz like that. Dat. At least it isn't my flipping off dumbfuck drivers who don't see motorcycles finger.

Wat would have to shoot them then.

So, if you want to build your very own chopper - it is a rite of passage in some circles - you can get a kit online. Hell, build it in your kitchen.

And forget to widen the doors . . . .



You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is DEAD!!!!
Happy Thursday!!!

Sadly, he's been dead for centuries.

My new helmet came yesterday. I bought one size bigger. Almost like it isn't there, thanks be to Allah. Cunt wait to try it out.

Tried out this coffee and it's to my liking . . . .



Got my favorite coffee, hot, black and thick.

Damned dachshunds are playing the in and out game.
As soon as one is in, the other wants out.
Lather, rinse, repeat...
Comedy duo.


I think I should name one busy and the other body,
hell, together, they're almost one whole dog.
They remind me of some posters...;
half a mind apiece.

I woke up thinking it was Wednesday...
I'm not sure what day T-Bone would think it is.
PS - I do like hot, black and lithe when it comes to women.

Variety packs are the spice of life, much
like my variety coffees...
Tales of doggery!!! Love it.

Wat fucks up the day sometimes.

Don't be like Wat.

Well, not in this regard . . . .

I have solar-powered lights outside to light the walk.

One of them is acting like a camera flash - one of the
ones that is marketed as brighter, like the
aforementioned posters...

Damned dachshund!
body has found away to occupy two beds at once...

busy is beside herself, she's doing her
best pop-goes-the-weasel to gain
my attention... Damn, she
sure can whine.

Just like a Lit poster...
Silly children.

Speaking of black and thick, I'm in this fat woman's house yesterday, and she's got this thing on the telly about some really fat chick failing to lose weight.

Maybe, she was looking for pointers.

But she was nursing her newborn, so somebody is banging her . . . . :rolleyes:

Yesterday was a tad bit chilly.
Today is supposed to be warmer,
but then we go back to unseasonable cold.

It truly must be "The Day After Tomorrow" in reality...
Warm today, low 90's, with a big cool down tomorrow. Rain forecast for Sun. PM through Mon.
A region only useful if the statics are perceived to be "ripe" cherries,
ready for the picking.

;) ;)