TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Last Sunday I was hanging out with my fam. My cuz picked-up a jar of honey that was branded ‘organic’ then says, "how do they know where the bees have been?"


I said, "they should market it as free-range bee honey."

Better yet, where do bees who produce inorganic honey come from...

China? Reverse engineered?
Free Range Bees!!!!

Another idea which Wat can support happily.

There's more silly shit to do today, as usual. One is to shop for gloves-n-masks. Jabba the PM has promised we will work with these in folks apartments. Oh, and disinfectant, too.

Try finding any of this shit in quantity . . . . :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

A couple of weeks ago a honey bee was really interested in my cokeacola can. That’s definitely not organic.
Yeah, good luck on the bulk purchasing.

I remember a story out of Germany about discharge from a
candy factory changing the flavor of bee honey, or something like that...
Yeah, good luck on the bulk purchasing.

I remember a story out of Germany about discharge from a
candy factory changing the flavor of bee honey, or something like that...

Actually I believe that story was from NY and it was the color of the honey that was changed to a deep red.
Getting ready to saddle up to get out of here.

I'm thinking an adjustment in living quarters is in order. So it'll be back to the scrotel13 until Wat can hunt down some more accommodations.

Could be worser.

Loading up . . . .

Relaxation time once more. Salad and cold fried chicken.

Got the bed wetters all stirred. Are bed wetters worse than weasels? I think that's a close one to call.
Relaxation time once more. Salad and cold fried chicken.

Got the bed wetters all stirred. Are bed wetters worse than weasels? I think that's a close one to call.

people making a mockery of your dumb posts in your dumb thread isn't stirring anyone up, ismale.
Got the bed wetters all stirred. Are bed wetters worse than weasels? I think that's a close one to call.

Those holiday Cinco de Mayo Franzia knockbacks you got going on today are giving you some real peculiar notions of prestige and personal achievement, Ishykins!

Those holiday Cinco de Mayo Franzia knockbacks you got going on today are giving you some real peculiar notions of prestige and personal achievement, Ishykins!


he is so hammered that he could only manage cold fried chicken for dinner. :(
Home/satellite. Leaving on time didn't happen. By a large percentage of another workday. Jabba the s000per had been doing some more deep thinking and got the floor clowns to work second shift to do the leasing office.

Swear to Allah, we did ours at the last place during Normal Bizness Hours. No drama.

In other news, the bike shop called. Zelda is ready to come home. Her dyno numbers are 120 ponies and 139 pounds feet pounded. Healthy gains both. That'll Keep Wat entertained for a couple of years.

But he wonders, could he build a better one . . . ?



We're into a very cool weather pattern, which is good.
It gives me an excuse to not open up the pool.
Pools are just too much work for too little reward.

More racism --- Kawasaki disease is being reported;
a side effect of the China/Wuhan virus...
Good morning folks. It's range day today, a for real one where I can practice distancing with my friends. :D
I have two more squirrels to practice on.
Nature abhors a vacuum. It seems that
nature is kind of fucking stupid too...

It really goes a long way towards explaining extinction.

"That's a nice cave! we should live there!"
"The cave bear ate Ogg..."
"Yeah, but his intentions were not as good as ours,
we are going to cooperate, coexist and cohabitate!
Ogg's problem was "close-minded specie-ism..."
Happy payday Wednesday!!! All those hoops are jumped through.

Now, do the bears try to loot the free range bees' honey, or did they sting Ogg to death, or was he slewn by the bear? What did that cave drawing actually reveal, and was the ink made of funny-colored honey, thereby exposing it as free range bee propaganda???

In the end, it's all lies and propaganda, and polished turds for effect.

Pass the turd polish and refill the coffee mug, damn it!!!

Here at work. Weasels present. Got my firearm in case there's some type of Weasel Insurrection. There will be no crap taken from any weasels today.

Already got two dumb things fixed. Shit not put in quite right. A tad bit missing on the Quality Control of Work Efforts.

It's not like the weasels have to give a fuck, or fucks. They just have to do things like they give a fuck.

Or fucks . . . .



I should have put some foil down before baking that swordfish.

The damned pan is proving very difficult to clean...