TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

In other news; last week the crappy Ecoboost engine in my truck broke (again). Ford and I are in negotiations over who's going to pay for a new one.
Good luck with the Ford, and I shan't make any comments save to say that Wat will be sticking with the other Motor Company from nineteen aught three.

One hundred thirty-nine foot-pounds of tork. Even Peter would be proud if he weren't so dead.

Did a bit of nursing on the damaged digit. Seems I sliced a divit out of it more than stabbed it, which is what I first thought. It looks fine and hurts less, so it has a slather of antie-bostics and a new band aid knock-off. Cloth. Wat don't do no plastic band aids.

Hell, I can type with it even . . . .

Afternoon tea time. Been a mellow day so far. Had to run out and pick up some coffee this AM. Can't run out of coffee dammit.

Other than some light yard work I've been researching hunting options.
Home/satellite. Last night here. Long story we shan't be getting into. Grazing in.

We had Jabba for all of an hour. Wat missed him. No, not with the firearm, because Wat would have closed range and emptied the mag.

Jabba rear-ended a guy last night. Jabba's company truck. He wrecked his car doing the same thing a couple of years ago. Maybe Jabba needs to stop driving, which would let out working, insh'Allah.

Wat should be so lucky . . . . :rolleyes:

Afternoon tea time. Been a mellow day so far. Had to run out and pick up some coffee this AM. Can't run out of coffee dammit.

Other than some light yard work I've been researching hunting options.

I buy it by the case.
I keep it in a cool, dark place.


... with the bodies.
What a day.
The highlight was getting the septic tank pumped.
A coyote came right up to the back door to nab a chicken.
I didn't even stop to grab the rifle, something I regretted later
because the fawker was not going to go away, he was ready to fight me.
I thought I had him run off, but when I went in to get the rifle, it provided opportunity.
I took a few impotent shots in the direction he ran off to, but it was just to make me feel better.

I felt better, later on when I bagged a squirrel.
I have (had) two of them hitting the bird feeder,
one who runs to a crook in the tree when startled, he's next,
and one who likes (d) to sit on the backside of the ash and peek around
in a spot certain, so I had that spot scoped out, drew a bead on his head and nailed him.
He must have leapt for the ground just as I pulled the trigger because the round surgically
opened up his upper belly seppuku-style and his entrails became his extrails.
This gave the dachshunds hours of, "Where did he go? I can smell him!"
He went down into a ravine, they're too old to follow now.
Praise be to Allah; they always want to bring
their trophies indoors.

;) ;)
Happy Friday!!!

Yesterday was Johnny Unitas' b-day. Ain't read Today in History yet.

Have to re-schedule my vacation. Wat has a plan. Things work out because Allah is smarter than people.

This coffee is smarter than a typical Litster . . . .

Good morning.

I buy 9lbs + at a whack. Whatever that works out to in K-cups.

That was a desperate coyote. It'll be taking dogs next unless you put an end to it.
I will be very vigilant.

It's amazing that it came so close with everything going on.
It's gotten used to living in the proximity of human activity.

The dogs? I wish! :devil: They don't lay eggs, they just shit on the weeds...
The coyote is very adaptable. Living is easy in the cities and the burbs where the only threat is traffic. Out in the sticks they're considerably more skittish. An animal that bold may have some other issues (disease for example) and needs to be dealt with quickly.
I agree.
The chickens will also be on lockdown.
New chicks will have to be purchased. I hate chicks.
Smelly damned things that have to be raised indoors...
How do these fawkers survive in the wild???
I know, breeding makes you stupid -
the Progressive argument:

It's incessant "peeping" that gets to me. After a while it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.
There was a woman living at the job named Cherry. She moved. We had one riotous conversation. A lot of her theories sounded like something out of Germany about 80 years ago.

I missed the coyote tale. Damn Lit posting. I blame glowball warming first and Man000 second. Yes, shoot the fucker last week already. Could be rabid, early stages.

Getting crap moved outta here. Good thing there ain't much.

I blame glowball warming for that, too . . . .

Order from home.

The hunt master at the ranch I hunt at has one with a "wiggler." We use it to hunt coyotes. BUT A bear came in once and tore the shit out of it so he started mounting it in a tree. Worked until a mountain lion came in and tore the shit out of it. *chuckle*
The bear came in out of curiosity, they don't respond to calls under most circumstances. The lion was after a quick snack.