TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

We're having a drive-by rally with tooting of horns and fire trucks in front of our local heros at the hospital this evening. They haven't handled a single case of the virus, but garsh durn it, they's heeeros!

I always enjoy the tales from Mayberry.
Solved the big computer thingie.

The printer now hates me and has filed for divorce.

I wasn't aware that we had married.

The drunk plumber is back. Maybe he can fix it . . . . :rolleyes:

Home/satellite. Scored some take-out. Nomming with glee, such as it is.

Looks like we'll be back to work at least half-way next week, and pretty much all the way the week after.

Wat will be all the way away week after next. Two weeks off. Going to see the kids.

I hope the place doesn't belly up without me. :rolleyes:



If this place specifically became a floater I think the appropriate phrase would be, "tits up." There really isn't enough fat on most of the bellies to be "belly up."
Home myself after a long day. So, salad, dinner, and off to relax before another day starts.
Yeah, it would be tits up, and I should have said that because . . . 'Murrika!!!

Just because I'm taking off the last 16 days of May from work doesn't mean that you fuckers will get a break.

Maybe it could be worse than ever.

Perhaps a preview of Islamic Hell . . . .



I still don't get the whole rat rod thing.
People want to go beyond Thunderdome?
Is it an urban reflex, i.e., you don't want to steal this crap?

Printers are cheap now.
Cheaper than techs, even the DeVry techs.
That's my solution to everything now, that and
always be low on ink, so the investment is easier to part with.

Thunderstorms last night, an end to cooler weather,
but ... the humidity will remain behind.
;) ;)
Good morning folks. Warm and breezy is the forecast, we shall see.

Get to find out if my abrasive guy is open. Maybe he's another casualty of the Wuhan Flu.
*chuckle* Most of them are on ignore. And if you think about it the "ignore" function is the new age equivalent of first degree murder. :)
Is that why they relentlessly follow me trying to haunt my every posting moment?

That would explain a lot.
Happy Tuesday!!!

DeVry techs gotta eat, too. Actually, Wat has negotiated a solution to the printer problem, which is a work thing only. He's getting a second hand working printer fer free from J. Already made a decision - when it acts up, gone it is and a replacement bought. It's really our little office network which is fucked beyond hope, and it's just going to have to stay that way. Unless one of htese GB IT Jeenyuseses wants to make a guest appearance and show off his/her Mad Skillz.

Looks like rain later. Wat is working on sink backs - again. Maybe that is what draws rain.

The coffee is damn good this morning.



Does she own her own Hooter's franchise?

She should invest instead of always



get it?

Jana is one of the great sources of bare bazongas. It's a Euro-trash thing, I s'pose.

It's gonna be chilly this weekend back to home. Frost threats are s'posed to be gone by now.

Obvious suspect: Glowball Warming!!!

Trying to avoid the weasels today . . . .

Businesses in West Virginia can reopen "only if they fuckin' follow the guidelines to keep West Virginia safe."

'nuff said.
Well, I wasn't planning on being there anyway.

I hear tell though that for your women, masks may be a good thing...


... if only to hide the tooth.
I was reading about times in 1861
and the opening of dollar stores in the nation.

I think the value of a dollar store has changed a bit...

There's a woman that jogs past my office every morning. Really nice body, long black hair... but she has a really pointy chin.