TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Dug a few holes in my day.

Ate frogs at one point. Live. Whole, not just legs. Any pussy can eat frog legs.

And we know how the pantheon hates pussies.

The cat is content. Contented cats are the best.

Cats will eat a frog,

at least until they try to eat their first toad.
After that they "eschew the chew," so-to-speak...
Reminds me, I had this one cat, it followed me down to the fishin' hole.
The last I ever saw of that cat was it running off with a frog in its mouth.
The stealth bombers flew over yesterday.
I've seen them before, no big deal.

It's better in KANSAS with no fawkin' trees to mar your viewing pleasure...
Don't see no stealth out here. Lots of c-135's, Osprey's, and UH-60's. The PJ's use them for their infil-exfil training. We're in the process of obtaining another section of land adjoining the range. The plan is to put in a couple of LZ's for the PJ's, state cops, and various reserve outfits to use for training.

I like working with the PJ's and reservists. They always donate ammo cans, brass, and MRE's. :D
Then clearly the stealth technology works better there
(if you cannot see them).


I hear them long before I see them...
No kidding. Especially with the 60's and Osprey's. If there's a good breeze blowing and they're within 5 miles of you it sounds as if you're living inside a bass drum. They don't have the sharp crack of the old huey's, just a deep booming sound.
Wat gets jets in Workers' Paradise. And the ocasional prop plane for old times' sake.

Home from shopping. Got all sorts of stuff. New cat food, too. He's movin' on up.

Ride is coming to collect the bike. Motorcycle. Harley fucking Davidson. Broke(n) in. Like, full throttle eligible.

Bein' as Jesus hates a pussy . . . .

It shore is nice to be able to rev this old (not!!!) girl past 3K. The 139 pounds/feet is at 4K, and it's right to 5 before you know it. It's like an Imperial out-dragging a Road Runner.

Road trip in two weeks. This is gonna be schweeet.

Scored two fabulous ribeyes for tonight. Brunch tomorrow.

No complaints . . . .

Good day all around. Tomorrow brings rain so more yard work was done today. Out of the work clothes, cleaned up, and into the relaxing clothes.
It works because

That's similar to the two approaches to concrete post holes.
There are the recipe people who mix it up, add aggregate, even lay down
wire caging and then try and dump the wet mess into the hole.
The rest of us just dump a bag in and throw some water on it. Over the course
of time, it will harden up just as hard as the other method and it is
so much quicker and easier.

That is because the curing is a chemical reaction in the concrete so as long as the water is absorbed in the concrete. Problem with your easy method if you do not put enough water to get all the way through you get a hard cap over powder below. This is why the sure way is mixing by hand.
I live in a moderate rainforest.
Ground moisture is never a problem.
Dry ground for simple gardening is a problem however...
Some Hall and Oates in tribute to the tiger that killed Ol' Roy...

... watch out boy, she'll chew you up!
I don't hate the show but there is something about that cast. I dated Rod Steiger's niece (once removed) for a year or so. Strange girl.