TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Happy Fucking Sunday!!! Supper last night rocked it. Brunch today kicked ass. Perfected mah omelettes. They got rave reviews. Well, our friends are frequently subject to raving, so there's that.

Went for a bit of a ride. It's a lovely day out there for it.

The cat managed to bloody his own ear last night. It distressed him. Of course, ears are bleeders, and he shook his head and tried to wipe it off with a front paw. The upstairs of the house looked like a murder scene, and he looked like he had a severe head wound. Got him patched up and he settled down. Felt sorry for the little bugger, but he's better now.

Last I checked, concrete cures all its life. I had the misfortune of having to break up some sakrete that I had dumped in a hole dry and allowed to cure, and it was as nasty as any shitty job I've had.



The clouds are rolling in so I dragged everything in that should be in.

Steak and potato's, with a salad of course, is on the menu.
Happy Monday morning!!!

We damn near had frost over the weekend. I imagine they did out in the country. It's gonna get chilly again tonight and tomorrow night. And it'll be damn near 90 on Friday. It's enough to make your balls glow.

Vacation weather is looking good so far.

New coffee pot makes damn fine coffee.

I'm enjoying a cup of my favorite blend; weather is mild, chicks are noisy,
dachshunds are back to sleep, life is pretty damned good.

When I can focus and get my attention-span under control,
I am still working on Sandburg's Lincoln,
but I am also mixing in some Science Fiction,
otherwise dates and people just don't sink in,
it all starts to just glaze over...
Good morning all.

The forecast rain hasn't materialized.............yet.

I've got to scoot out early and pick up a few items and get back to the shack. I'm pinned here with some deliveries scheduled. I wish they could be a little more precise on their timing, it's like dealing with the cable company. :rolleyes:
States are going to start reopening...

It's going to be tough for the Left-leaning;
eat crow on the predictions of Trump's
"catastrophe" or taking credit for
raising the alarm and keeping
us "safe" from the NOT-
Chinese virus...

;) ;)
I can't wait to see how this is all spun in the end. "Trump didn't keep us safe so we had to impoverish the nation."

Just finished reading a local story concerning a 108 yr. old local that tested positive for having HAD the Wuhan Flu. Seems he and his son were a little ill back at the beginning of Feb. but didn't get the Wuhan test because they didn't meet the symptom checklist. So last week they got the antibody (Igg) test and guess what?

Yes, it's anecdotal and only applies to the man and his son, but it's just more evidence that this thing is, and has been, much more widely spread than anyone realizes and all of this shutdown shit was just pointless and willful destruction of the economy.
Yes, I think it is.

I have no complaints.

Okay. Maybe I do. I just cannot get people to stop and listen to them.

(My spellcheck is ruthless in converting can't to cannot.)
It looks like somewhere between 20-30 % of people who suspect they might have had it have had it.

I'm not so sure that I have had it symptom-wise however I think it would be very unlikely that I have never been exposed to it.

It's all about tree riding that to get rid of the double negative but it seems to more accurately convey what I'm trying to say with the devil negative.

I'm not rewriting that explanation about why I'm not rear writing the line about that just because rewriting came out tree riding and one of the double negative turned out to be a devil negative.

Apparently a second double negative in the same sentence is the devil's negative, and I'm okay with that.
Morning BT.

I had a bout of the puny's back in the Feb. time frame myself. Not really sick, but not really well either.
Yes, I think it is.

I have no complaints.

Okay. Maybe I do. I just cannot get people to stop and listen to them.

(My spellcheck is ruthless in converting can't to cannot.)

The good usually outweighs the bad.

The talk to text thing on the cell phone can't understand me at all. It translates my twang into some of the dangdest stuff you ever saw.
The good usually outweighs the bad.

The talk to text thing on the cell phone can't understand me at all. It translates my twang into some of the dangdest stuff you ever saw.

You should see what it does to the New Mexican "sing-song" accent common out here. My voice mail does speech to text and sends me an email. I have to do a translation. :)
I responded to a text in which I said something like " there a a lot of little towns out that way"

the phone heard something about Asperger's

so very weird
Down here in paradise by the tidal swamp. Weasels are arriving. I can hardly wait.

The weather looks decent, thanks be to Allah.

My talk-to-text has been misbehaving a bit lately. Some I just send along, and others I cuss and edit. My friends all have low expectations of me.

They know me too well . . . .


That has to be a chick bike.
The only thing it lacks are those plastic 'flags' on the ends of the handlebars...

What do you call them?