TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Fringe, but not as in "infringed," which means something else entirely. Eschewed by serious bikers the world over.

Fawkin Indians have a lot of the stuff. THe "other" v-twin motorcycle. Sometimes, you hear about people wearing scarfs and other dangling crap and catching it in the back wheel and having rude crude things happen to them as a result. Wat's 72' scarf gets doubled up. Snoopy looked way cool in his, but I'd rather fight the Red Baron than play dodge-wheel.

So far so good on the work round-up. Got settled up with three of the hard to get along with folks. We'll finish the windows in that crib on Wednesday, thanks be to Allah.

I'm not about to tell Carmen what kind of handlebars she can have . . . .

Awww, it's Calypso Louie's birthday.

From one heathen to another . . . .

Happy birthday Louie. :)

Ordered an upgraded red dot. Got a good home for my old one so all is good.
Scrotel13. There was an error with the registration, but no matter. Here a night, and in a different place on Wednesday. Will scoot home tomorrow night.

Figuring out the grazing situation may get a tad interesting, but something will become apparent.

Half-heartedly shopping for an AR15. I'd like to find a 20" barrel . . . . An A3 would be perfect.

No rush, really.

Palmetto State has what you desire.

20" barrel

Knock together whatever you want re. carrying handles, sights, etc. I like the free-floating barrel style and the ability to put rails where ever I want.
I'm actually looking at a complete rifle from them. I can always add an upper later, and I can do a 458 SOCOM also for shits-n-giggles.

And I have some stuff to unload, too. I'll never shoot it/them again, so why not. More about minimizing.

So this cut I made on my finger last week was healing well. Until making brunch yesterday. I was cutting some spring onions and fucking stabbed myself right in the Allah-damned wound. That was a kick in the arse.

It's better now . . . .



Do you wear glasses for close to work? You might want to check your prescription.
Fringe, but not as in "infringed," which means something else entirely. Eschewed by serious bikers the world over.

Fawkin Indians have a lot of the stuff. THe "other" v-twin motorcycle. Sometimes, you hear about people wearing scarfs and other dangling crap and catching it in the back wheel and having rude crude things happen to them as a result. Wat's 72' scarf gets doubled up. Snoopy looked way cool in his, but I'd rather fight the Red Baron than play dodge-wheel.

So far so good on the work round-up. Got settled up with three of the hard to get along with folks. We'll finish the windows in that crib on Wednesday, thanks be to Allah.

I'm not about to tell Carmen what kind of handlebars she can have . . . .

What (or Wat) is up with the long, braided whip-like cord nearly dragging the ground from the throttle grip side?


"I gotta handlebar mustache she kin ride. . ." - Sam Elliot as Gar in "Mask"
Good morning.
Up, early at them, checking in to see what horrible awful thing
Trump has managed to do overnight.
We're all going to hell...

Fire Fauci

Happy Tuesday - a day as good for going to Hell - Islamic or otherwise - as any other.

Looks to be a bit coller today, but not by much. It still ain't warm much in the morning, and we're damned near halfway through this month.

Still in the thinkin'-n-lookin' stages on the new rifle. And still waitin' for my stimulus check, too.

My new handgun, however, should arrive this week. :D

We don't get our monsoon's until July. Traditionally it's started on the evening of July 4th. Makes it hard to light those fuses. :)

The beauty of the AR15, and to a lesser extent the AR10, is you change the upper and wallah, a new caliber. They truly are like Barbie dolls for guys.
One of our former posters extolled the virtues of the 458 SOCOM in such a way as to make one desirable for around-the-house rifle stuff. You know, the one past 22 long rifle.

A guy gave me some AR stuff a few years ago. Sold it, actually. Took the money he got for it and went and tied one on.

Said there was a red-dot sight in it, but I've never laid eyes on it. I should check that out.

And then minimize whatever is around it that I don't fucking use.

All of them have their uses. The 458 is good for very CQB. Limited in magazine capacity but like the 45, if you hit'em anywhere they aren't going to go very far.
I (kinda) wonder if anyone has played with a drum to see how many SOCOMs can be shoved into it and how well it would work.

If it ain't dependable, then I'd rather have a Louisville Slugger.

Or a gaspipe with a fitting on each end.

Weasels on tap. I can hardly wait . . . . :rolleyes:

The problem with drums is weight and maneuverability. I've yet to see any of the top tier 3 gunners use a drum.

One guy showed up with a 25 rnd. straight mag on his shotgun (12 ga.). He had a difficult time switching between targets and couldn't hit the "flyers" worth a shit. He's back to 5 rnd. mags now. 10 rnd is the largest I've seen used on the shotguns. 20 is typical for rifle although some do use the 30's. Almost everyone shoots 9mm for pistol and the pistol has to start holstered so 13 to 17 is typical there.

All of them practice dropping their mags in the dirt and slapping a new mag in in a timely manner which is why you never see AK style "rock-N-lock" style rifles at 3 gun matches. You rarely see Bull Pup styles either because of the awkwardness of the mag position although there's one young fellow that shoots a Bull Pup. He's always in the top 10 and sometimes in the top 5 but he never wins.

Virtually all the top shooters have EOTech red dots mounted on their rifles. They have the virtue of if the dot is on the target you're going to hit it. The downside is they cost $500 + depending on model.
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii - The U.S. Pacific Fleet submarine force currently has every one of its forward-deployed submarines conducting contingency response operations at sea in the Western Pacific, in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region amidst the pandemic caused by the coronavirus.

Sailors belong on ships, and ships belong at sea!
I read a warning about Chinese operations this morning.

Like Ted Nugent, when it comes to the South China Sea,
they want to get a stranglehold on it...
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii - The U.S. Pacific Fleet submarine force currently has every one of its forward-deployed submarines conducting contingency response operations at sea in the Western Pacific, in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region amidst the pandemic caused by the coronavirus.

Sailors belong on ships, and ships belong at sea!

Yeah! Let's re-purpose some more of those obsolete aircraft carries as plague ships and spread confusion and covid to our enemies!
I read a warning about Chinese operations this morning.

Like Ted Nugent, when it comes to the South China Sea,
they want to get a stranglehold on it...

Those islands they built and built upon will be about as useful as the islands the Japanese occupied in WWII. Each and every one of them is a MOAB away from being a hazardous waste dump.
It is all about political policy.
If Trump is dead, Democrats take over...

Democrats are impressed by shows of force,
it will force them to properly negotiate a retreat...,


in the holy secular name of preserving the peace and global cooperation.