TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It requires a certain character and purposeful resolve to
know when to capitulate and take your losses...
I'm not about to tell Carmen what kind of handlebars she can have . . . .


Here at Wat's World of Weasels Workers' Paradise. Cool and clear, and enough motorcycles riding past for good ambience. Haven't noticed any with fringe, or any with Carmen, either.

Of course, the main drag is on the other side of the treeline.

Wat's newest firearm has arrived at the FFL. We'll sort that out Saturday. It would have showed up at my house if not for GCA68. And a few other things . . . .

Making good headway on collecting data for the punch list. One building down.

After having successfully ducked or survived the WuFlu so far, this had better not be a summer cold. I changed the AC filters, took a decongestant, a claritin, and a hot shower. I'm going to pretend that uncontrolled sneezing jag did not happen.
After having successfully ducked or survived the WuFlu so far, this had better not be a summer cold. I changed the AC filters, took a decongestant, a claritin, and a hot shower. I'm going to pretend that uncontrolled sneezing jag did not happen.

most likely teh hivvy.
Best of luck Con. Just remember, no fever, no flu.

Dinner o'clock here. I decided to have breakfast for dinner tonight, just for the hell of it.

Wat, you need to make some range time.
Wat does need to make some range time. Too bad Zelda cuts into range time really hard. Wat may just have to hang out the window and bus' sum capz yo.

Home with cat. Got in a bit of Zelda time. It is that time of year. There was a bit of riding into the setting sun which kinda sucked, but it's that time of year. Grazing in - ice cream for dessert.

Wat has had good luck on what he calls "refusing delivery" on some illnesses. Rest, drink obscene amounts of water and some juices, gobble vitamin C and/or Airborne, add a multi vitamin if not already on the routine, and generally set the mind into ain't acceptin' this shit mode. It has helped to head some stuff off in the past.

Off to crash shortly.

That's my regimen as well. If you ignore a cold for a full 7 days it doesn't exist.

In other news scorpions need to not exist. I had to kill or possibly re-kill one. I wasn't wearing my glasses so I couldn't be sure if he was alive or dead so I smacked him with a shoe because I didn't have anything handy to trap him with while I figure out where he came from and whether there are (likely) more of him. He's definitely dead now so I have that going for me.

Speaking of defeated insects, looks like both special elections went the right way. California Dems still have time to "find" a couple of boxes of ballots "lost" in somebody's trunk.
That look:


Is exactly what I hunt for. The half smile, the mischievous glint, and the dawning recognition on her part that I have on offer the sort of trouble she seeks.

Just worried that all of that might get lost in the voluptuous nudity. . .

That might be the impending freedom talking, of course.

I happenrd to find myself in the vicinity of the hotel I spent my birthday at last year and duckrd in for moment. The pool on the third floor is already opened which I don't think is technically legal until Friday.

Rates are fantastic.


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Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

It's warming up a bit here. Still May, after all.

I like the look on her face, too. Makes it easier to ignore the big ol' bewb there. Not possible, but easier.

Coffee and cat. He makes typing difficult. Not impossible, but not easy . . . .



After having successfully ducked or survived the WuFlu so far, this had better not be a summer cold. I changed the AC filters, took a decongestant, a claritin, and a hot shower. I'm going to pretend that uncontrolled sneezing jag did not happen.

For whatever reason, I am having allergy problems,
something which never really affects me in the Spring.
Shot two squirrels yesterday, one ended up as a trophy.
Big Stupid beat me to it and gleefully ran off with it only
to later deposit it on the back step when she was done with it.

The chicks forced the moving of the dog beds away from the hearth
so now they fight over the bed closest to where the big people sit.
Little Stupid always wins that war because there is no quit in her...

Dachshunds are evil little creatures. I spent a considerable
amount of time this morning trying to get Big Stupid to go out;
she just ignored me as if I didn't exist, but sure enough as soon as I sat down,
got comfortable and picked up the computer she started dancing and "talking"
to me. I ignored her until she started barking at me, so I got up and she
raced me to the door, dancing and wiggling. As soon as I opened the door,
she realized that it was raining and she wanted to have nothing to do with it.
So, for the next few hours, she will forget, decide she needs to pee,
force me to get up, discover that it is raining and then run from the door...

I hate dachshunds.
Next time, I get a Great Dane and name it Marmeduke...
Great Danes have bad back ends.

Sometimes, nothing beats a good ol' mutt.

There's something about where the cat's head is and the hairs on my arm as I try to type. I think I'm tickling his ear. It's kind of funny. Annoying cats can be such good fun. They do it back in no-trump. Card hand, not political wish.

I need to turn in receipts already . . . .

You don't see a lot of cats around here.

I think the coyotes eat them.
It's the other kind of Indian fast food...
Good morning folks. It's Range Day Wednesday!

The original plan was to sight in the new scope today, but I don't have a new scope to sight in. It was supposed to arrive Mon. along with the new scope mount but that didn't happen. Delivery is rescheduled for later today. This damn Wuhan Flu is being used to excuse a lot of things that just aren't happening on time. Oh well, I'll get it mounted up tomorrow and head out on Fri.
Suddenly we're on third-world time.

The Koreans used to tell us that an event would start at noon
and then they would show up at three.
That's how Korea rolls...

I did some biz. down in Argentina and Brazil at one time. They'd call a meeting for 9 AM and people would start meandering in about 9:30 then stand around BS'ing, eating doughnuts and drinking coffee until 10:30ish and then the meeting might start. If it was a serious item to be discussed they might schedule the meeting "American Style" which meant "be there on time because we're starting on time." :rolleyes:
Never did biz. in Korea. Did plenty in Japan and China and they were always prompt. Maybe they were just trying to impress the gaijin.
... or trying to prove they weren't Korean.

Lots of intermingling.
Godmother always labeled big-headed Chinese as Korean...

She also preferred the lighter skinned Chinese.
Dark skin was for the stupid people of South China.

Of course, she had a small head, light skin and was a daughter of the Party.
*chuckle* The people that run their mouth about racism here obviously never spent any time in the far East.
"Those" people don't even know 'racialist' is a word
as they scream "chief" at me as if
that were a pejorative...