TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I know I posted this one in the last several weeks, but I really love her amused look. I think she's laughing genuinely.

Hell, I'd buy her a beer . . . .

On the shelf of my upstairs closet is an old desktop with a floppy drive and a CD drive, too. I save it in case I ever need to read the damned discs I still have.

Assuming I didn't downsize it. I may have.

Nearly done here. I hope.

New scrotel13 tonight. We'll see.

I hesitate to tell you but your disks are most likely FUBAR.

A few years ago I started going through my library of floppies and found that damn near ALL of them were bad. There were a couple that I was able to burn to optical, the rest went in the trash.
I've wondered about that. Stacking a bunch of magnetic media where there's a magnetic field between them can't be a great idea.

I've got a great magnetic Mount for my cell phone permanently mounted to my dash. It took a long time for me to try a magnetic Mount because it had to be explained to me that no your phone doesn't have any magnetic media in it.
I kinda figured as much.

I think that there's one file, maybe, on one of them, that I actually wanted.

And if it's gone, so be it.

It is the will of Allah . . . .

I kind of liked the floppies. Keeps a particular event tidily in one place.

From yer practical standpoint though a box of disc is obviously silly, when you can simply organize in directories.

I have been trying freeze/thaw cycles to see if I can get the battery to take a charge. Had that trrck work once, and only once.

The worst part was hauling all of those disks all over China.
There's only so much luggage you can keep your eyes on
and dagnabbit, as hospitable a people as they are the
Chinese are a bunch of dagonned sneak thieves,
especially in the airports...
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Happy Thursday!!!

Getting a bit warmer still. Looks like rain on Saturday, maybe. We'll see, as always.

Two more days until two weeks vacation, thanks be to Allah. It hasn't worked out as planned because of the madness, but it's going to work out okay.

Coffee has worked out okay, too.



Hey, Mel sobers up in Blood Father.

The real WW got drawn and quartered anyway. Sucks to be captured sometimes.

And dies, too. It's getting so I like watching his characters die almost as much as I like watching Woody Harrelson characters die.

Which is why The Highwaymen could have used some improvement.

I want to see something where Elmer Fudd's stupidity actually kills him...

Jessica Rabbit

Elmer ain't no Wile E.

It dawns on me that I actually seem to have slept better last night than I have in weeks. Wonder what that combination was.

And it dawns on me that I have a new tail/brake light combo to install before road trippin'.

Mail order: it's so close, and yet, it can be so far away sometimes . . . .

Elmer ain't no Wile E.

It dawns on me that I actually seem to have slept better last night than I have in weeks. Wonder what that combination was.

And it dawns on me that I have a new tail/brake light combo to install before road trippin'.

Mail order: it's so close, and yet, it can be so far away sometimes . . . .

Our governor has eased the restrictions somewhat. At least enough that the sporting goods stores can open again starting tomorrow. Too late to go out and buy a set a rings that are supposed to be delivered today (and were actually to have been delivered on Monday). But at least I'll be able to burn that $100 gift card for Cabela's that I won back in Dec. I'm going to blow that on some fishing tackle.
I have old tackle too...

I cannot cast it 1000 yards, but it would be nice to
fish the neighbor's pond from my lawn chair.

They would try to eat it.

I'm lucky they're housebroken.
Dumbest damned dogs in the world...

Well, maybe some of those purse dogs, but you know what I mean.
I've been working close to home more lately because so many people are home with nowhere to be in the morning that effectively my population density at night has been raised. Which was always the reason I left my hood. To many old folks and hard working early risers who turn in early.

It was a little past time for a snack and you can drop me anywhere in this metropolitan area now bigger than Los Angeles in the middle of the night and I can tell you where to get a snack. There was a jack in the Box about a mile away and I was trying to decide what I should eat that would be reasonably healthy, when I realized I was only a mile and a half from my actual kitchen.

I have eaten so many meals on the road the last 5 years that I don't really even think of that as an option.

I bottled up some chili verde dripping from the pork I cooked the other day and I've been doing a huevos rancheros with it.

There's a little of that caramelized pork dripping flavor along with the canned green chile enchilada sauce and tomatillo sauce that I added.
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They score well by the meanness metric...

I always tell delivery people, ignore the yapper
but beware of the quiet one;
she just bites.
As long as we're on the subject of dogs. Our governor opined a few weeks ago that dog grooming parlors were "essential" businesses, but barber shops and hair salons weren't.