TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

How about dogism? People in the area like to let their dogs out to run without leashes or watching them, several have gone missing, all little ones. In an online forum it was suggested that the coyotes or hawks got them but the people who owned them seem certain it was dog nappers because coyotes and hawks couldn't possibly live near people. *eyeroll*
Puppies and younger dogs do get stolen and sold online for quick cash, no ransoms needed.
I'm just stunned that so many people believe that wildlife doesn't live in suburbia.
True. That coyote could pass for some sort of mutt...

Just don't try to pet it.
If it lets you, it's probably rabid.
I loved the line outta the new big-time dealer's mouth on The Wire. He was the scar-faced dude. He scheduled a meeting for five, and then felt it necessary to say something like, five means five because I don't do CPT.

I was taught that on time means 10 minutes early. And in your chair and quiet. Prepared.

Anything else is selfish, rude, and inconsiderate.

You know Allah-damned well that the cunts around here cunt learn shit, even if their lives depended on it. I shocked at yas . . . .


You don't see a lot of cats around here.

I think the coyotes eat them.
It's the other kind of Indian fast food...

Lots of big dogs and short fences hereabouts keeps the coyotes down by the tracks. I'm surprised my cat found a girlfriend because not a lot of cats around here, either. Especially right before taco tuesday.

'Twas allergies, maybe. I had forgotten the claritin for a day.
Shot a squirrel not 20 minutes ago!


He was with a buddy. The buddy has not been back. Smarter than I gave credit for...
Bought a Sony Mavica camera with a 10× optical zoom, charger, and an accessory telephoto lens for $8. It's going to cost me another $8 for a new battery pack. Going to need to find 3.5" "floppies" for it.

It's the Polaroid camera of the early digital age. Used to use one for work. It was perfect for the State record-keeping requirements. You had to maintain a printed hard copy plus a digital one. I'd transfer my digital file to the photodisc a d drop a disk in each manilla folder.

When I first started, you had to use one-hour photo places and get 4 copies made so you could glue hard-copies to the appraisal. It took a bit to convince the board that printed digital pictures were "real" photos. Another big fight to let us email the appraisal and let the lender print it on their printers. They had to understand the concept of a protected digital signature. Not that that couldn't be faked on the hard copy on the lenders end.

While I still had to print the best was this HP bubblejet that was fast. You could print 4 hard copies in about 20 minutes, then get in the car and drive it to the lender. Used to buy that model off Ebay all the time for less than the value of the remaining ink.

I'd like to get the camera I had before that. I cant remember who made it, but I'd recognize it if I saw it.
I still have a Mavica from back when they used 3.5" floppies.


I still have 3.5" floppies.
I'm not sure where the camera is though...
It always gives me a giggle to buy something for 1/100th of its original price.

I worked at an appliance store that had an embedded rent to own department that I eventually went to work for. Guy came in and bought two nine hundred dollar JVC hi-fi stereo VHS VCR switch were top of the line at the time. For a rental own operation we were slightly less repay shish than most with a "mere" 18 equal payments with a final cost of exactly double the floor price for cash. Easy to explain, easy to understand, and really easy to defend in court. We even help flea print it out a schedule showing them what the cost would be if they chose to pay it off at any given month.

When I first started I felt like I needed an eye patch in perhaps a parrot on my shoulder. This was clearly larceny. We were doubling our money in 18 months. We had a set, required verbal explanation that we went over with each and every contract even if they had previously been robbed by us in the past. Never once did I see anyone hesitate. They were always eager to pay twice what something was worth to have it today.

So it was with that guy, so he paid $3,600 for two VCRs.

I have "his" VCR along with the Go-Video dual-cassette dubbing unit that came later. (While he was still paying, no doubt.) The Go-Video case is famous on copyright infringement. (They won.) I paid $9 for my JVC, HiFi Stereo VCR. (I won.)

I've got a top load VCR with analog built-in tuners because back in those days you couldn't line out from a TV. I was surprised that I ended up paying something like 12 to $15 for a complete dinosaur but perhaps the thrift store understood it's historic interest. It's a different brand but probably the same chassis as the one are family have probably had as the first not only in our block but probably are in tired town. My dad wanted International sales contest and at the time it cost approximately half the price of a new Chevy Monza. I might have my historical references there out of sync because I'm not sure where each of those falls on the timeline.
I bought my Mavica new.
If I had just waited a few months,
I could have gotten the DVR burner model...
I bought my Mavica new.
If I had just waited a few months,
I could have gotten the DVR burner model...

I kind of liked the floppies. Keeps a particular event tidily in one place.

From yer practical standpoint though a box of disc is obviously silly, when you can simply organize in directories.

I have been trying freeze/thaw cycles to see if I can get the battery to take a charge. Had that trrck work once, and only once.
That's a good point. I have a netbook which together with my laptop I haven't used in at least three years. The netbook I don't think has any kind of drive, and I don't remember what the laptop has.
On the shelf of my upstairs closet is an old desktop with a floppy drive and a CD drive, too. I save it in case I ever need to read the damned discs I still have.

Assuming I didn't downsize it. I may have.

Nearly done here. I hope.

New scrotel13 tonight. We'll see.
