TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

With all the vets closed for the last two months here, people are getting upset because they can't get the vaccines and meds their pets need. Rabies may just make a come back
Dachy's don't score well on the doggy IQ test. :)

Canned green chile sauce????? Pagan.

402 miles from Hatch, you do what you can.

In theory that's a three and a half hour trip but in practically I no longer have my midlife crisis and the there are 26 police agencies patrolling between just between here and the NM border.
Work site.



What??!? :D

402 miles from Hatch, you do what you can.

In theory that's a three and a half hour trip but in practically I no longer have my midlife crisis and the there are 26 police agencies patrolling between just between here and the NM border.

You only have to make it to Gallup. :)
Under the best of storage conditions the media might last up to 7 years. Heat and humidity are enemies.
Looks like a downhill skid into vacation, thanks be to Allah for his manifold blessings and great mercies.

Trying to manage to do as close to nothing as possible from here out.

Looks like a good day to ride tomorrow. The carpenter kid said he might ride his, too. That would be cool.

Hell, I even have a list if tidbits for each day. Except range time. I may need to make range time . . . .

Home with cat. Grazing in. Ice cream for dessert methinks.

The cat seems content.

Looks like a light day on the job tomorrow.

That'll do . . . .

Every time I look at this damn scope sitting here I get more irritated and antsy.

Irritated because nothing is arriving when promised, not even close. One day slip? OK. But three days is pushing it.

Antsy because this is going to be a learning curve for me. The scope I bought is a first focal plane job and I've never worked with one of those before. Also I got it with a MRAD reticle which is also new. I've always worked with MOA before so I've got to reprogram my mental calculator and start a new dope book. I just want to get on with it.
Be careful with that dope stuff - you might get hooked.

The cat is in quite a mood this evening. Very close at hand. All but underfoot.

The windows are open and it's damn fie getting some fresh air in here.

Off to bed shortly . . . .

The wet and muggy is in full force.
Everything is open but all it does is force me to turn up the television
so that I can hear the good morning news over the choruses of horny tree frogs.

There isn't even much of a breeze.

Little stupid could not get up the two steps to get into the house this morning.
I really don't have the patience to pick her up every time she wants to come back into the house.

Maybe I need to clean up the ol' igloo and put it by the back door...
I never quite got that myself. <shrug> Then again I think that fully half of the crap they sell for pets are actually designed to attract humans.
Happy Friday!!!

More time at the range. Makes sense to me. Today is my last work day this month. I think that I can manage.

Tis the season of horny critters. But they should take all that racket to the bar, where it belongs.

Or register at Lit . . . .

Tomorrow is the grand re-opening of most retail businesses in the state which means I'll avoid them like the plague until the thundering herds have passed through.
I tell you what, they sure do make some of that pet food look like a great pâté...

Good thing I don't like liver, I might be tempted.
Who knows? It could be Chinese.

Don't work too hard on your Vacation Wat.
Some people have been known to need a break after one. :) ;)
Nope, nothing like be able to fondle the goods. And they won't be going out because they need to, it'll be because they can.

Heading south Wat?
I did!


But she found the string attached to the bill.
Then the bouncer got angry, why, I have no idea...
Roughly half at home and half on the road.

Which reminds me, I need to line up my lodging.

Looking forward to biking to work today. The big question at home is, do I leave the windows open or turn on the a/c?

Not sure, but something will become apparent soon.
