TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

That's in drought years.

(Sounds like a bad Günter Grass novel, "Drought Years.")

At least they provide some entertainment and some dog food on the side.
Since they tend to get buried for later, they also provide good fertilizer.
Dachshunds never remember where they bury things...
No drought for you this year, or at least it's not looking that way. You may be over run!
I'm holding out for the center spread.

I have some new bulbs to plant.
I need to look for fresh digs.
I just cut a big beautiful pink peony.
I put in in blue sugar water.
Now I have sticky blue fingers,
not just sticky keys.

I had to lift little stupid back into the house,
she yelped in pain. I think the cancer is back.
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Happy Saturday. Got a dinner invite last night and the other half of a king-size bed. Slept like the dead once I got the temps regulated. It was one of those nights where it was a tad too warm in the house but the outside temps were falling and the windows were open. It made it quite comfortable after awhile. And I got to ride - there's never enough.

Best wishes for Little St000pid. I'm sick of my small critter cancer tales. Mine seem to mask discomfort and by the time the h000man figures it out, they're eaten alive with it and there's no help for it.

I agree - DCL's a fallen-away j000. Unhappy Catholics become Nominal Buddhists. Teh j000z got to war against g-d while struggling constantly to be "relevant" and "funny." Funny thing is, he's so militant about "atheism," which it'he isn't. It's anti-theism. In-yo'-grille anti-Allah-ism. And we all know that there is one god, Allah, and that he tends the fires of Islamic Hell just for those who hates him, and other infidels. Except for Wat, who is his favorite.

I could get happy making a living of this vacation shit . . . .



I really won't miss her as we all know.
I just hope she remains continent up to the end;
in the end. I would be in a world of shit if not...

I hope she remains content, bless her funny-looking little dogian heart.

In other news, I picked up my new handgun, praise to Allah. He likes for Wat to be armed.

So I wondered if I had some ammo for the thing, thinking I did. I found it. I shouldn't have worried my pretty little head about it. Better part of an ammo can . . . .

I may have to buy a couple mre cases.

Just to be sure.

This JHP stuff I have looks like the old Black Talon.

That should stir the fear-n-loathing in what passes for a heart in every Leftist, except they have long since forgotten Black Talon and Teh Evilz thereof . . . . :rolleyes:

Good morning everyone.

Lots of little things to do today, including mowing the lawn. The rings are supposed to arrive today but I'm not holding my breath. The base coat is on the new receiver and fully cured so finish coat today.
Little stupid update:
She made it down and up the steps this morning.
It took a lot of coaxing and a wee bit of time, but she made it.
Dachshunds do have heart. Hell, it's even raining (I know, what's new).

I don't want to make the walking brain-dead an issue, they've decided to ignore
the ignore especially when engaged in other threads, and that's what it seems to trigger them.
We are back to 2016 and the denigration of conservatives in general as the fountainhead of everything wrong
in our (Progressive Liberal) minds, culture, community, state, nation, and world so, again the effort
must be made to silence these voices, to attack them, to make them shut up and go away.
This is still the model for winning an election; if we can make the others so disgusted
that they will give up, shut up and walk away, then people will only listen to us.
If they are only listening to us, we will win the election because
only our opinion matters and our opinion will become
the new reality of the day and force people to not
vote for us, but against Satan's minions...

... not that we are religious.
more anti-religion.



It's not as if I don't have other things to do but all of the shipping recently is late. Fine, I can understand that but don't be "updating" the deliveries in 12 hr increments. If it's going to be three days late, sobeit, just push the delivery 3 days out and let me be about my business. I'm pretty sure that the problem is their software model that hasn't been updated to accommodate the new paradigm.