TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It's the big business syndrome.
It's the ossification of the top echelons.
Nimble and quick is how they took down the USPS;
new, small, innovative and hungry, they were, but now,
they are fat, happy cats ripe for the taking by something hungry.

Now, business as innovative and novel has morphed into business as usual.
Actually they may have saved the USPS. They always had that "last mile" problem with not being able to us the mail boxes for delivery. For large packages that wasn't an issue but for small packaged it was. Financially it made no sense to us UPS or FedEx for the small stuff. So UPS and FedEx formed an alliance with the USPS for that "last mile" problem. They'd do the pick-up and long haul then turn the package over to USPS for that "last mile." Up until now the arrangement has worked pretty well.
It is between downpours...

Kinda muggy though, but, I live on the Mississippi, so, it is what it is.
Sunny with a forecast high of 90 and little to no wind.

A perfect day to go to the range............if I had my friggin' rings!!!!!
That reminds me. Last Saturday as I was driving home, I had to stop for two geese inspecting the road. One headed for the side, the other continued its inspection. The thought occurred to me that I had 2 choices, I could end it's life or swerve around it and hope it was smart enough not to enter my path at the last minute. I swerved. It went on inspecting the road. There's a life lesson there.
Yeah. You should have run the sucker over.

God, Allah and Darwin hate idiots.


Besides... They're CANADIAN!
Just another reason...
Had they been there yesterday, the scenario might have been different.

Some days I can tolerate foolishness, other days, not at all.

People should remember that. I carry and drive a jeep. Those are guaranteed, me being in a tolerant mood is not.
Okay, at the risk of going there...,

nature is said to be a bitch.


Empire Records: What would Axl Rose do? ;) ;)
So this is where the hypocritical, lying, old racists cower to when they get summarily dismissed in public.

Cool pic, bro.