TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Happy Monday!!!

First non-working vacation day, and it's raining. Looks a lot like rain all week. Not hard rain, but a series of showers and such. For four days. No matter, blowing town on Friday to points south and west. There are only t-storms to beat then, and I'll be high in the mountains by then.

Got some stuff to do around the crib today. More downsizing. Nothing quite like it. Oh, and laundry, too.

At least the windows are open, so there's that.

As long as it has bacon.

Wat's omelettes are now a Sunday Morning Thing. Wat finds this amusing.

On this day in 1808 – Elijah Craig, American minister, inventor, and educator, invented Bourbon whiskey (b. 1738)

And Allah smiled because he knew it was good . . . .

Three of them right under the feeder.
Winged one, he crawled off to die.
Where the hell do they keep coming from?
Wasn't there something a page ago about 483 litters per year? Not liters, Allah damn it.

Hauled off another load of rocks to The Appreciative. If it stays slack on rain, I'll trim a bit of access to the brick pile, too, so we can start getting rid of that load of salvage.

Was coming up the front walk and there was a squirrel in all his rat-like glory standing on the first step to the porch. Seeing me coming, he got up on the porch. I kept coming, so he tore off across the porch and I didn't see where because of the big-ass azaleas.

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the mornin' , , , ,

Pleasant afternoon, even if wet-n-cool.

The birds are out there screaming, "fuck me, fuck me!!!" No horny tree frogs, at least not that I detect.

We're supposed to be resuming some get-togethers here this week, so I may try one out, and it may be dry enough to ride for it, which would be nice.

It's always a good time to ride as long as drowning isn't a prospect.


Home with the cat. Grazing in. Something I haven't had for awhile, so that's a change of sorts.

Looks like over 20 hours of cloudy without rain. That'll work.

Otherwise, quiet is the word, and a lovely word it is . . . .


Afternoon tea o'clock here.

Still no friggin' rings. They're in town but they're not here. I went ahead and mounted the rail anyway.
I think that I get a package tomorrow.

I had some stuff arrive today, too. Sometimes, you just have to have a sticker which chaps a pussy's ass.

Home with the cat. No ice cream.

Off to read . . . .


Accidentally put these in the wrong thread, should have coffee first...

So, you know, the guy always gives you a time frame that he's
going to show up in and then you wait for hours. Well, this time,
the guy was there right as the window opened and quickly discovered
that he needed a part to compete the job. Now I have a new window,
Wednesday, maybe Thursday, who knows possibly even Tuesday (today).

It always comes down to that, doesn't it...


The repair business is a lot like owning a dachshund.
I get up this morning and Big Stupid is already awake
and jumping out of her daggone skin so I try to get
the bitch to go outside; she pays me no attention, none.
She proceeds to the living room with me to roll and roll,
twist and turn and give the carpet a really good dog-
massage... Then, she notices, hey, he's comfortable,
got the "thing" (computer) in his lap, so, of course,
now I'm going to bark at him until he lets me out of the
house. By the time I've gone through three or four news
sites, she's barking to get back in, so I go to the door
only to find her drinking out of a bowl of last night's
rainwater and it must be the world's best water because
as far as she's concerned, I'm not even there, so I wait.
I give up, I get comfortable and guess what? hey, you
know by now, she's ready to come in and is barking, or
as I call it dog-belling to get back in. Now she's down and
comfortable, so I assume it is just a matter of minutes
before little stupid pulls the same daggoned stunt on me...
One of these days

(not the Pink Floyd lyric)

Everyone is going to be gone
and the dogs will just disappear...


~~ vanish ~~
Happy Tuesday!!!

If I should die and get reincarnated as a dog, I know where I wanna go to live.

Up a bit early for a vacation, but it is what it is. The cat is content to stay inside, as long as I rovide the lap.

Another load of laundry is in and this here coffee is damn fine this mornin' . . . .



Hey, good morning...


Are your eggs cured?
Mine are well and farm-fresh.

Maybe scrambled with cheddar cheese today.
Before I do that though, another cup of coffee it in order.

PS - You will not like the dog food. They get fat, so I buy Ol' Roy
at Walmart. They hate Ol' Roy and will only eat it when desperate. :cool: