TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I'll be working in the garden later
and then the pool, the latter,


That's ain't working!
That's the way you do it!
Talk about good days at the range.
I shot three squirrels yesterday!
I thought I had missed one, but
big stupid fetched it to the back stoop.
I think it was just wounded when she found it,
I nailed it in a hindquarter.

I picked of a coyote at about 60 yards.

Saw three, he was the only one I had a shot at, I’ll set up the predator call tonight and see if I can bring any in.
In Re: Naming Stuff

I was in Uncle Ronald's Floating Circus when the submarine SSN-705 was being named. It was originally named USS Corpus Christi but certain folks had a problem with naming a war machine after the body of Christ.

So it was changed to USS City of Corpus Christi.

We've been upset over names and monuments and such since we stopped grunting and put paint to cave wall.

Humans just like to bitch about stuff.
I think we complain more when we have it good.
Think of all of the states, municipalities, bodies of water named for Native-Americans...
Lots of rich targets for the offense hunters.

When it comes to paper, I use the high-end paper plates.
A sharpie marks the spot.

When some people run out of legitimate concerns, they seem to go looking for things to bitch about. Not happy unless they’re unhappy.

I prefer using gong targets, that’s the only “ring” I want.
I remember The Gong Show...

I don't think they'd let that air in these days.
It was all sorts of wrong.

Funny though.

Gene Gene, the Dancing Machine
I've lived overseas, and traveled all over the world. I've yet to find this Utopian society where racism and bigotry doesn't exist. It's human nature to be wary of those that aren't like us.

Every generation of young people protest at injustice; then, they become old and look with horror at the next generation of young people doing exactly the same thing.
As I have said many times before, Godmother,
educated at the University of Beijing, has it in
for Koreans and Southern Chinese, the former
have big heads and the latter have dark skin
and "they steal."

Of course, it was in Beijing that my luggage was stolen...

You won't find a lot of capital crime in China,
but they are, as a group, a bunch of petty thieves.
PS - That's why I like the new country music/artists,
it's so much more like the music I grew up on
that what Rock'nRoll evolved into...
This Mr. Wales is a cold-blooded killer. He's from Missouri, where they're all known to be killers of innocent men, women and children.
I find myself more and more not turning the radio on in the truck, of course that may be because there’s not much for broadcast stations in my area.

Welcome to the boonies!
I find myself more and more not turning the radio on in the truck, of course that may be because there’s not much for broadcast stations in my area.

Welcome to the boonies!

I have a handful of Darius Rucker CDs.
And some Billie Holiday too...
Metallica, G&R...,

I'm just an ignorant hillbilly with no shoes or teeth.

I thought that was Bidin~Time...


When some people run out of legitimate concerns, they seem to go looking for things to bitch about. Not happy unless they’re unhappy.

I prefer using gong targets, that’s the only “ring” I want.

That and the fact that they've got far too much time on their hands. In almost every case you'll find that it is the "privileged" children that are in the vanguard of "causes."
That and the fact that they've got far too much time on their hands. In almost every case you'll find that it is the "privileged" children that are in the vanguard of "causes."

So true.


As previously discussed,
the poor are too busy,
the rich too content
to rise in revolt.

It's the youth of the Middle Class when they perceive that
advancement to wealth has been barred to them.
Look at how many of them come out of college
(especially the 'studies') feeling entitled to a
position in upper management...