TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

And here I thought it was a bar of soap . . . .

I first saw it as a Trump supporter, forgetting a Brit line of bikes.

Well, I saw tits first.

Everything else required work.

This scrotel room is painted a color to encourage folks to check in, drink themselves to st000pidity, and then eat their guns.

On the subject of "virtue signaling." Yesterday afternoon I got an email from Sam's Club providing a link to their site (Yes, it really was Sam's Club) that would inform me of everything they're doing to promote "racial equity."

I didn't click on the link, just thought to myself, "That's nice. No more separate lines and prices of blacks." :rolleyes: They're a fucking retailer fer Christ's sake.
Everybody big is running scared
lest silence cost them sales...

Target, I can understand,
but Sam's???

Isn't that MAGA land for deplorable shoppers? ;) ;) :D
Wat promotes Total Equality.

Hate them all equally, regardless of any judgment or observation on "characteristics." Allah knows it's what Others do, and we all want to be Good Lemmings, right????

Ready for an exciting day of weaseling. I'll have to Google "thermal switch" in Portugese so's I can tell Scheisskopf what the fuck needs replacement. Doubtful he figures it out.

Time to load outta here . . . .

Wat suspects that the word "humanist" has already been appropriated and corn-holed into another meaning.

The Big Cheese has already come and gone. It was a pep talk as much as a site inspection.

He did mention again about company work volume, and general gross receipts, and proposed work - which we almost always get - and what projected receipts look like. And Wat passed on asking if raises will be bigger next go-'round as a result.

And there's going to be the project managers' meeting this week, which they will video and send us a link for. Oh boy!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the job, but I can't help but see some of the General Silliness. I mean, why get a handjob when you can have . . . pussy??!? :rolleyes:



No, not really, but if she were a bit more brunette . . . .

Oh, Wat did get permission to expense ammunition should the feces contact the rotating blades, so there's that.




That picture screams, I'm 28 (really 32)!
When are these damned things going to grow?
Trying to get outta here.

Going to the house to see the cat.

<<<< this is the cat

Jabba the s000per is running his whore mouth on the phone . . . . :rolleyes:



Afternoon wind down.

Warmer for Range Day tomorrow with a LOT less wind. Looks to be a good day.

Did some light shopping early this AM. The stores are back to normal with the exception of meats being in short supply.
On the subject of "virtue signaling." Yesterday afternoon I got an email from Sam's Club providing a link to their site (Yes, it really was Sam's Club) that would inform me of everything they're doing to promote "racial equity."

I didn't click on the link, just thought to myself, "That's nice. No more separate lines and prices of blacks." :rolleyes: They're a fucking retailer fer Christ's sake.

Ishmael longs for a return to the day when a black man took his orders instead of his wallet.
Home with cat. We're grazing in.

There was all manner of h000pa st000pid on the ride home. One included an entire directional closure and detour. I love when that happens. Not!!! Fortunately, I kinda know that way and was able to sort it out. That was the short delay. :rolleyes:

The fat boys were annoying this evening. It was good to get outta there.

There's ice cream for dessert, so . . . .



Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

Looks like hot today here and at the site. We do have a windy day at the site, so it might suck a bit less. Maybe. We'll see.

The Boys from Brazil showed up yesterday. And they looked at the Misfunctioning Unit, deducing that the pressures were a bit too high. I wonder. They looked good last week, but that was with another (much older) set of gauges. So they let and recovered a bit out. We'll see. They really remind me of two monkeys trying to fuck a football.

Someone got the coffee right this morning.



It's Range Day Wednesday!!!!! Looks to be a good day for it too.

Higher pressure would cause it to overheat. Like you say, "We'll see."