TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

The wind is still here, I can hear it, can't tell if we've had a wind shift yet.
Cold front on its way in to replace this, should bring very nice temps,
a good opportunity for some gardening. I think I'll crockpot
a big ol' pork butt today, make some beans...

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What time is supper?

If I leave now . . . .

I can't imagine anything they installed with too much 410 in it, really.

Gotta get moving here, so's I can get there.

Onion, thyme, maybe some, what is it, colander?

If it's going to stay cool, some baked 'taters
and some frozen sweet corn...

This coffee is good but
I maybe need some breakfast. :D
Winding down yet another day. It was great at the range until about 9 AM. Damn but it hotted up fast.

Came home to baby sit my backyard. It was irrigation day today and the grass was REALLY thirsty. The past three days of wind sucked all of the moisture out of everything.
The neighbor's middle child of maybe 6 or 7 is a persistent hellion.. I can't leave a vehicle unlocked or anything in the yard or he destroys it. Somehow another year broke his leg and was out of action for a while. Now he's up and around.

Today, I had just loaded my little one in the car. I was parked a bit of a tangle under the second of two mesquite trees. My neighbor's 3500 was nosed in under the other side of the first mesquite. Good and get all the way under because there's a big pile of discard did gravel that he brought home from one of his jobs that hasn't got around to spreading around on our lot.

I hear the neighbor revving his engine up which isn't really like him the truck Scott a trailer attached to that is heavy loaded. The revving made sense when he started peeling out and it was clear that he was trying to push his way through that gravel pile for some reason I thought maybe he decided it would spread it out if he ran back and forth over it a few times. His tires bit at the top of the pile and he went rushing pass tree one and slammed into tree to just short of crushing my car. It looked like he was completely out of control because he smacked his mirror on the first tree and ended up with his dually flare smashed into tree one and his custom diamond plate bumper embedded in tree two.

The 6 year old was driving. I don't think that the keys were left in it or that it was running apparently the kid got the keys when outside hopped in dad's truck and took off after locking himself inside.

I'm worried the kids going to figure out how to put it in reverse and make another stab at hitting either of my cars. If he's been a little bit to the right he would have old on through and hit my Honda if the tree had not stopped him. The tree wasn't there he would have crushed both of my cars.

His mom is frantically pounding on the window telling him to open the door he knows he's in trouble so he won't open the door and the engine keeps revving. Somehow the big brother talk to me into opening up the passenger side door and they got him out.

I now know for sure that the neighbor does not believe in corporal punishment because of although the kid got a stern talkin to, he didn't get beat. If that wasn't a beating I don't know what would be.
Coriander. Cilantro, actually.

I was out of it, or could not find it.
I have too many spices and mixes/rubs that I have been gifted.
Having said that, I liked big butt and I can't deny...


Both dogs are now having trouble getting up and down steps.
It might be ramp time. Is there a government grant for that?
A tax exemption?

;) :p

Great weather!
Open house weather, very little, if any humidity for a rare change.

The wind snapped off some Asiatic Lily stalks, so the house
if full of wafting fragrance. It's better than incense...

It also bent over my asparagus bushes,
so I'll lop the tops off of them today.
I need to weed them anyway.
I am in a battle with
smart weed...


:D It's too smart for me!

I remember our family doctor's wife/nurse had dropped her daughters off
to spend the day with my sister and when she came to pick us up, she went
in to talk to my mom for a while. While we were waiting around, for some reason,
it possessed us to start pushing on the car to "move it" or some such silly reason.
Well, she didn't have it in park, or the brake wasn't set, I don't know,
this was back in the 60s, but the car began to roll, just a little bit, so
we tried to stop it, but gravity took over and it ended up across the road
and into the creek. You know, silence just won't get you out of that one!


Needless to say, I was the only one punished over the incident.
The girls got off as innocent victims.


:D Like I said, it was the 60s...
Happy Thursday!!!

I had a car incident at around that age, maybe a tad older. Studebaker. I know it made sense when I did it.

Busy night last night. Lotsa phone calls. All good.

Like this coffee . . . .



I think that Jack LOndon had work figured out. He was good for about five hours a day, and then he'd do other shit.

Of course, one of those was to start drinking.

He was the most popular and highest paid writer of his era, however.

Unlike Lit's Schmahtest Pos(t)er . . . . :rolleyes:

At 15, I scraped the side of a canary yellow Chevy LUV right before my folks left town for a week to Hawaii so I bought a book on body work and some primer and two different colors of yellow that I tried to blend and I more or less got away with it. Mom noticed dad didn't.

My middle child at about 5 in a Mercedes 300TD wagon 5gat I foolishly left idling cranked the wheel and threw it in reverse. That hard right took her up and over the curb and across the front lawn. I doveninti the moving car and got it stopped inches from taking out my block wall. I never made that mistake again.
He wasn't on my reading list.

I do have a new book about 1001 trivial facts on The Motor Company. I'll be amazing my friends for decades to come.

We had - Wat found - another Magic Self-Recovering heat pump yesterday. Hadn't run in days and was coaxed into running for 45 minutes or so. Then stopped. I think we get the techs back today. However, the other one seemed still to be running.

It'll be cooler and rainy today, it appears, so . . . .


My middle child at about 5 in a Mercedes 300TD wagon 5gat I foolishly left idling cranked the wheel and threw it in reverse. That hard right took her up and over the curb and across the front lawn. I doveninti the moving car and got it stopped inches from taking out my block wall. I never made that mistake again.

Mighty fine parenting there, little fella.
Nothing short of a miracle that your kids survived to see adulthood.
My boys worked on dirt track stock car engines as soon as they were able to get
over the fender, I think doing the work gave them a respect for vehicles since
only the oldest has ever had an accident and it was minor (icy road and steel pole
at the turn). For the record, I never believed in corporal punishment but I think I
would have made an exception in your neighbours case. That boy needs some
time in a therapists office before he ends up in juvvie.
Plenty of weasels all around.

With a cooler and rainy day, there should be fewer-to-no a/c calls today, at least no new ones, insh'Allah. Rain coming in this afternoon, and to drive home in. Oh boy!!!

Looks like an easy day. Fill out a vacation request form (done) and make a checklist for these fucking apartments. Jabba the s000per is having Serious Control Issues. To the point of Major Annoyance.

Until we got the The Tenant from Hell, and she's in Full Cunt Mode . . . . :rolleyes:

The day's winding down again.

Used the day to run some errands and visit a couple of friends. In spite of the governors best efforts to fuck over the economy, the traffic is back to normal. Tradesman's trucks running all over the place. Ever since she got caught in a "rules are for you, not me" moment the citizens are giving her the middle finger.
Home with the cat. Fed him and me, too. He hung out while I ate, and then he hauled ass.

The Tenant From (Islamic) Hell was in quite rare form today. The maintenance super and Wat both are refusing to service her unit. Apartment unit. Or any other unit. He's being delicate. Wat took quite a whuppin'. The steel pipe stayed in the truck.

Some people's kids.

Gonna be a quiet night . . . .



Happy Friday!!!

Had a storm blow through last night right before bed. Looks okay here and kinda wet this morning down there. The weekend looks good and next week looks wet.

Wat reckons this is his Saturday in the barrel, but at least it'll be bike-it-to-work day, which is good.

Like this coffee is, too . . . .



I worked on the compost pile yesterday
and I have to say, that is some rich, black goodness.
I need to get it worked into the garden this fall.
I got some really nice wild strawberries out of it,
almost domestic size. I felt bad about digging up
the taters and onions though, but I had to much stuff
that needed to get into the mix instead of just laying
on the top soaking up some rays...

Talk about good days at the range.
I shot three squirrels yesterday!
I thought I had missed one, but
big stupid fetched it to the back stoop.
I think it was just wounded when she found it,
I nailed it in a hindquarter.
I'm glad she's still on rodent duty.

J says her broccoli is growing back since there's no more groundhog to eat the florets off the top.

We need to sight in her pellet gun so's she can be Hell on the rodents herself. I wager that her little dog might not find them so interesting. He's kind of a pussy.

Then again, I may be wrong.

Good morning folks.

Today is going to be one of those "make work" days. I don't have much that needs doing to I'll just look about and do whatever catches my eye. And I always have reloading to fall back on. :) Which reminds me, I still need another lb. of RL-26. Probably be a good day to check my primer inventory too.