TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I don't see why not.

I'm still pissed that I can no longer get veal patties at the grocery store.
You will soon. They killed off all the steers.

Take a while to fatten up a new batch.
Thumbs, mostly, according to Upton Sinclair.

I think I'm mentioned previously that a week or two ago I bought a really nice lamb shoulder steak because it was cheaper than beef chuck steak. It was delicious.

I paid $7.50 a pound for bacon the other day.

I've got a freezer full of steak and roast. I got three pounds of sliced cooked roast beef from Costco as well. I unthawed half of it the other day it was really good great texture a little pink even after having been frozen and thawed. I'm going to have to buy that again.
My sis lives across the way from me. I made her Diva dog mad at me today. She was all set to head out on a run unsanctioned by sis. (read here she was sneaking off) I was sitting out on the porch, and when she got to my driveway, I said " Molly, where you headin? you better get back home". She stopped, looked at me a few minutes, and I said again.." get on back home missy, go on now". She went back and stopped in her yard and gave me that I'm so mad at you for messing up my day look with her head all drooped down. But she went home...all 14 kinds of offended.

LOL they do let their personality show, mine are pouting right now,
they want to go on another trip but I'm slacking today

As for their early morning time, the house had a large doggie hole underneath a kitchen window when we moved in, we fixed it up and built a small insulated closet around it so it can be double locked and then build a completely enclosed pen with a cement pad. Now in the mornings I just need to open the door, take a quick look to make sure everything is okay and unlock the doggie door. No surprise piles in the yard because people weren't watching and the escape artists stay put.
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Another good morning, pretty cool, a good day for getting out early.
I have taken over and occupied my garden,
I plan a Summer of Goodies...

Happy Monday!!!

It's drippy-dripping outside. Showers. Looks like rain all week, so we won't get our concrete done. Maybe.

We have our draw inspection tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.If we're lucky, we can get accepted by September, but October is more realistic.

Coffee is a certainty right about now . . . .



It is good to avoid Atlanta,
I was once driving through it
in a driving rainstorm, in a jeep,
rain beating so loud as to make you deaf,


I was aiming that at Wat.
Lit has gotten so slow in the past few years that I just don't quote
as often as I should, so when my post showed up after yours,
it could be safe to assume, or not. There's a saying...

Good morning folks.

Got to run around and get some quotes on a couple of Conexes for the range later. That should prove interesting.

Good luck on avoiding Atlanta.
One person leaves and 20 accounts go dead, sadly death by trolls happens to many forms of social media.

Coffee is great here and since Thor mentioned Michigan now I'm thinking I may make a trip there next weekend, the steak place I like is open again and I'm overdue to visit a few people on my side of the river.