TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I had to buy a printer to print up some forms 10 years ago. That was the one and only time I used that printer.

Now on the rare occasion I need to do something that involves paper I go into the UPS store. My netbook wasn't holding a charge 3 (four?) years ago. Been on my to do list for a long time. I've got to laptop that I got in a very screwy transaction in a situation where I could not legally demand collateral, but I had abandoned property. He wanted it back I told him go check the loss and found. (I turned it in, was worth $600ish) he has no way to get to it so he "hired" me. Before I agreed I asked him a serious of questions. Do you own this laptopoe? Does it have a power supply? Does the power supply work? Does it hold a charge? Does it have a battery that actually works? Does a have all it's keys? Is the screen intact?..is it yours??.Did you steal it? Did you get it from someone that stole it?... Is there software loaded on it? Do you own the software that is loaded on. And by the way do you own this laptop that you're essentially trading to me?

I showed up with his stuff and he had a chagrined look on his face. "Listen man, it had all the keys on it I swear to you.. but somehow or another my kid got into it and it's missing a key how did you know what be missing a key?"

"I have kids."

I went ahead and accepted it. He let me know that the password was his birthday backward which is really handy if I could remember what the birthday is for some guy I dont know.

You guys seen Ramen Man yet?
Right now, I'm wearing a Rage Against the Machine tee shirt that has to be 25 years old. That's probably the average age of my wardrobe.
If you're a woman....

How did this conversation devolve into another version of what are you wearing?

Damn the Internet!

Afternoon tea time and wind down. Still haven't found my damn wheels but I've got a Plan B. It's a small enough job that my Dremel will work just fine.

Got my RFQ's in so I should be getting responses tomorrow.
Home/scrotel13. Grazed in on the now-n-later lunch leftovers, which were good enough the second time.

We worked late. We have a promise to have the first 3 ADA units done. They aren't, in spite of the long work day. Really, you should have seen Jabba Junior in all his nerviousness. Silly fucker. And we're supposed to start early. I know they'll be late. Life is hard when you're a Hutt.

I just realized that I parked the phone on top of the door cards. I'm sure they're blank-n-useless now.

At least this room is much lighter colored than last week's rooms. I know . . . . :rolleyes:


