Twenty Somethings

Living on my own would be great, but more importantly: roommates = cheaper rent.
In a couple years, I will be 30. I look back and wonder what the hell happened to my 20s.
I know its been so long since ive posted in this thread...

But It seem that the mid 20's are evern harder than the early 20's :devil:
lilwetone said:
But It seem that the mid 20's are evern harder than the early 20's :devil:

no kidding, it's that whole responsibility thing and actually having things in your life that you're invested in for the long term
this might not fit here but...

how young is young to get married and have a child, with respect. I am 19 and engaged our wedding is set for Spring 2008, I will be 20 then and he will be 29. We are planning to start have a child about 5-12 months after the marriage begins. I guess all my friends think its a great idea, because they know my good ol' boy but when I talk to his friends they think its a terrible idea. Do you think 2 years of dating is not enough, and engagement for a year. What do other people do? I love him but i do not want his family or mine to think wrong of me and that i am to young.
rugbygirl357 said:
how young is young to get married and have a child, with respect. I am 19 and engaged our wedding is set for Spring 2008, I will be 20 then and he will be 29. We are planning to start have a child about 5-12 months after the marriage begins. I guess all my friends think its a great idea, because they know my good ol' boy but when I talk to his friends they think its a terrible idea. Do you think 2 years of dating is not enough, and engagement for a year. What do other people do? I love him but i do not want his family or mine to think wrong of me and that i am to young.
Just an opinion, that's all ... I don't think 20 is too young to get married, if you've known the guy for 3 years, but I would wait at least a couple of years of married life before bringing up the topic of having children. There is a lot of stress today on married couples, and while children are great, they do add greatly to that stress level, and to costs. Get married, save some money, take a couple of great vacations together (will all the bonding and memories that will bring), and THEN start talking about having kids.
My rule of thumb is that if you're not old enough to legally drink at your own wedding, you're not old enough to get married.

What's your rush?

It's great that you've maintained a relationship for 2 years (something I was incapable of at your age-I'm 28 now) at the age of 19.

But here's some food for thought...

1-Do you want to tie yourself down to this guy? ARE YOU SURE? Why? Is he the kind of man you'll want when you're 30?

2-What are you potentially robbing yourself of if you get married/have kids so early? I spent my early 20's having sex with different people, trying out different identities, travelling, going to college and grad school, sleeping, and enjoying life.

3-Having a baby means you don't get to be first. Ever. Again. They come first. Are you actually okay with that? You don't get to sleep in anymore. You don't get to buy expensive purses or shoes, or whatever. You can't go out on a late date spur of the moment.

Babies are one of the biggest strains you can put on a marriage. Do you really want that so early? Why not figure out who you are as an adult and who you and your husband are as a couple. Even if you wait three or four years, you'll still be a baby compared to most moms.

I'm a bit biased as I was 26 when I met my husband, 27 when I married him and I won't be trying to get knocked up until next summer, when I'll be 29. If I could go back and meet him at an earlier age, I would. I dated plenty of assholes who weren't worth the air they breathed. But I'd still be putting off having a baby until around now-late 20's.

You have so much living to do. Why do you want to bring kids into the world now? Think of how much more you'd have to offer them if you wait.

If the guy is truly Mr. Right, he isn't going anywhere. Why rush into marriage?

If there's one thing I can say with certainty it's that I'm not the same girl I was at 20----I'm miles away from her. The major reason most early marriages break up is because people tied themselves down before they actually understood who they are. Don't make that same mistake.
Hmm... you'll be 20 and he'll be 29... Although I'm not one for the age thing these days, unless it's completely legal, I just think YOU are a bit too young for this kind of thing. However, that's just my opinion and lots of people are going to flame me for even providing my opinion because I supposedly don't know jack shit about anything.

Moreover, I agree to a degree with the last few posts, it seems too early for marriage, and WAY too early for kids. Although, Miss Sex-a-holic is probably lucky she doesn't have an STD for having all that sex with different people.
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RavenousRae said:
no kidding, it's that whole responsibility thing and actually having things in your life that you're invested in for the long term

Yeah Thats True :devil: :cool:
EndCredits said:
Living on my own would be great, but more importantly: roommates = cheaper rent.

At some point I crossed the line where that didn't matter so much any more. It would be nice to have the extra money but I would probably just spend it frivolously, now I have tight budget that I know I need to keep to :rolleyes:
My Own Way said:
I love living on my own. I don't have to worry about the mess or if the bills will get paid on time. But what I love the best is being able to walk from my bathroom to the laundry room naked when I need something.... :)

Hmm.... I'd love to see those lovely legs of yours moving. I want to touch them :heart: and kiss them :kiss: and massage them. :rose: :p
hasn't been -that- long, Munachi. I remember ya!

I've just been keeping myself pretty busy down here!

School, Work, Stalking My Own Way...which has gotten much easier now that she lives so much closer! Just kiddin;)

(Seriously should consider dropping that stalker gimmick, eh? Been goin' on a few years now, heh)
Yeah it has been for quite some time, eh? This was the only thread I had tracked by notifications and its been a while since I've gotten one.

How've you been, Rae?
I'm a twenty something - closer to late 20's than i'd like to admit. I've been lurking for a while, but only just got around to joining and posting. I'd love to learn some new tricks and meet some crazy people.
i hope your cold's not too bad Rae.
ShinigamiSama said:
yup and I know you too
how goes it
sucks having a very intermittent net connection
my internet connection is fine, but i am quite busy. life is well though. starting to have exams and stuff now... so i might at some point actually graduate.
RavenousRae said:
It's been awhile since there's been some actual conversing at least, people stop by and then disappear it seems.

I'm doing all right, just getting over a bit of a cold. How are things going with you?

Can't complain. Doing good in school, loving life in Florida so far. The job I have to pay the bills kinda sucks, but at least the people I work with are fun.

Hope you feel better!
rugbygirl357 said:
how young is young to get married and have a child, with respect. I am 19 and engaged our wedding is set for Spring 2008, I will be 20 then and he will be 29. We are planning to start have a child about 5-12 months after the marriage begins. I guess all my friends think its a great idea, because they know my good ol' boy but when I talk to his friends they think its a terrible idea. Do you think 2 years of dating is not enough, and engagement for a year. What do other people do? I love him but i do not want his family or mine to think wrong of me and that i am to young.

If you are going to feel a need to ask here and entertain opinions of others as your source for a decision you are not ready are you? This is YOUR life and HIS. Those are the people that should be discussing it and evaluating what happens, nobody else.
1stClassNiceGuy said:
Can't complain. Doing good in school, loving life in Florida so far. The job I have to pay the bills kinda sucks, but at least the people I work with are fun.

Hope you feel better!

Just wait for the hurricanes!
Oh I've had to deal with those back home! Granted, not quite as many as Florida gets, but all the same, I've been through my fair share!