Twenty Somethings

Munachi said:
my internet connection is fine, but i am quite busy. life is well though. starting to have exams and stuff now... so i might at some point actually graduate.
yeah my connection sucks - well I'm house sitting so its not to bad for now...

anyways grats; I just graduated last month and am looking for work was hoping to have a job already but they placed I'd though I'd be working at don't need me right now ;-;
it has a sunrise every morning, a sunset every evening, and various things happen in between.
Munachi said:
it has a sunrise every morning, a sunset every evening, and various things happen in between.
oh wow
we've got sunrises in the evening and sun sets in the morning here! D:
how do i get a picture to come up under my name when i post. any help would be appreciated. not to computer savy here
You have to get up to 100 posts or more to have an avatar.

Or, if you're like me... you get that 100 posts and can't freakin decide on one!
1stClassNiceGuy said:
You have to get up to 100 posts or more to have an avatar.

Or, if you're like me... you get that 100 posts and can't freakin decide on one!
yeah I had that problem too
I've got about 10 I use often plus a few extras for certain moods and a couple silly shit ones like Rule 34 :rolleyes:
ShinigamiSama said:
oh wow
we've got sunrises in the evening and sun sets in the morning here! D:
that sounds exciting. so do you sleep when it's light out, or sleep during the day?
sometimes raining, sometimes sunny, sometimes very windy, usually all within an hour or so.
Munachi said:
sometimes raining, sometimes sunny, sometimes very windy, usually all within an hour or so.
well after 6 days of rain its finally sunny again
and I think I got a job :D
we'll find out within the next few days ^-^
and wewt haircut tomorrow :)

so rawr
then yay for the haircut too.

my world is well, but i am hungry. there is yoghurt in the refrigerator, but that's like at least five metres away, and i am too lazy to go there.
Munachi said:
then yay for the haircut too.

my world is well, but i am hungry. there is yoghurt in the refrigerator, but that's like at least five metres away, and i am too lazy to go there.
I know the feeling I just pulled my laptop on my bed rather than get up and sit on the couch with it >.>
Hey peeps. Been awhile since I've posted and been on the internet. I have been living on my own for about 4 months now. Still single of course. Been looking into ordering some escort service, but after checking out prices and my living situation, I'm just going to have pass on it. Plus, majority of them require "references" and the really hot looking ones prefer high class men.

Anyhow, I just got the internet hooked up to my apartment about 3 days ago and I was going to get basic cable, but the only company I can get it from wants $40 for 60 channels, and I know I can get at least 20 of them free w/ the cost of a pair of rabbit ears ($10 at Wal-Mart).

Well... I just thought I'd drop in and leave a post. I have to go in to work early tonight. Laters!!
i like being in bed though. especially since right now i am not at home, so the bed i'd be in would be my bf's bed, that's even better...
Hey, been a fan of literotica for a good few years now, but only just signed upto the forums. I saw this thread and it relates (22/M/London) so I thought I'd saw a word or two.