Underage fans

I'd say this is a valuable educational facility for teenagers. If they pick the right authors then they can learn a hell of a lot from here. I don't know about US sex education, but in England we didn't get any lessons on how to stimulate the clit or good oral sex. No sexual etiquette at all.

I often thought that Monty Python sketch with John Cleese as the sex education teacher had the right idea.

MG: Superb How-To.

The Earl
We had a very progressive teacher. He taught us how to open a condom package without damaging the condom inside it; how to roll it on (he used a cucumber for the demonstration), and also told the boys of our class to buy condoms and practise at home while they were masturbating, in order to get the whole procedure of getting the condom out of the jeans pocket/opening the package/rolling it on down to a maximum of 20 seconds: any longer than that, and the girl would already be dressed and out the door, he told them.

He also talked to us about sexual ethics; I remember only two things though, you shouldn't read porno mags in public, and you shouldn't tell anyone else how good or bad your lover is in bed. I've failed miserably on both accounts...:(

But other than that, our sex ed was just the typical; diagrams showing the fysical appearence of the male and female genitals, standing up, facing right, and during the missionary position. How the penis looks like with the foreskin rolled up vs when it's rolled down. (Only immigrants are circumsized in Sweden.) How to GET pregnant, and how to AVOID getting pregnant. Sexual diseases; their symptoms and how to avoid them. Sexually deviant behaviour; what is acceptable (homosexuality, cross-dressing), what could be dangerous (BDSM, anal sex), and what is illegal (incest, bestiality, flashing, sex with minors).

Nothing about the importance of cunnilingus or what is the best way to have foreplay. :mad:
When I first found Literotica I said to myself, "Why the hell couldn't someone invent the fucking internet when I was in high school?"

I had to wait for monthly for the newest issue of Penthouse to come out just for the half-dozen letters that got me turned on. Okay, I looked at the pictures too.

Now here is a website with daily updates and new stories, many of which are much better that the stuff that was in the magazine. What self-respecting 16-year old would not be reading this website?
Re: Re: Tonsorialism

Chicklet said:
Nice, D. Anyone who hasn't seen that should look now!!

Dear Chickie,
Thank you.
Ps. You, too, Earl.
Pps. We had sex ed in Jr High. All I remember is that it was the most embarrassing thing I'd ever experienced.
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Funny, how students who are getting sex ed become so interested in home decoration... they stare intensely at the ceiling, or at the floor...
Sex-Ed at my all girls Catholic h.s. in the mid-60's was simply "stay the hell away from boys". We could get expelled for getting a ride home with one unless we could prove he was our brother or a really ugly young uncle or cousin.
Vincent E said:
When I first found Literotica I said to myself, "Why the hell couldn't someone invent the fucking internet when I was in high school?"

LOL, exactly.

I get a lot of mail from underaged readers. Not much from this site (at least they aren't admitting it) but a lot from some other places I post. It has to do with what I write and while I understand perfectly why some of you hate the idea of minors accessing your stories, I have a different point of view.

I write gay stories. Love 'em hate 'em, it's your preogative, but that's a lot of what I do. Vincent said he wishes they'd had the net when he grew up, but as big as it is for straight kids, the internet is the best invention since the wheel for gay teenagers.

See, they can't sit down with their buds and thrash out how hot they think the quarterback is or the kid in the choir who has a really great ass. They can't pick up a book and read an age appropriate story about Kyle meeting Joey and going to the prom together either. First that book doesn't exist and secondly, no kid would risk outing himself for $5.95 paperback.

Oh occasionally, some brave soul will feel secure enough to tell the world who they really are and if they're lucky they'll have parents that understand and join up at the local Pflag chapter. But those are few and far between.

Most of them live in mortal fear of being found out and because of this they don't have anybody to talk to about this attraction they're feeling. They believe with all their hearts their friends would hate them, their families would stop loving them and that anybody who knew what a freak they were would turn away in disgust.

It's not exactly a stretch to figure out why, just go down to your local high school and count how many times you hear the word faggot yelled out in an hour, or pick up a newspaper and read about the latest gay bashing. These kids are gay, not stupid, they know it would be social suicide, if not worse. So they hide. They are terribly isolated and alone at a time in our lives when success is measured by how well you fit in.

Instead they turn to the net where anonymous relationships are the rule. Usually they go to the picture sites first, but hot as they might be ,they don't help them feel wanted, just more lonely since they figure they have no chance meeting someone like the images on the screen. Eventually they look elsewhere and a lot of the time they'll end up on a story site and start to read.

I don't know how many of you actually have ever read gay erotica, probably not many on this board because it's not to everyone's taste, but much of it is different than what you read on predominantly straight sites. It's generally longer, often novel length, much more plot driven and oddly more respectful, dealing mostly with relationships. (There is no slut wives category at Nifty though you can find the rough stuff if that's what you want.) The sex is often 'cuddle sex' more concerned with being held through the night than getting off as many times as possible.

Anyway you've got this kid who's sure he's the only boy in his whole town who's a 'dirty fag' and then he stumbles on these stories. And Oh My God, some of them are about kids* just like him and they find each other and fall in love and kiss a lot (and not much else usually) and they're nice kids and their parents don't hate them and the world doesn't end and maybe, just maybe, someday the same thing can happen to them.

So he writes to the authors and he tells them how much these stories mean to him and he asks (they always ask) if this is something that actually happened? If somewhere there really is a place where a kid like him can just be?

Several of you suggested that it would be best to not write back to underaged readers, that it might be safer. I guess that's probably true, but I can't do that. I can't do anything really to help them either, but I can listen and sympathize. It's not enough, but at least it's something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a therapist and I don't play one on the net. What I usually do is give the kid some links to some really supportive MB's for gay teens and the Pflag urls. Those places have the real experts and I know that.

This is a long and boring post, I know. But I've thought about this a lot and when these topics of minors reading or even of (horrors) stories of minors* crop up on this board, I think about it more. I guess I finally decided to get it out of my system. So the bottom line for me is it's easy to just dismiss something as wrong, but sometimes there are other factors that should be considered before you condemn anything connected to the underage issue.


*I'm not trying to start a debate about underaged stories here, there's enough of those out there already. I'm just stating a fact, these stories exist and these kids read them.
Sex Ed in a Religion-based High School, long before little Johnny got an education by punching his favourite comic strip heros, "X-Men" into a new search engine.

1. Because they were going to talk to us about sex, they first separated us into girls-only and boys-only, so we would not have any referent. :mad:

2. They started a lot of monologues about ‘changes’ but under interrogation always muttered something forgettable about hygiene. :eek:

3. While they never actually explained anything about sex, other than demonstrating our separation by gender, we were fairly well convinced that whatever it was, they were foursquare against it. :(

Thank God for the extracurricular Show & Tell done in Elementary School, or it may still all be a mystery! :rolleyes:

That said, any unauthorized person assisting a minor to their understanding of sexuality is fostering philosophies which - by nature - are unprovable, and possibly repugnant to the child's parent. Any nameless 'porn writer' who starts counselling a minor in these matters is asking for a world of trouble.

I don't mean that as a put down. Just a statement of how thing are.
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jfinn said:
Several of you suggested that it would be best to not write back to underaged readers, that it might be safer. I guess that's probably true, but I can't do that. I can't do anything really to help them either, but I can listen and sympathize.
Jayne, thank you for the excellent post.

I don't think there's anything wrong with responding to questions, being supportive and so on -- and I would probably never ignore someone with an honest question (assuming I didn't think it was too personal a question, about me), no matter how young. But Quasi's right, too, and those risks would definitely be in the back of my mind.

And maybe I'm wrong to worry about it at all, I don't know. The division between childhood and adulthood isn't a clear one, and certainly it has nothing to do with reaching your eighteenth birthday. But still, there is a division in my mind, and there are things I wouldn't choose to discuss with someone on the other side of that division. Mainly, I'm not willing to discuss myself, or to engage in any kind of correspondence that could possibly be misconstrued as a flirtation. So for the most part, I'll just play it safe and send my friendly but generic thank-you note in reply.
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I'm equivocal about the sex-education value here. Positive things to learn are counterpoised by nonsense. You're not the only one to fantasize about the anus - but all girls will eagerly do it after a momentary doubt. Other people have incest fantasies - but it's the most natural thing to walk in on both your siblings and have them go down on you. People almost never use contraceptives. If you're afraid a stranger will scream if you put a hand on their thigh, they never do.

But I have in the past advised and given encouragement to a girl who met another on the Internet and was scared because she'd lied about her age. I advised honesty, kindness, trust etc., and I think I did the right thing in maintaining the contact. It certainly seemed to help them. Now however there are new laws on grooming over the Internet coming in, with fears that they'd cover bona fide sex advice by agony aunts. And me.
Jayne, that was beautiful.

Now I feel ashamed of the gay male story I worte last year. It wasn't very loving at all.:eek: :(
Quasimodem said:
That said, any unauthorized person assisting a minor to their understanding of sexuality is fostering philosophies which - by nature - are unprovable, and possibly repugnant to the child's parent. Any nameless 'porn writer' who starts counselling a minor in these matters is asking for a world of trouble.

I don't mean that as a put down. Just a statement of how thing are.

Originally posted byOpenthighs_Sarah
I don't think there's anything wrong with responding to questions, being supportive and so on -- and I would probably never ignore someone with an honest question (assuming I didn't think it was too personal a question, about me), no matter how young. But Quasi's right, too, and those risks would definitely be in the back of my mind.

I agree and if you'll look at the bottom of my post you'll see that I don't give advise. What I do is pass on a few urls for some places where they can find someone qualified to talk with them. It's up to them if they use it. BTW, when I first started writing and started getting this kind of email, I talked to a friend who is a therapist who specializes in adolescents. He's the one who recommended that I handle it this way.

Jayne(named porn writer;) )
jfinn said:
. . . I talked to a friend who is a therapist who specializes in adolescents. He's the one who recommended that I handle it this way. . . .

Jayne(named porn writer;) )

My only point - other than the humourous recollection of my academic sex education - would be that you might do well for yourself to contact a Lawyer about this matter, also.

Yours respectfully,
would-be porn writer :( ,
Open-thighs Sarah-

That is truly amusing- I got exactly the same feedback letter. Paolo? Or Pablo? I took it as an attempt at flattery by some pedoriffic individual- but hey, who knows? I don't know-maybe it really was a high school boy; I'd like to hold out hope that there are male teenagers out there who prefer longer, expository erotica to the "page 1 pounders"...but it seems kind of unlikely...

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
That is truly amusing- I got exactly the same feedback letter. Paolo? Or Pablo? I took it as an attempt at flattery by some pedoriffic individual- but hey, who knows? I don't know-maybe it really was a high school boy; I'd like to hold out hope that there are male teenagers out there who prefer longer, expository erotica to the "page 1 pounders"...but it seems kind of unlikely...
I took it at face value, though I agree there was something a little odd about the style.

And if he did start a fan club, he's not marketing it too well with his friends. Or else they're clever enough not to admit their age.
scary topic

This is a scary topic guys and gals...I come from one of the most intollerent (sp?) places you could think of.

You all know it the thump on the bible and all that where small schools abound. Personally if someone is of age and interested I point them right to this site...Very informative and very entertaining. Maybe someday I'll even get around to posting my own stories but back to the topic at hand. I would seriously advise not replying to these underage minors if thier parents find out and they come from the area I'm in there is going to be some serious stuff to pay for. I could honestly see them shutting down the site in a moment. I would hate to miss all the good stories I get to read here.

P.S. I hate not haveing my spell checker here. I'm horrible with spelling and punctuation without it so bear with me.
openthighs_sarah said:
Yesterday I received some feedback from an enthusiastic reader who, among other things, told me that he'd started a fan club for me.

At his high school.

For legal reasons, I'd like to point out that lots of high schoolers are eighteen years of age or older. Some are, anyway. At least a few.

I sent the young gentleman a friendly and innocuous thank-you, but now I can't stop thinking that my stuff is being read by readers of questionable age qualification, if you understand my meaning.

To be honest, it doesn't worry me too much. I'd like to think that my stories wouldn't promote or encourage any unhealthy attitudes toward sex among such readers, and that -- if anything -- they're responding to intelligence and sensuality, and that has to be a good thing.

Still, it caught me off-guard, I suppose. Anyone with a similar experience?

Got the same thing - supposed kid in high school is "in love" with me and "they" have started a fan club at his high school for me.

Yeah. Right.

My bet is he's a 50 year old guy who weighs in at 300 pounds with a hairy ass who has nothing better to with his life. I suspect he's attempting to try to find some "girl" who's willing to be his little high school cheerleader and write him naughty replies.

Ignore it. I deleted mine the same day I received it - unanswered.
Re: Re: Underage fans

SexyChele said:
My bet is he's a 50 year old guy who weighs in at 300 pounds with a hairy ass who has nothing better to with his life. I

I just love your way with detail....the hallmark of a truly great writer...this image makes your post...mind you, it has spoiled my lunch:eek:
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I agree with whoever said they wished that the web had been around in high school. I was a sophomore or junior in hs before it was really popular and I'd become web savvy enough to know what I was doing.
deliciously_naughty said:
I agree with whoever said they wished that the web had been around in high school. I was a sophomore or junior in hs before it was really popular and I'd become web savvy enough to know what I was doing.

And I wish I had not been around when horny young boys had to seek succour in shabby newsstands to try to spirt out (at $2.50 a pop = $20/today) girlie magazines with poorly composed black and white photos of women exposing their secondary sex indicators. :(

And we usually felt so cheated, because there was always one fat kid at the swimming pool, and his boobs were bigger than the ones featured in the magazine. We were never quite certain that we hadn’t been ripped off. :confused: