Up Your Vocabulary with MG - A Daily Contribution

Re: Shabbat

MathGirl said:

morning glory n. The appearance of a tent pole (qv) first thing in the morning. See also dawn horn.

I certainly hope you are going to give Omar the Tent Maker adiquate credit in this thread, MG. ;)
Re: Re: Shabbat

Jenny _S said:
I certainly hope you are going to give Omar the Tent Maker adiquate credit in this thread, MG. ;)
Dear Jen,
You must wait until we get to the "O" section.
Missed one in the "L"s

Introducing the Buick Masturbation
(Toronto Sun) It's game over for the Buick LaCrosse in Canada. A General Motors executive yesterday admitted that the future Buick model -- which is set to debut late next year -- will be re-named in Canada after GM learned LaCrosse is a Quebec slang term for masturbation.

The new mid-size sedan, which will replace the Buick Regal, will still go by the name LaCrosse in the U.S.

GM vice-chairman Bob Lutz, who was in Toronto yesterday to address a gathering of GM dealers, said he wasn't aware of LaCrosse's racy roots although he speaks French and spent three years living in Paris.

"I thought I knew every expression existing in the French language for self-gratification, including the crudest ones known to man," said the outspoken Lutz.
Weekend Edition

mount v. To (hairy) saddle-(bag) up and ride.

mouse’s ear sim. Opposite of a horse’s collar (qv).

Mr Happy’s business suit n. Condom.

Mr Jones 1. 19thC n. Penis. 2. A butcher who frequently purports that “they don’t like it up ‘em”.

Mr Sausage n. The excitable trouser man.

Mr Whippy n. Flagellation; corporal punishment dished out at rug-a-tug shops (qv).

mud n. Excrement.

muddy funster n. Botter (qv); anal Swampy; he who supposedly tunnels in mud (qv).

mud hole n. That hole from which you blow mud (qv); crop sprayer; cable layer.

mud valve mechanic See brown pipe engineer.

mudeye n. Arse; ringpiece; your old fashioned plastic tea towel holder.
Saturday night special

muff 1. n. Minge; fanny. 2. v. To shag; have intercourse with. 3. v. To fluff (not to be confused with fluffer (qv)); miss an easy goal scoring opportunity, e.g. “Oh fuck! Andy Cole has muffed it”.

muff diver n. A footballer who misses an easy goal scoring opportunity, then falls over in an attempt to win a penalty kick.

muff diver’s dental floss n. Female pubic hair.

muff huff n. Menstruation or PMT. See also period drama.

muff nudge n. The light brushing of your favourite female hairdresser’s beetle bonnet (qv) against your elbows while she leans forward to cut your hair.

muffin 1. n. Bread based bakery product. 2. Present tense of the verb to muff. 3. n. 1960s TV mule whose name remains a source of perpetual hilarity among the elderly and infirm. Also fresh from the bakery crumpet, tiffin.

mullered See langered.

mullet n. That strange haircut favoured by country and western singers and eighties footballers.

mulligan n. Aus. Penis.

mumblers n. Tight women’s bicycle shorts through which you “see the lips move but can’t understand a word”. See also Twix lips, camel’s foot, hungry arse, lip reading.
mung n. Particularly runny type of arse feta (qv).

municipal cockwash n. Bike; box of assorted creams; buttered bun. See cockwash.

musical vegetables n. Baked beans, as eaten by cowboys and trouser trumpeteers.

mustang n. Of shitty arses, that stubborn dangleberry (qv) which cannot be shaken off.

mutton musket n. A smaller more portable field weapon than the lamb cannon (qv). Also mutton bayonet, mutton dagger.

nads n. Knackers; testicles; plums. (abbr. gonads). US nards.

nadbag n. Nutsack; pod pouch; scrot sling.

navigator of the windward pass n. Rear admiral (qv).

nether eye n. That single unseeing eye, situated in the nether region, which cries brown, lumpy tears.

nether throat n. In farting, the poot chute; botty bugle. As in “Pardon me while I clear my nether throat”.

nettie n. Outside loo; clart cabin; shite house; privy.

nine-bob-note, as bent as a sim. Gay.
Monday Morning Lesson

nunnery n. Elizabethan name for a rub-a-tug shop (qv) from an age when nuns were widely believed to wear yo-yo knickers (qv).

nuts n. Clackers; knackers; hairy conkers; marbles; bollocks; pods.

nuts 1. n. Knackers; scrotum and/or its contents, as in “I’m going to shave my nuts”. 2. adj. Mad, as in “Shave your nuts? You must be nuts”. 3. n. Things that monkey’s eat. As in “That monkey’s nuts. I gave it some nuts and its rubbing them on its nuts”.

nut chokers n. Kecks; shreddies; thunder bags.

nympho n. Mostly imaginary sex crazed female that’s gagging for it (qv) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The sort who would shag a pneumatic drill and blow the generator.

oats n.A portion (qv) which you get during sex.

oil the bat v. Polish the pork sword; lubricate the lamb cannon.
olivia v. To have sex with several filthy tramps on a piss stained mattress, all at once.

oil the truncheon v. To buff up the bobbies helmet; collect kindling; wank; bash the bishop (qv).

old holborn n. The frayed edges of the velcro triangle (qv); a pant moustache (qv). See also spiders legs.

old man n. Penis. As in “The old man’s been out of work for six months. Most days we play pocket billiards (qv) to keep him occupied”. Also old fella.

onanism (oh-nuh-nism) n. 1. Incomplete sexual intercourse. 2. A posh word what the Queen might use for wanking and that; biblical reference to bashing the bishop.

one cheek sneak n. The stealthy approach to shooting bunnies (qv). From a sitting position, lifting one buttock in order to slide out an aurally undetected air biscuit (qv). See also cushion creeper, leg lifter.

one-eyed trouser snake n. Gentleman’s pant python; sex serpent; cock.

one-eyed Willie n. Penis.

one-eyed Willie’s eye patch n. Condom; English overcoat.

one eyed trouser snake See one eyed pant python.

one eyed pant python See one eyed zipper fish

one eyed zipper fish See Cyclops.

one handed mag n. Jazz magazine; rhythm read; art pamphlet; porny periodical.

one holed flute See bed flute.
Morning Edition

one in the pump, to have v. To have the hots for a female. As in “Phoar! I’ve got one in the pump for her, I can tell you”. Drinking parlance for a pint paid for but not yet poured.

one off the wrist v. Five knuckle shuffle; wank; hand shandy.

on the bonk adj. Sergeant Sausage (qv) when standing to attention.

on the blob adj. Riding the cotton pony; having the painters in; flags are out.

on the hoy adj. On the piss; on the razz; hoying it doon ya neck, and then back up again.

on the job adj. At it (qv). Busying oneself with the partner’s plumbing.

on the other bus adj. Homosexual; bowling from the Pavilion end.

on the slipway adj. Of stools and stool movement, to have the turtles head (qv). As in “Get out of that fucking bathroom will you, I’ve got one on the slipway”.
open your lunchbox v. To float an air biscuit (qv) reminiscent of yesterday’s egg sandwiches in odour.

orgasm See fanny bomb, ring the bell, shoot a load, have it off.

Oscar n. US Dick; penis.

otter’s nose n. When getting fingers and tops (qv), that which is felt by the former. As in “I got a result last night. I touched the otter’s nose”.
owner operator n. Wanker; a knight who wields his pork sword for pleasure, not for the benefit of fair maidens.

packet n. The contents of the kecks (qv) visible in relief upon the trouser leg. Male equivalent of the camel’s foot (qv).

paddle the pink canoe v. More relaxed version of whitewater wristing (qv) for girls. Weekend recreational pursuit of the gusset typist (qv).

painting the ceiling v. the one handed snake charming of the pant python.

paisley removal n. Pointing Percy (qv) directly at an area of pebble dashing (qv) in order to amuse oneself during a Chinese singing lesson (qv). See also piss polo.

palace gates n. Fanny lips; beef curtains (qv).

Palmela and her five sisters See Madam Palm.

Palmela Handerson n. Your dream date to go out for a cruise in the wanking chariot (qv).

pander v. To act as a go-between in an act of sexual intrigue. For example, to go and buy a hamster and some parcel tape for that odd couple in the flat below. n. panderer.

pantie hamster n. Minge.

pan handle n. Erect penis; wood; stalk; a bonk on.

Now I'm very confused, MG.

I've always thought Muff Diving was an Olympic sport :confused:
paisley removal n. Pointing Percy (qv) directly at an area of pebble dashing (qv) in order to amuse oneself during a Chinese singing lesson (qv). See also piss polo.

Ah, fortune cookie say, "Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day!"
Phil, re. you AV: that is just the cutest dick ever. Keep 'em coming. :eek:

Maths, when you get through the Z words, are you going to publish? You could become an authority - wonder how many hits you'd get for a web site?

Very amuzing collection of expansion to our vocabulary.

-FF (stiff upper lip and all that, you know - what the hell does that mean? I thought you needed a stiff upper lip to play the flute.)
ps. I never played the flute - just brass.
pps. sorry, my bad, you are an authority - as anyone reading this thread would know.
Re: Hmmmm

Jenny _S said:
Now I'm very confused, MG.

I've always thought Muff Diving was an Olympic sport :confused:

Wishing it were so. A sport where I might be able to compete. And even if I didn't make the team, quallifying would be a worthwhile endeavor.
ffreak said:
Maths, when you get through the Z words, are you going to publish? You could become an authority
Dear ff,
Go back to the first post on this thread. This stuff is NOT original with me. It's from Roger's Profanosaurus at the web site listed. I hope you don't think I could make up all this stuff myself. I merely present it as a public service. Educational. In case you haven't noticed, everything is very male and extremely English.
pan handle n. Erect penis; wood; stalk; a bonk on.

pant hamster n. Warm, furry prey of the one-eyed trouser snake.

pant moustache n. Effect achieved when the mapatasi (qv) extends symmetrically beyond either side of the shreddies (qv). See also spider’s legs.

pants 1. interj. Exclamation of dismay. 2. n. Rubbish; shit; pig’s arse; bollocks. As in: “You’re talking pants!”.

papper v. To shit. As in “Oh no, I think I just pappered me trollies (qv)”.

parfume de plop n. Acrid odour which accompanies a twin tone (qv) and heralds the arrival in the bomb bay (qv) of a Peter O’Toole.

park the fudge v. To shit; pass a stool; crimp off a length.

park the pink bus v. To slip a lady a length (qv). As in “Time for bed. Come on, let’s park the pink bus in the furry garage”.

park the tiger v. To puke; yodel; let out a techinicolour yawn; chunder.

parlour n. Back passage. As in “His pork prescription was most efficacious, taken in the parlour of course”.
Evening school

park your breakfast v. Light a bum cigar; lay a cable.

passion flaps n. A more romantic alternative to piss flaps.

passion pit n. Bed. See also fart sack, scratcher, wanking chariot.

passion wagon n. Clapped out van, usually a Ford Transit, with blacked out windows and a piss stained mattress and several empty beer cans in the back. Also shag wagon.

pavement pizza n. The contents of your stomach as they appear after barfing (qv) in the street; a parked tiger.

pearl necklace n. Those globular consequences of having a sausage sandwich (qv) at the Billy Mill roundabout (qv).

pebble dash v. To crop spray (qv) the toilet bowl with clarts (qv).

pecker 1. US n. Penis. 2. UK n. Nose.

peel v. 1. To strip; pose nude.

peeling the carrot v. Spanking the monkey; abusing the clergyman.

penis n. The Right Honourable Member for Underpants.
MathGirl said:
. . . pavement pizza n. The contents of your stomach as they appear after barfing (qv) in the street; a parked tiger... MG

In his 1811 Edition, Captain Grose informed us that the process of parking the "parked tiger" was known as "catting."

Interesting feline development. :rolleyes:
Great information

Originally posted by Quasimodem In his 1811 Edition, Captain Grose informed us that the process of parking the "parked tiger" was known as "catting."
Dear Quaz,
Interesting evolution of useful terms. Captain Grose must be quite elderly by now.

Percy 1. UK n. Penis. As in: “I’m just off to point Percy at the porcelain”.

period drama n. Moody and erratic behaviour of women at times of menstruation.

perseverance soup n. orig. Japan The tiny tears from the hog’s eye (qv) which precede ejaculation; clear secretion which lubricates the glans; that which comes out of the kitchen before the main course. See also dew on the lily.

phantom farter n. An anonymous benefactor (qv).

piddle See pee.

pie See hairy pie, Captain’s pie.

pillow biter n. One who bites their pillow, often in a moment of uphill horticultural delight. Also mattress muncher.

pilot of the chocolate runway See navigator of the Wind-ward passage.

pinch a loaf See curl one off.

pink, the n. Female genitals. See also pot pink, pot brown, easy pink, snookered behind the red.

pink cigar n. Penis. As in “Tell me Madame, do you per chance smoke the pink cigar?” Not to be confused with bum cigar (qv).

Svenskaflicka said:
Where did I put my OotP..?
Dear Svenska,

pink oboe n. Penis. As in: “I have a great passion for music. Tell me, do you play the pink oboe?”

pink velvet sausage wallet n. Vagina; muff.

pintle n. Olde Worlde Penis.

pipe cleaner See chimney sweep.

pipe smoker A person who smokes a pipe.

piss flaps 1. n. Labia; beef curtains. 2. interj. Exclamation of disappointment. As in “Oh piss-flaps! I never win the Lottery!”

pissing in the wind v. Wasting your time; attempting the impossible.

piss it v. To do something piss simple, piss easily.

piss it up the wall v. To waste money on drink.

piss on your chips v. To put yourself at a long-term disadvantage through a foolhardy short-term action. As in “Beckham really pissed on his chips when he kicked that Argie”.

piss polo n. Game whereby disinfectant tablets are pointlessly manoeuvred in a urinal trough by the participant’s piss streams. For more lavatorial amusement see paisley removal.
Re: ?

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska, Whazzat?
MG, since we may not hear from Svenska for months, and I'm only passing through (ha ha ha), OoTP is the last HP book, Order of the Phoenix.

informatively, Perdita
Re: Re: ?

Originally posted by perdita MG, since we may not hear from Svenska for months, and I'm only passing through (ha ha ha), OoTP is the last HP book, Order of the Phoenix.
Dear Perdita,
Sorry I asked. Yeah, right. Just passing through.

piss pot n. 1. Lavatory bowl. 2. Idiot; fool.

piss up n. An ale soiree; social gathering of boozing companions.

pitch a tent v. To get wood (qv) either beneath the bed linen, or conspicuously in your trousers.

pit prop n. Strategic structural member found in a passion pit (qv); tent pole; dawn horn.

plate v. Rub-a-tug shop (qv) parlance for performing horatio; giving head.

playing the bone-a-phone v. Wanking; pulling yourself a hand shandy; playing the one string banjo.

play the back nine v. Irish (qv) golf; use your wood to play into the bunker; get the dog in the bathtub.

play the pink oboe v. To perform oral sex on a man. Often to denote homosexuality. Also pink piccolo.

play the whale v. To spew.

plumber’s toolbag n. Furry bicycle stand (qv); mott.

poe slap n. Rubbing of the bald genie’s lamp; awakening of the bacon; a wank.

pocket billiards n. A game for one player, two balls, and a cock.

pocket fisherman n. He who plays with his tackle through his trouser pockets.

pocket frog n. A fart; botty burp; anal announcement.