Up Your Vocabulary with MG - A Daily Contribution

roger v. To shag.

roger ramjet n. Botter.

Roman helmet rumba See Bologna bop.

room clearer n. Of flatulent emissions, a fart which registers one notch higher than breaking company (qv) on the sphincter scale. See also fyst.

root . rootle v. To shag.

rope the pony v. To wank.

roundhead n. A pink Darth Vader (qv) after the surgical removal of his Kojak’s roll-neck (qv); a yiddled whanger.

round up the tadpoles v. To wank; bash the bishop.

row the boat v. Actually a dual tug boat; multiple wanking. Nautical variation on the skiing position (qv).

rub-a-tug shop n. Brothel; bordello; house of ill repute. Massage parlour supplying a rub down and a tug off.

rubber Johnny n. A blob; contraceptive. Also rubber.

rug munchers n. See fanny noshers.
She's baaaaack

rump gully n. Viewed from biffin bridge (qv), the gradually sloping valley beyond kak canyon (qv).

Rumple Foreskin n. Penis; Fagan; John Thomas; junior. Note: Part of the original text. Not inserted by MG.

rumpo n. Rumpy pumpy.

rump ranger n. Chocolate cowboy. Butt bandit.

rumpy pumpy n. A polite and lightweight term for sexual shenanigans used by respectable people. US equivalent hoochie-coochie.

runs, the n. What English cricketers get when they face fast bowlers. A foot race.

russet gusset n. Skidmarks (qv) or dangleberrian deposits on the shreddies (qv). Also marmite stripe.

rusty sheriff’s badge n. Ride along biffin bridge (qv) from John Wayne’s hairy saddlebags (qv) and there it lies, right in the middle of kak canyon (qv). Just before you reach rump gully (qv).

saddle bags n. 1. Labia; piss flaps. 2. Scrotum. Also John Wayne’s hairy saddle-bags.

salami slapper n. He who tolls upon his own bell end (qv); a wanker. See also hide the salami.
salmon canyon n. Piscine pass leading to tuna town (qv) that some folks round these parts call Gobblers Gulch.

S and M n. Rub-a-tug shop (qv) parlance for sado-masochism. See also Mr Whippy.

sand hole n. Of crowded beaches, that hole caused by
sunbathing on your stomach in order to conceal a bone on (qv).

sausage and donut situation n. Heterosexual intercourse.

sausage grappler See salami slapper.

sausage jockey n. Passive male homosexual; anyone who sits on a sausage and bounces up and down. Also sausage rider.

sausage kennel n. A male homosexual’s bottom.

sausage sandwich n. A juicy salami frotted between two pink baps (qv), the end result of which is a pearl necklace (qv). Also Dutch.

sausage supper n. Female equivalent of a fish supper (qv).

sausage wallet n. Fanny.
SBD adj. Of farts and farting, Silent But Deadly. A subtle release of pungent botty gas.

SBV adj. Silent But Violent. Minging (qv) fizzle (qv) from the fart fissure.

schlong . schlonger (shh-long-aa) Yiddish n. Large penis.

schlong shed n. Condom; stopcock; stiffy stocking.

schmeckie n. Opposite of a schlong (qv).

Scottish bedwarmer n. A fart; anal announcement.

scrote n. Knacker; bollock brain. A versatile testicular term of abuse.

screamer n. Raving poofter. One who is light in the loafers. A shirt lifter.

screw v. To have sex piggy style, rotating clockwise due to a corkscrew shaped cock.

scrubber n. Slapper; vulgar woman; dollymop.

scumbag n. The ultimate term of abuse known to tabloid journalists.

scumwad n. American variation on scumbag.
scrotum pole n. Old Red Indian erection at the foot of which lie John Wayne’s hairy saddlebags (qv), and around which Madam Palm and her five sisters (qv) do ritual dances to precipitate spunk-fall.

scrunchies n. 1. Of slappettes (qv), the colourful elasticated hairbands captured by rival teenage slappers in battle. 2. Excess batter in a chip shop.

scuttle v. To sink the pink, or brown, from behind. The brown in particular. See also pot the brown.

scutter n. Slut; shag bag.

seed n. That which is scattered in salmon canyon (qv).

see you next Tuesday acronym Parting nicety alluding to the initials ‘CU’N.T.

semi n. Lazy lob on; half erect penis. “As in “The best I could manage was a semi”.

send a sausage to the seaside See sink a few U boats.

separate-us apparatus n. Condom; stiffy stocking. As in “Did you remember to bring the separate-us apparatus?” “Rat’s cocks! I didn’t. Perhaps we should just play the bagpipes (qv) tonight”.

serpent socket n. That hole with which the one eyed trouser snake (qv) connects.

shaft 1. v. To shag; screw. 2. n. Penis.
shag 1. v. To copulate; to fuck. 2. n. Sexual encounter; a screw. 3. US Fifties dance craze. 4. Type of sea bird. 5. Tobacco. 6. Something to do with arse grapes or carpets I think.

shagability n. Measureament of how shagable a person is.

shagable adj. Having a high degree of shagability.

shag bag n. Loose woman; bike.

shagged out adj. Exhausted; jiggered; buggered; zonked; fucked.

shagging a bike sim. To describe sex with a thin woman. “Some of these supermodels, they don’t look healthy. I don’t fancy that. It would be like shagging a bike”. Opposite of shagging a waterbed.

shag monster n. She who has a voracious appetite for sex. Not necessarily ugly.

shagnasty n. An ugly and sexually promiscuous female.

shag slab n. The altar of love; bed; passion pit; cock block; fart sack; scratcher.

shag tags n. Love bites; hickies; suckers; bruises from a physical bout of tonsil hockey.
shake hands with the Wookie v. Another in the ‘Wanking with Star Wars’ series. See also Hand Solo, duel with the pink Darth Vader.

shake hands with the wife’s best friend See shake the bishop’s hand.

shake the bishop’s hand v. Have a piss, as opposed to bashing the bishop (qv).

shake the lettuce v. female To pee. Specifically, to give the beef
curtains (qv) a quick tumble dry afterwards.

shake the snake v. Male equivalent of shaking the lettuce (qv) the object being to dislodge any forget-me-nots (qv) before returning the schlong (qv) to the shreddies (qv).

shaking hands with the unemployed v. Wanking.

shampoo the rug v. To lose one’s population paste (qv) on a mapatasi (qv). Perhaps when getting off at Edge Hill (qv).

shark’s fin n. The profile of a neighbour’s beetle bonnet (qv) viewed through a tight bikini bottom whilst sunbathing on the beach. See also sand hole.

shat on from a height v. To have been badly exploited; humiliated; let down.
shave a horse v. To have a piss; take a leak.

shaven haven n. Bald monkey’s forehead (qv).

shed n. Large, promiscuous woman. Somewhere to stick your tools.

Perdita pn. 1. A curly haired, avauntuncular cutie who is fixated on Venice, Calif. 2. v. To wear glasses on the end of the nose. "Ah cain't see shit thru these damn glasses, so ahma gonna perdita the fuckers an' look over the top."

shirtful n. A well stocked rack (qv). As in “My, what a shirtful”.

shirt lifter n. Uphill gardener; brown hatter. One who is light in the loafers.

shirt potatoes n. Tits; melons; top bollocks.

shit . shite 1. v. To shit; defecate; sink the Bismarck (qv), build a log cabin (qv), crimp one off (qv), light a bum cigar (qv) etc. 2. n. Crap; excrement; stools; faecal matter. 3. Git; sod; get; a shitty person, usually “little”. 4. Crap; useless. As in “Shit weather for this time of year, eh vicar?”

shit a brick 1. interj. Exclamation of surprise. 2. v. To be scared; to papper your trollies.

shit eating grin n. Exaggerated, smug, self-satisifed smile pulled deliberately to taunt others; as if to say “Eat shit”.

shiter (shy-tuh) n. Arse; kak cannon. That which shites.
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sanchopanza said:
Kak cannon? hahahahaha now there is something I've not heard before.
Dear Sanch,
That's the only one you haven't heard of? Good grief!
whispering_surrender said:
You know MG, I thought I had a pretty good vocabulary until you....
Dear WS,
Let me finish that thought for you: ".... made it even better."
shite house (shyt-howss) n. Outside lavatory; dunny.

shit on your own doorstep euph. Foul the nest. e.g. Shag your mother-in-law while you are totally pissed. See also piss on your chips.

shits, the n. Of smallroom dancing, those up tempo trots (qv) which include the Tijuana cha-cha (qv), the sour apple quickstep (qv) and the Aztec two-step, thin dirties.

shit stabber n. Pork swordsman.

shitter (shit-aa) 1. n. Anus; kakpipe; council gritter. 2. Sit down lavatory; the pan.

shit your pants v. To drop a brick; cake your kecks; papper your trollies.

shooting bunnies v. Polite euphemism for farting; pass wind; blow off. Also kill the Easter bunny.

shoot your load / bolt / wad v. To ejaculate; lose your mess; discharge the mutton musket (qv).

shopping n. The underpant aftermath of follow through (qv). As in “Did I detect a twin tone (qv)?” “Afraid so. I’d better go and check my trollies for shopping”.

shreddies n. Undercrackers; kecks; trollies.

shrimp v. To suck someone’s toes for sexual gratification, whether or not they have a vacuous, buck teethed smile, greasy hair, and a Chelsea football strip on.
shtup v. Yiddish To have sex; bonk; bang.

side winders n. Spaniel’s ears (qv) which appear to be gravitating towards the armpits.

singer n. Sexual athlete; he or she who goes at it (qv) like a sewing machine.

sing sweet violets v. Airy alternative to building a log cabin (qv); to take a dump.

sink a few U boats v. To pass a stool, as if dropping depth charges.

sink the Bismarck v. To pass one fucking enormous stool; deposit a U blocker.

sink the sausage See hide the sausage.

siphon the python v. Point Percy (qv) at the porcelain; have a piss.

sitting on an elephant adj. To be highly burbulent; to have brewed a massive one up. e.g. “Evacuate the room, women and children first. Mr Bennett is sitting on an elephant”. (Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen).

sixth gear n. Wanking, especially in a parked car. See also stick shift.

skid marks n. Severe russet gusset (qv); pebble dashing (qv) of the undercrackers.
MathGirl said:
sitting on an elephant adj. To be highly burbulent; to have brewed a massive one up. e.g. “Evacuate the room, women and children first. Mr Bennett is sitting on an elephant”. (Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen).

First she corrupts me with Terry Pratchett, then she destroys Jane Austen for me. MG, you're a very, very evil woman.:(
Originally posted by Svenskaflicka First she corrupts me with Terry Pratchett, then she destroys Jane Austen for me. MG, you're a very, very evil woman.:(
Dear Svenska,
I take great pride in having introduced you to T.Pratchett. As for the quote, I have no idea if it's true. See first post in this long, exhausting thread.
Ps. Watch whatcha say to me, Swede. Your name comes up soon, and the definition is subject to change.
Pps. Where's Perdita? Do I need to start a poetry thread asking about that?
Svenskaflicka said:
Surely you wouldn't do anything... bad, out of my name, now would you?:cool:
Dear Svenska,
Ummm.... probably not. One doesn't want to take unnecessary chances, though, does one.
Ps. I'd prefer that you not call me Shirley.

slam in the lamb v. Bayonet manoeuvre involving the mutton musket (qv).

slap and tickle n. A bit (qv); a portion (qv); a bit of it (qv); the other (qv); rumpy-pumpy.

slaphead See chrome dome.

slaphood n. Adolescent years of a slapper (qv).

slapper n. Slag; dirty woman. She who has been around a bit.

slappette n. Betracksuited, hickied, bubblegum chewing, scrunchie (qv) wearing fledgling slapper (qv).

slap the monkey See bash the bishop. Also spank the monkey.

slash n. A piss; wee wee.

slash and burn n. 1. Third world deforestation technique. 2. A painful symptom of venereal disease.

slash palace n. Public lavatory.

sleeping beast n. Flaccid cock; marshmallowed main pipe (qv).

slime (ss-loym) v. Aus To ejaculate; chuck ones muck. As in: “Hev yer slimed yet Bruce?” “Will yer shat ap Sheila, ya puttin’ me orf”.
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slip a length v. To shag, from the male viewpoint. As in “I’d slip her a length any day of the week”.

slip her a crippler v. A few notches up from slip her a length (qv); shag someone so hard they can’t walk.

slit n. Blit; fanny; vertical bacon sandwich.

sloppy seconds n. Of pulling trains and gang bangs, to be in the coach immediately behind the engine; to take second pick in a box of assorted creams (qv). See also stirring the porridge, buttered bun.
slot n. Vulva; button hole.

slut n. Slapper; slag; bike.

smeg n. 1. Jizz; joy gloy; jism. 2. Amusingly named Swedish manufacturer of white goods.

smegma See smeg.

smegma dome See bell end.

smoke the bald man v. To light up a salami cigarette. smoke the white owl See smoke the bald man.

smuggling a brownie v. To have the turtle’s head (qv). As in “He seemed quite anxious to get away. I suspect he was smuggling a brownie”.
smut n. Filth; pornography jazzmags; skin-flicks etc.

snake v. To scrump; schtup; skeeze. To let loose the one-eyed trouser snake (qv) on a mink, beaver, pussy etc.

snake charmer n. A girl who has an uplifting effect on your pant python. As in “Phoar! She’s a bit of a snake charmer. I’m pitching a trouser tent right here and now”.

snatch n. Quim; vagina.

snatch mouse n. Tampon. Also cotton mouse.

snookered behind the red v. Unable to sink the pink due to the time of month. The only pot on is a difficult brown (qv).

snorker n. Australian for sausage, both eating and hiding varieties.

snowdropper n. Underwear fetishist who steals to sniff, usually from washing lines. See also knicker bandit, snufty.

snudge v. To sniff a ladies bicycle seat after she leaves it chained to park railings. Also known as quumfing. See also snufty.

snufty n. One who derives pleasure from sniffing, bicycle seats, drip trays (qv), socks etc.

snurgle See snudge.

snurglar n. Quumfer; snudger; bicycle snufty.