Up Your Vocabulary with MG - A Daily Contribution

shite hawk, n. one who swoops on stupid ideas, "he jumped on the idea like a fucking shite hawk"
soap-on-a-roper n. Heterosexual male who prefers not to bend down in communal showers.

soapy tit wank n. Sausage sandwich (qv) served in the bath or shower.

sod n. A loose piece of turf in an uphill garden.

sour apple quickstep n. Another diarrhoea dance. As in: “Your wife is taking rather a long time in the powder room”. “Yes, I’m afraid she’s dancing the sour apple quickstep tonight”. See also Tijuana cha-cha.

sow n. One notch up from cow on the female insult scale.

spadger n. Aus. Vagina.

Spam alley n. A haven for Spam javelin (qv) throwing.

Spam castanets n. Labia. As in “My hobbies include playing the Spam castanets”.

Spam fritters n. Labia; tasty alternative to a vertical bacon sandwich (qv), especially served in batter.

Spam javelin n. Penis.

Spam sceptre n. Largest of the family jewels (qv).

spaniel’s ears n. Sagging, flat thruppenny bits. Also snoopies.
spanking n. A form of corporal classroom punishment still practised in rub-a-tug shops (qv). See also Mr Whippy.

spank the monkey See spank the plank.

spank the plank v. Bash the bishop; burp the worm.

spanky hanky n. Jit gel rag; wank sock. Anything used for clearing up Aphrodite’s araldite afterwards.

spanner n. Top totty (qv); she who tightens your nuts.

spare n. In a meat market (qv), that totty (qv) which is not yet sold.

spasm chasm See spam alley.

spear the bearded clam v. A trick involving a spam javelin (qv) and said hairy bivalve.

spend tuppence in ha’-pennies and farthings v. To pass loose stools; have diarrhoea.

spew 1. v. To vomit; park a tiger; be sick. 2. n. The sick itself. As in “Mum. This soup tastes like spew”.

spider’s legs n. Of muffs (qv), rogue pubic hairs which protrude beyond the knicker line; a pant moustache.

spit v. What women do if they won’t swallow (qv).

spit roast n. Someone simultaneously skewered at both ends by pork swords (qv); a sausage jockey (qv) who plays a pink oboe (qv) whilst still in the saddle. See also lucky Pierre.
splashback n. Unfortunate tidal effect of a depth charge (qv) or belly flopper (qv) within the pan resulting in splashing of the arse.

splash me boots v. To have a piss; take a leak. Definitely not to
be confused with fuck me shoes (qv).

splosh n. Cockney 1. Sex; crumpet; fanny. As in “Gor bloimey, squire, I fink I’ll go dahn the old rub-a-dub and get moiself a bit o’splosh”. 2. Money.

sponge n. Of homosexual relationships, the submissive partner; the noshee as opposed to the nosher. Usually the thin one. See also stone.

sports bag n. A functional cottaging accessory in which one partner stands to conceal his feet and avoid detection by lavatory attendants looking under the door. See also Bosch, cottage.

spuds deep n. Up to the buffers (qv).

spunk n. 1. Semen; seed. 2. Spirit; pluck. 3. Aus. Good looking man; dish; hunk. 4. Tinder made from fungus.

spunk dustbin Also spunk bucket.See bucket fanny, box of assorted creams.

Spurt Reynolds n. Pet name for the tearful bald man sitting on the hairy beanbags (qv). See also make a bald man cry.

*plays theme from Jaws as MG gets closer and closer to Sv- in her dictionary*
Svenskaflicka said:
*plays theme from Jaws as MG gets closer and closer to Sv- in her dictionary*
Dear Svenska,
Don't papper yer trollies, Swede. I'm gonna be nice to you.
squeak the breeze v. US To fart; talk German; pass wind.

squeeze the cheese v. Dairy equivalent of sausage stretching.; to wank.

squirts n. In arsemology, a series of eruptions resulting in a pyroclastic flow from the farting fissure. A condition also known as the skitters.

squits n. Dangerous wet farts, constantly bordering on the follow through (qv).

stalk n. Erection; stiffy. As in “Pardon me if I look like a tripod. I can’t seem to get rid of this stalk”.

stalk fever n. Condition affecting men on big cock day (qv).

steak drapes n. Gammon goalposts; beef curtains.

stealth bomber n. Subtle leg lifter (qv); undetected benefactor (qv); phantom farter (qv).

stench trench n. disaffectionate Fanny.

steg n. Woman resembling a ferocious, spiny, squat, pre-historic dinosaur. abbr. Stegosaurus. Compare lickalotopus.

step on a duck v. To create a quack; fart. orig. From a remark made by King Edward VI upon hearing a hunting companion sound his trouser trumpet (qv). “Sir, I may be mistaken, but I do believe you have stepped on a duck”.

step on a frog Also tread on a frog. See step on a duck.
stick shifter n. Wanker.

sticky belly flap cock n. Post wank condition suffered by bishop bashers (qv).

stiffy . stiffie n. A bone on; erection. Also Mr Stiffy.

stiffy stocking n. Rascal wrapper; cheesepipe cling-film; Spurt Reynolds’ sick-bag.

Stilton muffle n. Pungent and unwashed fish mitten (qv).

stink 1. n. The distinctive odour of well matured knob cheese, eggy air biscuits etc. 2. v. To emit such a smell; to ming. 3. n. A fuss. 4. n. Aus. A scrap; fight.

stinky finger adj. Having ate the captain’s pie (qv) without a knife and fork. Also stinky pinky.

stirring the porridge v. To have sloppy seconds (qv); to dip into a billposter’s bucket (qv).

stoat n. In the world of pant nature, the natural prey of the one-eyed trouser snake (qv).

stone n. Of gay men and women, the opposite to a sponge (qv); the dominant partner.

stones n. Olde Worlde Balls.
strain your greens v. To have a piss.

strangle Kojak v. Male masturbation; peel the carrot; stroke the Wookie. See also Kojak’s roll-neck.

strapadictomy n. Routine operation to strap on a dildo.

strum v. A relaxed tug.

strumpet n. Olde Worlde Prostitute.

stuffing a marshmallow in a piggy bank v. Of those unfortunate situations involving brewer’s droop (qv), attempting to force your loose sausage meat (qv) into the slot (qv).

succubus n. A phantom night-time cock sucker once thought to be responsible for nocturnal emissions (qv).

suck off v. To end it all by shooting yourself in the mouth with the mutton musket (qv).

sugared almond n. Clitoris
Pour la Swede

Sevnskaflicka pn. Gorgeous, talented Swedish Lit goddess. Hobbies: Yodeling, making clocks. Secretly likes to be called "Sven."

swallow v. 1. What women do when they don’t spit; what Goldilocks did to one of the three bears’ porridge. 2. A small, split-tailed bird that returns to San Juan Capistrano each spring and shits all over everything.

swallow the oysters v. Swallow as in swallow (qv), oysters as in pearls, pearls as in pearl necklace (qv).

swamp donkey n. Female bereft of physical beauty; tug boat; boiler; sea monster; steg.

Swedish n. 1. Greek (qv) buttfucking. 2. A particularly tasty type of meatball 3. A European known for shouting, "Yumpin' Yimminy!"

sweet FA acronym Sweet Fanny Adams and/or fuck all; absolutely nothing.

switch hitter US n. Person who bats with both hands; bisexual; AC/DC.

siphon the python v. To take a Chinese signing lesson (qv); see a man about a dog.

taco tickler n. Gusset typist.
Passing by again, Maths. I hope Svenska is pleased, you did good by her I'd say. Looking forward to "wetback".

gently, Perdita
Originally posted by perdita I hope Svenska is pleased, you did good by her I'd say.
Dear Perdita,
You were mentioned a few days ago, too. Out of order, but it's there.
tadpole net n. Blob; rubber Johnny; cheesepipe clingfilm.

tadpole yoghurt n. Gentleman’s relish; dressing for a sausage sandwich (qv).

tagnuts n. Toffee strings; winnets; clinkers; dangleberries; bead curtains.

tail ender n. Small dollop of do that you must wait for after the main stool has been expelled; the final roof detail to be applied when building a log cabin (qv).

tailpipe n. US Ass hole. In Britain exhaust pipe (qv).

tail shot n. The release of tail wind (qv).

tail wind n. Botty gas; air biscuits.

taint n. Niffin’s bridge (qv). Because it tain’t arse and it tain’t fanny”.

take an air dump v. To fart; blow off.

talk German v. To fart; blow off; puff on an imaginary bum cigar (qv).

talk on the great white telephone v. To be sick in the lavatory. See drive the porcelain bus (qv).

tallywhacker 18thC. n. Penis; old man.
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, You were mentioned a few days ago, too. Out of order, but it's there.
Ah, Cheeky, I am so touched, quite honored really. Hope Svenska doesn't get too jealous, haha.


(almost K-H'd you, but controlled myself)
tampon n. A small, highly sophisticated implant which enables women to play tennis.

tardis fanny n. Deceptively spacious snatch; cathedral; bargain bucket.

tart n. Slapper; dolly bird. Sometimes used affectionately. e.g. When describing Boy George.

tart’s window box, a n. What you smell like when you’ve got too much after shave on.

tatties n. Testicles; spuds.

TBS Toxic Bott Syndrome. To suffer from severe noxious emissions or brewer’s farts (qv). See also burn bad powder.

TCM n. Turd cutting muscle; crimper; anal sphincter.
tea towel holder n. Anus; ringpiece; freckle. From the 1950s plastic ‘finger poke’ style kitchen accessory.

technicolour yawn See pavement pizza. Chunder.

teddy’s leg n. State of stool expulsion somewhere beyond the turtle’s head (qv), but prior to touching sock (qv). More like
chewing a brick (qv); midway through smoking a bum cigar.

tee off v. To wank and/or fart. Not necessarily at the same time.
tenpin v. To place digits simultaneously in the tea towel holder (qv) and the fish mitten (qv). From the grip used in ten pin bowling.

tent pole n. Stiffy; erect penis, especially in bed. See also trouser tent, morning glory, wake up with Jake up.

thatch hatch n. Vagina; hairy pie.

thrap . thrape v. To masturbate furiously; to give it six nowt on the Right Honourable Member for Underpants.

three coiler n. Dog turd; the curled and crimped result of not having walked the dog, usually found on a carpet.

throttle the turkey v. The Norfolk wank.

thumper n. Erection; stalk; stiffy.

thunder bags n. Underpants; trollies.

thunder box n. archaic Lavatory; shitter. Also thunder bowl.

thunder mug n. Chamber pot; piss pot.

ticklers n. Corrugated condoms; amusing French letters.
tickle the pickle See jerkin the gherkin.

Tijuana bible n. US Jazz-mag; porny book. (Hardcore rhythmic reading is readily available to Americans in the neighbouring Mexican town.)

Tijuana cha-cha n. The trots.

tile hanger’s nailbags sim. Sagging, lumpy tits. As in “She had tits like a tile hanger’s nailbags”.

tit fairies n. Fictional visitors who magically transform the wife’s fried eggs (qv) into TNTs (qv) during and after pregnancy.

tits n. 1. Breasts; knockers. As in “What a pair of tits”. 2. Foolish or derisory people. As in “What a bunch of tits”. 3. Nerves. See wick. 4. a small, noisy bird.

titty fuck See sausage sandwich.

tit wank See soapy tit wank.

TNTs Two nifty tits.

toffee strings See bead curtains.
todger n. Penis. Also tadger.

todger toaster n. Vagina; cockwash.

tonker n. Penis; term coined by Terry Pratchett

tonsil hockey n. Kissing; spit swapping. As in: “Fancy a game of tonsil hockey?”

tool n. Penis; manhood. All the DIY enthusiast needs, along with his wanking spanners (qv), to get the job done.

toosh n. Totty. From US tush meaning ‘arse’.

toot See poot.

toothless sea lion sim. Smelly and unkempt minge (qv). As in “She had a fanny like a toothless sea lion”. See also bulldog eating porrige.

topless relief n. Bordellospeak for a bird with her tits out giving you a wank.

toss v. 1. To wank, usually “yourself off”. 2. To flip pancakes through 180 degrees during cooking.

tosser’s twitch n. 1. Nervous affliction suffered by wankers during periods of abstinence. 2. wanker's colic.
MathGirl said:
. . .
toosh n. Totty. From US tush meaning ‘arse’.
. . .

Hey, MG,

Enjoy checking these out each day. I'm pretty sure you are relying on the referenced site for most of these, but I think someone made a mistake here.

I think the original derivation of this is Yiddish - 'Tukas' and represents an anglicized pronunciation of an appropriately guttural sound.
Dear OnD,
You're probably right. I just quote them here and occasionally throw in something of my own. Oh, I also correct most of the spelling errors from the original site.

toss parlour See rub-a-tug shop.

toss pot n. A person held in low esteem; a fuckwit; a drunkard.

touching cloth adj. That stooling stage immediately after turtle’s head (qv) when the movement establishes contact with the
trollies. As in: “Is there a bog round here mate? I’m touching cloth”.

touching socks adj. The stage by which time it is far too late to look for a toilet.

tradesmen’s entrance n. Back passage.

tranny n. Transsexual, transvestite, transparency or transit van. e.g. A fettish photographer might say “Shit. I left that tranny of the tranny in the back of the tranny”.

travel fat n. Unexplained Jake (qv) which appears mysteriously during long bus journeys. In military parlance convoy cock.

tread on a frog v. A wetter sounding version of step on a duck (qv).

tree log n. A chocolate shark (qv) whose snout is in the water before its tail leaves your arse; Castro's cigar (qv). See also teddy’s arm, grow a tail.
trollies n. Formerly posh term for kecks; thunder bags; shreddies.

trots, the n. Frequent rapid foot movement required to convey a diarrhoea sufferer to the lavatory. See also Tijuana cha-cha, sour apple quickstep, Turkish two-step.

trouser bandit n. Slightly more polite version of bum bandit (qv).

trouser chuff See chuff.

trouser cough n. Fart; botty burp.

trousered adj. Wasted; arseholed; wankered; cream crackered.

trouser leg trombonist n. Popular female musician who plays in the same ensemble as the skin flautist and pink oboe virtuoso.

trouser Mauser n. A small rapid firing porridge gun (qv). See also pump action mottgun, mutton musket.

trouser rake n. Stiffer version of the trouser snake. Often pops up and hits women in the face when stood on.